Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2018-11-21 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan - #1224 - Wednesday 2018-11-21: Dancing my way through the Fashion Capital

Ciao from Milano, my loves! The crisp autumn air is tinged with the scent of coffee and the sweet anticipation of adventure. This week, I'm feeling especially buoyant - not just because I'm in one of the most fabulous cities on earth, but because I've just had the most wonderful dance experience at the Teatro alla Scala, and I simply must tell you all about it!

Before I get to that, though, let's talk fashion. Milan is all about fashion, and you know I'm all about that. I spent the morning in the Quadrilatero della Moda - the Golden Quadrilateral of fashion - a place where dreams come true for any ballerina-on-the-go. My heart did a little flutter as I sashayed past the chic boutiques of Prada, Armani, Gucci and Dolce & Gabbana, dreaming of dazzling in their creations, perhaps paired with a splash of pink tutu, of course!

The Glam Tram:

After a quick pit-stop at a little bakery - I had to try one of Milan's iconic panettone - I hopped on the tram. Don't let anyone tell you Milan doesn't have charm; its trams are just as captivating as the sleek, futuristic trains. I spotted a couple dressed to the nines in their best vintage pieces and a young man strumming a melancholic tune on a guitar. It was like stepping into a scene from a film - a perfect snapshot of Italian flair.

Teatro Alla Scala: An evening to remember:

This evening was the reason I came to Milan, my darlings - the Teatro alla Scala, or La Scala for short, one of the most prestigious opera houses in the world! Tonight, I got to witness a breathtaking performance of "La Traviata." As the orchestra played the first notes, a hush fell over the audience. Then, the curtains rose and we were transported to a world of passionate love, heart-wrenching sorrow, and sublime music.

This wasn't my first experience at the Scala - and it definitely won't be my last. The grandeur of the architecture, the opulent chandeliers, the whispers of history that resonate through its halls... all add to the magical experience of attending a performance. And, oh, the dancers! I could practically feel their emotions as they gracefully glided across the stage, their steps so precise, yet full of expression. It reminded me so much of the magic and artistry that's part of our shared love of ballet.

A Little Dance of My Own

After the curtain call, my feet were itching for a little dance of my own. I decided to head to a local studio I had spotted on my wanderings - a haven for ballet lovers nestled amidst the bustle of the city. The instructor, a lovely woman with a fiery spirit, took us through a challenging, yet fulfilling, class. It was so good to share the joy of dance with a room full of passionate, inspiring souls!

I'm really starting to feel like a part of this city now. I love the way it embraces both elegance and vibrancy, fashion and art, history and modern life. Milan is a place where you can discover the extraordinary in the ordinary, where even a trip on the tram can be a stylish adventure.

Time to Get your Tutu on!

You know me, I'm all about spreading the joy of pink tutus. While Milan may be famous for its high fashion, there's nothing I love more than seeing how people make the iconic tutu their own, expressing their individual style and flair.

So, I'm launching a #PinkTutuMilan challenge! I'd love for you all to embrace your inner ballerina and share a picture of you in your pink tutu, be it in your own home, at your favorite café, in the park, or even on the Milan metro. Let's turn Milan into a city of tutus! Post your picture on Instagram using #PinkTutuMilan and tag me! I can't wait to see all the fantastic creations and stories.

Tomorrow's Adventures

I can already feel the pull of the next adventure in Milan. Tomorrow, I plan to explore the Navigli, a network of canals lined with charming boutiques, street art, and trendy restaurants. I hear there are some beautiful cafes by the water where I can indulge in the Italian art of slow coffee and people watching - all the while sketching in my ballet journal and soaking up the ambience of this fascinating city.

Until next time, my darlings!

Your Always Pink Tutu-loving Emma

P.S. Don't forget to check back in next Monday for my next blog post - and be sure to join me on this exciting journey in Milan, every week on !

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2018-11-21 ballet blog from Milano Italia