Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2019-04-24 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan: #1246 🩰💖

Buongiorno bella! ☀️ It's Emma here, your Pink Tutu Blogger, and I'm buzzing with excitement, because I'm in Milan, Italy! 🇮🇹

This week, as always, we're posting from – our little corner of the internet dedicated to all things pink, pretty and pointe shoes!

My trip to Milan has been all about ballet and fashion – two of my absolute favourite things! It feels surreal to be in a city so synonymous with beautiful clothes and elegant design, with the incredible energy of Italy around me.

The past few days have been a whirl of vibrant colours, delectable food and a few well-timed train journeys (gotta love the Italian train system!)

But before we get into the specifics, I need to know - have you joined the pink tutu revolution yet? If not, what are you waiting for?! 😉 This pink tutu lifestyle is contagious! I truly believe that a touch of pink in everyone's lives, especially a magnificent tutu, can inject a dose of joy and whimsy into even the most ordinary days.

Anyway, back to my Milan adventures…

Ballet Bonanza at the Teatro alla Scala

I have to say, the highlight of my Milan experience so far has been the exquisite performance I witnessed at the world-renowned Teatro alla Scala. Stepping into that hallowed hall, with its golden balconies and grand red velvet seats, felt like stepping into a storybook. The whole atmosphere crackled with an unspoken energy that had me breathless even before the curtain went up!

The ballet, Swan Lake, was simply stunning. The dancers, graceful and fluid as the swans they depicted, held me captive with their athleticism and emotive performances. I was blown away by the detail – the intricately designed sets and costumes, the powerful score – it was a ballet that truly captivated all the senses.

If you're ever in Milan, you simply must visit the Teatro alla Scala!

A Love Affair with La Rinascente

Okay, let's talk fashion! Milan is a haven for anyone with a passion for style and elegance, and La Rinascente was my personal wonderland! From luxurious leather goods to intricately designed accessories, the sheer volume of beautiful things was overwhelming in the best possible way.

You wouldn’t believe the tutu collection they had, too! It’s all a little bit over-the-top, but you just have to go in and see – the sheer sparkle!

After an afternoon lost in the elegant displays and trying on outfits, I realised I’d only really scratched the surface of Milan's fashion scene! There are so many fabulous boutiques, designer ateliers and concept stores just begging to be explored. My Pink Tutu-themed shopping bag is getting pretty full, I can tell you!

Train Travels & Turin Temptations

I couldn’t stay in Milan forever, and I couldn’t resist the opportunity to explore a new corner of Italy, so I took a train journey to the nearby city of Turin.

This was another great opportunity to wear my trusty pink tutu! Who says ballet fashion can’t be enjoyed while exploring new destinations? It just takes a bit of creativity! 😉

Turin has a certain historical charm, and I spent my time soaking up the culture, visiting museums, strolling through beautiful parks and admiring the city’s beautiful architecture.

Street Performances & Pink Tutu Posing

While travelling across Milan, Turin and the countryside, I also discovered some wonderful street performers, and of course, I had to document it! There were guitarists, street musicians, opera singers and even some amazing contemporary dancers who were captivating crowds with their dynamic moves and energy.

My love for pink tutus definitely stood out in the hustle and bustle of Italian life! 😉 There were definitely a few curious glances and smiling faces. I’ve become accustomed to that…it’s all part of the Pink Tutu movement!

The street artists weren't the only performers I witnessed on this trip, though! My love for the arts extended beyond the usual concert halls, galleries and museums - I even enjoyed a fun show with street performers in a lively square!

I love experiencing ballet in all its forms – from classical stage performances to exciting, spontaneous, outdoor show-stopping performances. The beauty of ballet truly shines through no matter the environment or stage!

Ballet Classes in the Heart of Milan

Of course, what would a Pink Tutu Milan blog be without some talk about ballet classes?! Milan boasts several ballet schools, offering everything from beginners to advanced levels.

I’m not gonna lie, I was feeling pretty intimidated about joining a ballet class in a city renowned for its dance expertise – the home of La Scala, after all!

But you know what? My worries were totally unfounded! I’ve found that people here, particularly at the ballet school, are welcoming and encouraging. They truly understand the magic and power of ballet, and are happy to share it. The teachers were amazing, passionate and patient! Even though my Italian is pretty rough around the edges, my feet were moving in all the right directions (for the most part!)

I actually found the whole experience to be so encouraging – even when I struggled, I kept telling myself, “I’m here in the heart of Milan, and I’m dancing! I can conquer anything!”

And you can, too! Don't be afraid to step outside of your comfort zone – that's where the true magic happens!

Italian Delights & Culinary Adventures

Speaking of magic – let’s talk food! 🇮🇹 My tastebuds have been having the most incredible time on this trip! I’ve tried every kind of delicious pasta dish, delectable pizzas and melt-in-your-mouth pastries.

The food is just as exciting as the fashion! Each day feels like a symphony of flavours, aromas and visual delights. I am in food heaven! 😉

The most amazing part of these meals are often the simple ones, cooked at home and served with a little laughter and conversation. Sharing meals and experiences with friends, new and old, truly creates a feeling of community.

Onward to Verona & Beyond

With a final, wistful goodbye to the beautiful sights and sounds of Milan, I’m now taking the train to my next destination - the historic city of Verona! Verona, as many know, is the setting for the famous Romeo and Juliet love story!

Verona was the final stop of this trip, and it did not disappoint! The town itself was a treasure trove of architecture and cultural delights. As usual, I had to do a spot of shopping and stumbled upon the most stunning, lace and sparkly tulle ballet skirt at an old, Italian tailor! Perfect!

And that's it for now, dear readers!

My travels to Milan and beyond were unforgettable. From dancing on Italian stages and learning from brilliant instructors to the amazing culinary adventures and beautiful street performers, this trip was pure magic!

But as the last Italian sunset dipped below the horizon, it’s time to reflect and to bring the essence of Pink Tutu to you! Remember, you can create a little piece of pink magic every single day, wherever you are in the world!

Whether it’s putting on your favourite pink outfit, having a pink-themed baking session with friends, or trying something new that pushes your own personal boundaries – embrace the joy and let your Pink Tutu spirit shine through! 💖

I'll see you next Monday with a new Pink Tutu adventure from my hometown of Derbyshire, England! Ciao! 💕

This blog post is proudly presented on on Wednesday 24th April 2019, a date known for its wonderful weather, perfect for a stroll through a lovely Italian park! 😉💖 I funded this trip through my dance performances – because being a ballerina isn’t just a job, it’s a passion and a lifestyle!

*What is your Pink Tutu inspiration? Share your stories and pictures on social media with the hashtag #PinkTutu. *

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2019-04-24 ballet blog from Milano Italia