Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2018-10-03 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan: #1217 - Wednesday 3rd October 2018 - A Ballerina’s Guide to Milan

Ciao Bella!

The sun is shining, the air is crisp and the pavements are shimmering - I can already tell that Milan is going to be a total dream. Today marks the start of my Italian adventure, and let me tell you, the anticipation is electric! I’m bubbling with excitement for all the amazing ballet performances, elegant shops, delicious food and the most fabulous trams I've ever seen - what's not to love?!

I left Derbyshire this morning with a pink tutu bouncing in my bag, feeling like a princess in disguise. It was a little misty in my home village, a lovely reminder of all those crisp Derbyshire autumn walks. But I've got my new sparkly pink scarf packed, and my trusty pink ballet shoes are in the case - I'm ready to embrace the city of fashion in all its glory.

My train journey to London was blissful. I was sat next to the sweetest old lady who told me all about her granddaughter, a ballet dancer! It's so heartwarming to hear those stories of passion and dedication, isn't it? She was even more thrilled to hear that I was going to Milan to watch La Scala ballet - her face just lit up like a Christmas tree. The joy of sharing that passion is infectious, I tell you!

My arrival in London’s Gatwick Airport was met with a charming Italian couple who are the loveliest of souls. They even said “hello” in a funny little way - “a-llo-la!" I thought that was brilliant! The gentleman gave me the cutest pink feather boa – it was totally unexpected and truly warmed my heart. I knew this trip was already going to be special.

A touch of pink in a sea of grey

After a smooth Eurostar journey across the channel, I finally landed in Milan Centrale – the grandest, most opulent train station you've ever seen! Marble floors, towering ceilings and stunning art - I was absolutely starstruck. It felt a little like walking into a film set, but more glamorous, with a distinct feeling of old-world elegance.

It didn't take long to notice a difference between Milan and other cities - there's definitely a fashionista vibe here! The street style is bold, confident and elegant, a beautiful mix of classic and modern. But you know what's the best part? It's not stuffy or intimidating. I’m already feeling super inspired.

The first thing I did after collecting my luggage was take a moment to really absorb the scene. And I can tell you, my fellow tutu-lovers, the streets here are so stylish – I've got a feeling I’m going to have a serious case of “window-shopping addiction" while I'm here!

The hunt for the perfect tutu begins!

Naturally, after finding my accommodation and leaving my bags (my room was absolutely lovely!), my first stop was for a quick fashion fix – what else? I knew I needed to start my hunt for a special tutu, the one I'd been saving this trip for, and trust me, I found a treasure trove in a beautiful little shop in the city centre. I could have stayed in there all day, browsing the racks, and finally... oh, I have to stop right here, or I'll give everything away! I simply MUST save that little story for the next post – but I can tell you, my intuition was spot on and my pink tutu is going to be a real star this week.

Dancing on Tram Tracks: An Ode to Milanese Public Transport

As a seasoned traveller, I love a good tram or train journey, and believe me, Milan has me smitten! These trams aren't just a way to get around, they’re part of the city’s soul – graceful, iconic, and undeniably stylish!

They're like giant pink ribbons weaving through the streets – such an unexpected, but totally magical element to this beautiful city. The way the sunshine catches the glass, reflecting it all around…it feels like a dancing light show. It even makes the daily commute a delightful part of the Milan experience.

As a seasoned traveller, I have to tell you, there's an art to mastering the tram system in any new city, and the Milanoese have this down to a fine art! The tram network is like a spider web, spanning every corner of the city, connecting all the amazing historical and architectural marvels. And you know what else? The trams run so often, they're so clean, and people are generally so polite... and it all feels utterly seamless! Milan truly understands the power of an efficient, beautiful and stylish transportation system – well done!

A Sneak Peek: La Scala and A Touch of Inspiration

As I've already mentioned, Milan is all about fashion, culture, and history, and today’s adventures brought me face-to-face with one of the most iconic opera houses in the world – La Scala! As soon as I saw it, my heart started pounding, a little like I’d just gotten on a roller coaster ride - that thrill of being somewhere truly extraordinary, something that everyone needs to experience.

I may not be an opera fan, but just walking by and catching a glimpse of the opulent architecture…it just fills you with a sense of history and a little sprinkle of inspiration, doesn't it?

I even saw a glimpse of a couple of the ballet dancers going into the back entrance, and I have to tell you, it just added another level to the whole La Scala experience - imagine the magical performances and the endless possibilities of that hallowed hall! I can practically hear the music now!

The sheer power and creativity emanating from the opera house alone… I knew I had to come back later and have a good old-fashioned chat with some of the locals! I'm hoping for some inside stories on La Scala’s ballet productions… you know, the ones that’ll make your heart soar and send you straight to the stage. I can't wait to soak it all up, maybe even learn a little bit about its past!

The Unexpected Charm of Street Performances: Art Unleashed!

While strolling through the heart of Milan, I bumped into the most incredible street performer - a young man with an acoustic guitar, singing his heart out to a crowd that gathered to watch.

His music was a real joy - you know, the kind that just makes you want to clap your hands and smile. I'm so impressed by how so much artistry can blossom in such an unexpected setting. It feels like the heart and soul of Milan, not just in the galleries or concert halls, but everywhere, in every little corner you find a hidden talent waiting to be discovered.

For me, the beauty of Milan lies in these small encounters - they give you a glimpse into a place’s identity, into the lifeblood of the city. You just have to know where to look - the right street corner at the right moment.

And oh, I almost forgot, today, there was this beautiful mime performing his heart out just down the street. His miming had an elegance and depth to it. He really conveyed such powerful emotion. You know, sometimes the simpler things in life really grab your attention. It makes you wonder just how much art and expression surrounds us.

Food, Fashion, and Festivities: My Love Affair with Milan Begins

With my senses overwhelmed by sights and sounds, the hunger pangs started kicking in – after a good long chat with a sweet little baker in a local cafe (who gave me some amazing pastry!), I decided to give in. My tastebuds were ready for an Italian culinary adventure.

I have to tell you, the Italian passion for food isn't just a phrase – it’s a way of life! There’s a vibrant energy in every market, every shop, every restaurant. The aroma of spices, fresh herbs and the symphony of flavours in every dish... it's something you need to experience. Milan is just full of these incredible aromas!

What’s next? The Future of My Milan Blog

As my first day comes to a close, I'm filled with a sense of pure bliss – the energy here is infectious! It feels like the city's buzzing with new beginnings, creative opportunities and exciting events around every corner.

Of course, my week in Milan is just starting - there's so much more to explore: more beautiful pink tutus, more spectacular tram rides, more inspiring moments.

Next week I’m planning to go and have some high-tea, check out the new La Scala show and I can’t wait to write about what the Milanese love, their food.

Stay tuned, my pink tutu is already packed and ready for more Italian adventure. You won’t want to miss what’s next, darling!

Ciao, and until next time, stay sparkly and keep those tutus twirling!

Emma x

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2018-10-03 ballet blog from Milano Italia