Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2018-02-21 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan #1185: Ciao Bella, Milano!

Wednesday, 2018-02-21

Buongiorno, darlings! It's Emma here, your favourite pink-tutu-wearing ballerina blogger, ready to whisk you away to the beautiful city of Milan! As the crisp, clean Italian air whips through my perfectly pink tutu (it's a new one, just bought from the most darling shop in the heart of the city!), I can't help but feel a wave of excitement washing over me. This is, after all, Milan! The fashion capital of the world, a city brimming with artistry and elegance. And I'm here, right in the thick of it all, ready to share my adventures with you.

This week has been a whirlwind of culture, elegance, and of course, a little bit of pink! It all started with a breathtaking ballet performance at the Teatro alla Scala, one of the most prestigious opera houses in the world. The sheer grandeur of the theatre itself was enough to make my heart skip a beat, and the performance? Well, it was a visual and emotional masterpiece! I'm talking soaring leaps, elegant pirouettes, and a passion that ignited every fibre of my being.

I could spend hours just talking about the ballet, but we wouldn't have time for everything else, would we? After all, Milan is a city that caters to every whim. Fashionistas like me will be in absolute heaven. You'll find me wandering through the luxury boutiques of Via Monte Napoleone, marveling at the exquisitely crafted shoes, designer handbags, and the most divine silk dresses! Each boutique was a symphony of colours, textures, and design, leaving me wanting to buy it all!

But of course, I know that shopping isn't just about the clothes – it's also about the atmosphere, the experience. And let me tell you, Milan's shopping scene is unparalleled. Even a quick glance into the shop windows is an experience! It's all about the details, the perfect blend of heritage and innovation.

The most fun part of shopping is the people-watching! And oh, the people of Milan! Everyone looks so incredibly stylish. They are living embodiments of elegance and grace, radiating effortless sophistication. It's impossible not to be swept up in their effortless charm! I just love the sense of glamour and individuality that pervades the city. And of course, there's always the opportunity to spot the next big fashion trend!

Milan is a city of contrasts, however, and a place where the old and the new meet with astonishing grace. While the chic boutiques may entice you with their cutting-edge fashions, don't be fooled. This city has a soul that runs deeper than designer labels. There's history around every corner, from the majestic Duomo cathedral, a masterpiece of gothic architecture, to the serene courtyards and hidden gardens of the Brera district, where history whispers in every stone.

Exploring this incredible city is a joy! From the elegant trams that glide smoothly through the streets, to the historic metro, I feel like a character straight out of a beautiful fairy tale. Each ride is a new adventure, taking me deeper into the heart of this vibrant city. I love that the tram and train take me straight to the centre of it all. A real adventure, for a little ballerina with a pink tutu and a heart full of dreams!

But let's not forget, a pink tutu isn't just for ballet, darlings. This weekend, I am ready to dance the night away at the iconic Teatro alla Scala, to experience the magic of ballet at its most esteemed. It's the ultimate celebration of the beauty of movement, artistry, and grace. A truly inspiring occasion.

You can bet your pink tutus, darling, I'll be back next week with another amazing update from the fabulous city of Milan! Keep checking back on my pink-tutu blog –

Don't forget to grab your pink tutus and join me on this magical adventure. Remember, with a little bit of pink and a whole lot of heart, anything is possible. Until next time, stay glamorous, and never stop dancing to your own beat!


Emma x

P.S. I found the most exquisite pink tutus in Milan, darlings! This one is particularly special – it's made from silk and features delicate embroidery of little pink flowers. I just have to get you all wearing them! Imagine a city full of pink tutus. I think it would be divine!

P.P.S I must tell you about a fabulous little ballet class I discovered hidden in a courtyard in the city. Imagine, dancing in the Italian sunshine! The other girls in the class were so lovely. We all giggled, it's true! And of course, we all wore pink tutus, well, a few of us, including yours truly. We giggled about this – one girl, Beatrice, told me that if she had worn pink, she would feel she was "trying to be something she isn't." That got me thinking, and then I replied "I know I love pink, I embrace who I am! You don't have to be me, and you don't have to try. That is what makes life exciting and beautiful and wonderful – all different." I can't help but share what makes my life fabulous, and that is pink, pink and a whole lot more pink! And just a bit more pink!

P.P.P.S And speaking of fashion, the shops here are a haven for everything sparkly! There was a little store tucked away behind a flower shop – I love the magic of that. It had the most exquisite display of beautiful hairbands! So, naturally, I bought myself three, because who can resist sparkly hairbands, darlings? You know I am off to add these beauties to my collection at home! You can see them all on my blog. I try to update my pictures weekly.

P.P.P.P.S. And I just HAVE to share, I just witnessed the most incredible sight at a café today! This lady, I think her name is Luisa (it's Italy, you know) – had the most extraordinary hat. It was huge, like a beautiful bird's nest made from bright red and purple feathers. Luisa's dress was a deep green velvet with gorgeous lace trim. She wore long red gloves. And she had a pink parasol – with lace trim! I love how Milan has such individual style! Just watching her saunter down the street – I swear, her heels were at least 4 inches tall! – made me want to run home and pull out my pink tutus!

P.P.P.P.P.S. And remember, the next Pink Tutu Milan blog is on Monday.


Emma x

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2018-02-21 ballet blog from Milano Italia