Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2017-05-03 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan: #1143 – A Whirlwind of Pink in Milan! 🩰🇮🇹

Buongiorno, darling readers! It's Emma here, back from another adventure, this time from the fashion capital of the world, Milano! This week, I'm bursting at the seams with excitement, not just because of the stunning city, but also because May 3rd held a special surprise – the launch of Pink Tutu Milano! 🎀✨ Yep, you heard me right! My very own, bespoke pink tutu line designed with the vibrant spirit of this incredible city in mind.

Milan, oh Milan! The sheer abundance of breathtaking fashion, art, and culture is a true inspiration! From the moment I arrived, a flurry of silk scarves, shimmering gold jewellery, and of course, a beautiful array of ballet-inspired shoes whipped past my eyes, making me feel like a modern-day Cinderella, all set to attend a grand ball in my most dazzling tutu!

The air here vibrates with an electric energy, the perfect soundtrack to my Milan escapade! Just picture it: Me, twirling along the bustling streets, catching glimpses of Duomo Milan, a architectural masterpiece that appears like it's been sculpted from a dreamscape!

My Milan Diaries: A Pink Tutu's Guide to the City

Speaking of dreams, my accommodation is a dream come true! I’ve found myself in the most adorable little flat, nestled in the heart of the city, just a skip and a hop away from the action. With pastel pink walls, a window box brimming with vibrant geraniums, and enough fluffy pink pillows to make even the most seasoned ballerina feel like royalty, it truly is my Italian pink paradise!

This week, my life in Milan was a whirlwind of pink-hued activities, showcasing that life, just like a well-executed pirouette, is all about the elegant spins, captivating dips, and joyous twirls. So let me regale you with a snippet of my most unforgettable moments!

Monday: The Charm of a Vintage Find I'm an avid vintage lover, so on Monday, I indulged myself in the delightful world of antique shops. There were so many gorgeous pieces that I felt like I was swimming through a sea of historical treasures! I came away with a beautifully embroidered lace shawl, perfect for layering over my signature pink tutus. I love the timeless elegance and the sense of history that vintage finds hold – like discovering a piece of art from a bygone era.

Tuesday: Ballet in a Magnificent Theater Oh, how I love the magic of theatre! On Tuesday, I attended a ballet performance at the majestic Teatro alla Scala. From the exquisitely ornate décor to the soaring ceilings, the entire experience was simply magical. I watched with a lump in my throat and a thrill running through my spine as the talented ballerinas gracefully flowed across the stage, embodying the true artistry of this cherished art form. You see, it's not just about the tutus and the steps; ballet, to me, is about the poetry of movement, a language that transcends cultures and touches the soul.

Wednesday: Pink Tutu Milan is Born! A little pink magic happened on Wednesday! The first Pink Tutu Milan tutu collection launched! My vision for this line was to encapsulate Milan's vibrant energy and infuse it with the elegance and allure of ballet. 🩰 I incorporated fabrics that embody the spirit of Milan: soft velvet, intricate lace, silk, and satin, each showcasing the city's unique artistry. Each tutu is designed with a special detail - delicate pearl embellishments, dazzling rhinestones, and captivating hues of pink, adding a touch of Milanese chic to every twirl.

I've been dreaming of this day for a while now and seeing my creations finally take shape, and being worn by so many lovely ladies (and even some gentlemen!) was a truly heart-warming moment.

Thursday: Shopping for More Tutu-licious Inspiration! A fashion trip to Milan is never complete without indulging in a bit of retail therapy, wouldn't you say? I spent my Thursday in a frenzy of high-street shops and independent boutiques, scouting for new fabrics and textures that could make their way into future Pink Tutu Milan collections. I found some exquisite silks, satins, and lace that would perfectly compliment the designs and would leave anyone feeling ready for a royal ballet performance!

Friday: La Bella Vita with a Tram Ride Ah, Friday! It's time to embrace the Milanese "La Bella Vita" - a philosophy all about living life beautifully. For me, it's all about embracing the small joys in life! On this particular Friday, it was a delightful tram ride! The rhythmic clack-clack of the tram on the tracks as it navigates the cobbled streets felt like a waltz of the city itself! With the open windows, a warm breeze carrying the delicious aroma of freshly baked bread and the charming chatter of locals filled the air.

Saturday: Ballet in the Open Air This Saturday, I had the chance to catch an open-air ballet performance in Piazza del Duomo! Imagine, graceful ballerinas moving to the beat of live music with the backdrop of the breathtaking Duomo. I can't get over how this extraordinary city has so much beauty packed into every corner! I even managed to secure a prime spot, sat in a picnic blanket, munching on some delicious pastries as the show unfolded before my eyes. It truly felt like something out of a film!

Sunday: Rest and Reflect - My Pink Tutu Moment After a week jam-packed with activities, I ended my Milan adventures with a relaxing afternoon at a little courtyard cafe, reflecting on everything I experienced. As the sun painted the sky in a beautiful array of oranges, pinks and blues, it felt like I was reflecting back on the entire journey – all the emotions, discoveries, and the countless opportunities for laughter and inspiration.

This journey wasn't just about the sights, the shopping, and the performances, it was also about how those things brought back a bit of myself to me! In a nutshell, it was all about reminding me who I am. My passion for the beauty of dance and its impact on the world remains stronger than ever!

I realized that my quest to inspire people to wear pink tutus wasn’t about vanity or fleeting trends. It was about unleashing joy, embracing individuality, and adding a touch of playful charm to the world! And in that very moment, sitting amidst the charming hustle and bustle of this glorious city, I felt a sense of contentment knowing that I’ve spread a bit of Pink Tutu Magic in the fashion capital itself, Milan!

The Art of Spreading Joy

Now, before I get carried away by my dreamy memories of Milan, I'd like to leave you with a few of my reflections about this journey:

  • *Follow your passion: *Life is too short to hold back. If something makes your heart sing, then embrace it with all your being! Whether it's the graceful elegance of ballet, the allure of pink tutus, or any other passion that sets your soul on fire, go after it with relentless enthusiasm!
  • Embrace your individuality: Don't let anyone tell you who you should be. Be bold, be brave, and above all, be authentically yourself. Just like a perfectly executed grand jeté, it's about expressing your individuality, owning your strengths and embracing what makes you unique.
  • Share the joy: We're all connected in this incredible tapestry of life! Find ways to brighten up the day of others, sprinkle a bit of magic into the world, and be a source of positive energy! It can be a simple smile, a kind word, a beautiful gesture or even a touch of pink magic, like wearing your own signature Pink Tutu with pride.

As I sign off for this week, I want to remind you: You are perfectly capable of achieving your dreams! Believe in yourself, pursue your passions, and never stop believing in the power of pink to make the world a little bit brighter! ✨

So keep those tutus twirling, and until next Monday, keep shining, darlings! XOXO,


P.S: Don't forget to check out the new Pink Tutu Milan Collection! Head over to my website to find your perfect pink twirl companion! 💕

P.P.S: What do you think of my pink tutu adventures in Milan? Leave me a comment and let's chat! 😉

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2017-05-03 ballet blog from Milano Italia