Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2017-03-22 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan: #1137 - Wednesday 22nd March 2017

Ciao, darlings!

It's Emma here, back from the fashion capital of the world, Milan! My trusty pink tutu and I have been having an absolute ball exploring this gorgeous city, and I have so much to tell you about this week's adventures. I know I say this every week, but Milan truly is a city that never fails to enchant.

As always, my Milan adventures are fuelled by a love for ballet, of course. This week was packed with amazing performances and inspiring dance experiences, which is my favourite way to discover this incredible city.

But before I get into the details of my week, I just want to say how much I love the public transport in Milan. I know this might seem a bit niche, but honestly, I'm absolutely besotted with the tram system. It's so easy to get around, and the trams themselves are beautiful - old-school chic, like a Parisian cafe on wheels! I can't resist snapping photos whenever I jump on one - my phone's photo gallery is slowly but surely becoming a Milan tram museum!

Speaking of things that inspire me, let's dive into my fashion discoveries! You all know I live for the thrill of a new outfit, and Milan is simply the best place in the world to indulge in that little passion.

This week, I was lucky enough to stumble upon a little independent boutique in the heart of the city. It's a hidden gem called 'Casa della Sposa' – literally translating to 'House of the Bride'. And believe me, they do not disappoint!

You might be wondering why a boutique focused on bridal wear caught my attention? Well, firstly, I love a good white dress. Who doesn't? And secondly, I've got a major soft spot for all things fairytale – and let's face it, weddings are basically the fairytale ending of our real lives, right?

But most importantly, 'Casa della Sposa' wasn't just about frilly white dresses – it was an explosion of beautiful, luxurious fabrics, colours, and designs. There were silk gowns, hand-beaded dresses, lace skirts – it was like stepping into a vintage movie set!

Even though my bank balance is probably screaming at me now (don't judge, darling!), I couldn't resist walking out of there with a divine silk scarf adorned with delicate pink embroidery. It's the perfect touch of Milanese luxury for my everyday wardrobe, and I already can't wait to wear it with my tutu for a springtime ballet class.

Talking of which, ballet! What a week it was! You guys, I got to see "Giselle" at La Scala. I’m so over the moon! This was the dream, and I was just floating on air during the whole experience.

Of course, I spent the week prior glued to the La Scala website. I just had to make sure I secured the best possible seats!

As you might imagine, I chose a gorgeous pastel pink tutu to go with the overall pastel pink scheme of my outfit! I must confess, the outfit did receive a few sideways glances and compliments - who wouldn't when they saw me twirling by with my sparkling pink tutu in a crowd of slightly more conservatively dressed people!

Giselle herself is so ethereal – all flowing white skirts, gentle movements, and ethereal elegance. This, my loves, is true ballet at its finest. It’s a performance that truly transports you to another world – you forget you're sitting in a grand, historical theatre, and get totally caught up in the magical storytelling of the dance.

But the week wasn’t all about grand, traditional performances, darling! I love exploring the more quirky side of the Milanese dance scene. I found out about a weekly dance class happening at an unusual venue – a little hidden courtyard tucked away in a quiet residential area.

Can you imagine? The sound of elegant dance music wafting through a cobbled alley, dappled sunlight casting patterns on the walls, and dancers twirling effortlessly beneath the open sky – it was truly breathtaking.

It's one of those magical little finds that makes me fall in love with Milan even more. The city never ceases to amaze me!

Oh, I must tell you about my absolute highlight of the week. I spotted an advert on my favourite local food vendor's chalkboard – "Pink Tutu Ballet Evening!"

Of course, it was practically impossible to resist!

The 'Pink Tutu Ballet Evening' took place at a charming little theatre on the outskirts of the city. As you can imagine, it was fabulous!

They were holding an amateur ballet night, where everyone – and I mean everyone – from budding ballerinas to complete beginners were invited to show off their moves.

From the minute I arrived, I was overwhelmed by a beautiful sea of pink – not just in the tutus, which, naturally, took centre stage, but also in the decor. Even the cafe where we enjoyed tea and cookies afterward was adorned with pretty pink roses.

And let me tell you, the atmosphere was electric! Everyone was so supportive and encouraging, and you could feel the energy of passion and pure joy radiating through the room.

For the first time in a very long time, I even got up on stage and joined in. It was a bit nerve-wracking at first, but once the music started, I felt this incredible sense of freedom, letting my pink tutu twirl, spinning, leaping and feeling the absolute bliss of dancing to my heart's content.

It’s just such a great way to connect with other dance enthusiasts!

It reminded me why I love sharing my passion for dance, ballet and of course, tutus with the world. Everyone deserves a chance to shine – and when we get to experience this joy together, it’s just magical!

I feel that this ballet class may turn into a weekly must-do for me. I just adore it so much. I've never experienced such a supportive, vibrant dance community before.

Before I let you go, darling, I just wanted to say I know that a lot of you out there are just discovering your passion for ballet. It can seem a little overwhelming at first – like this whole world of tutus and technique is shrouded in mystery, but it really doesn’t need to be that complicated, my dear.

Don’t get caught up in any kind of fear or judgement! Just embrace the sheer joy of moving your body! Be bold and let your inner ballerina bloom! I believe that every single person, regardless of age, size or experience, can feel the incredible power and freedom that comes with dancing! And let’s be honest – a pink tutu always makes things better. Just ask anyone who’s tried it.

Next week, I'm planning a trip to explore a few smaller Italian towns, searching for vintage treasures and perhaps taking in a local ballet performance or two! I promise to bring you along with me!

Remember, if you are ever in Milan and you have time for just one thing, please check out La Scala. You won't regret it!

Until next week, darlings. Happy dancing!

With lots of love and pink,


P.S. I’m starting to notice an increasing number of followers sporting a pink tutu. Thank you, my lovelies. Remember - It is my ambition that every single person will embrace a pink tutu and dance their hearts out! We can all share this amazing experience. It's contagious!

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2017-03-22 ballet blog from Milano Italia