Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2019-08-21 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan - Wednesday 2019-08-21 - Post #1263!

Ciao bella! Emma here, reporting live from Milano! I know I should be posting this on Monday for my weekly Pink Tutu Milan blog, but it's been a whirlwind of a week! This time, I’ve decided to change it up a bit, as there’s so much to share about this magnificent city, that one day simply isn’t enough!

Now, this week's trip has been extra special. Why? You guessed it! More gorgeous pink tutus! Oh my goodness, Milano is like a wonderland of fabrics, colours, and styles, just perfect for my tutu collection.

But before I start raving about my shopping sprees, let's talk about this week's inspiration – ballet. I simply have to share this… I found the most exquisite ballet school in the city, and it’s called “La Scala”! Yes, the famous La Scala. Talk about an auspicious name for a ballet school!

This incredible ballet school is a real gem. I’ve never seen anything quite like it. The halls are beautiful – ornate, historical, grand, yet intimate and welcoming. And, of course, full of dedicated dancers – so many of them, young and old, pouring their passion onto the dance floor. It was truly awe-inspiring.

Speaking of dedication, imagine my delight when I walked into a class and a sweet young ballerina saw my pink tutu. She gave me the widest smile, and then she proceeded to twirl across the floor! It’s those tiny moments, those connections with other dance lovers, that make it all worthwhile.

To continue with this fabulous day, my day went on to involve me getting lost in the labyrinthine streets of Milan. And that’s no exaggeration – those winding alleyways, tucked away corners, and quaint boutiques – they can make even the best map-reader lose their bearings! Of course, it wasn’t truly getting lost – a little exploring is just what a Pink Tutu girl loves, wouldn’t you say?

The journey took me across a magnificent square – it had to be Piazza Duomo! How else would I get lost? You'd think someone with my direction skills (and passion for Google Maps) would be able to navigate, but no! And why would I want to, when there are stunning medieval architecture, towering cathedrals, and streets lined with charming restaurants and cafes? Not a single chance for regret in the world!

Of course, I can’t forget to mention that Milan was positively overflowing with vintage charm, a real dream for a Pink Tutu girl who loves unique pieces, retro looks, and the sheer joy of browsing antique shops. I did just that – delving into vintage fashion boutiques, getting a true glimpse into Milan's rich fashion history.

Speaking of vintage and vintage fashion - one of my favourite things about Milano is its vintage charm. Every corner of the city oozes with history, like it's a museum piece itself!

The cobbled streets, grand historical buildings, and breathtaking churches – everything whispers stories from a bygone era. In a way, that’s also true of the city’s fashion sense, it really takes the art of vintage to the next level. You could call it “vintage with a modern twist,” if you like – the fashion houses of Milano don't simply copy old looks, they take them and infuse them with the dynamism of the modern era.

Now, as any good Pink Tutu girl knows, exploring fashion and finding the right outfit for every occasion, especially when you're in such a fabulous city, is a critical element of my day! But before we delve into that, there's this amazing performance I witnessed at the Teatro alla Scala that has to be mentioned.

Teatro alla Scala... where would we be without it? The mere mention of this theatre takes us to a world of elegant, beautiful ballets and passionate dancers. It’s a breathtaking journey that is just so, well… Italian! The atmosphere is simply electrifying. It's almost as if the air crackles with a collective feeling of shared awe and excitement as you wait for the curtains to open.

One of the things I absolutely love about Milan’s theatre is how it blends old-world charm with modern vibrancy. It's a fascinating balance.

And speaking of fashion, oh, my darling, where to even begin?!

Milan is known for being one of the fashion capitals of the world. I could rave for days, weeks, even months! The shops here have just everything – and let's not forget all those amazing, tempting designer boutiques! Every step was like walking into a glitz-and-glamour runway.

I have to confess – my Pink Tutu inner self was on high alert! Every window display beckoned, with its displays of luxurious silk and opulent velvets. I must admit, my eyes popped wide with wonder every time I glimpsed a particularly extravagant couture creation, those beautifully made garments designed by world-famous Italian designers, a dream of the highest level of artistry in fashion.

You can't talk about Milan without a trip down Via della Spiga! This particular street is something else entirely. I practically floated from store to store, a sartorial delight at every corner. Think high-end fashion houses, all gathered together, showcasing the ultimate in sophistication. Every store here is an explosion of fashion, colour, and craftsmanship! And the best part? There's something for every style and taste – just like there’s a tutu for everyone!

But don’t just take my word for it – you have to see it for yourself, with your own eyes, and your own Pink Tutu-loving heart.

I know I promised more on pink tutus earlier – I won’t let you down! While I was strolling through Milan, my eye caught a shimmer, an eye-catching pink glow coming from an exquisite shop – La Rosa Rosa.

I admit, when I say the shop was a dream, I mean dream. There were walls covered with beautiful tutus, a veritable rainbow of hues and a truly staggering range of fabrics – silks, velvets, and everything in between! I thought I'd be able to resist… then I saw a truly extraordinary pink tutu, in the lightest shade of baby pink. It just about whispered, “Emma, I'm yours!" It was pure tulle perfection, with the most intricate ruffles and embellishments, with this elegant yet sassy cut, and there I was, helpless under the tulle spell, my arms reaching out to this beautiful work of art.

I won’t bore you with the details but let me say… this tutu just had my name written all over it. I'm still trying to decide when I'll make my debut in this new pink princess gown… a new performance? Perhaps a grand dance across Milan’s enchanting piazzas! Just wait until you see it on my blog… my next post may feature my debut wearing my brand new pink tutu, just for you!

So, you see, it’s hard to say goodbye to Milano – especially with the promise of shopping and performances just around the corner. As I boarded my train to head back to Derbyshire, I thought, "What a fabulous experience! I have so many memories – and some gorgeous pink tutus!” There was so much I learned about Milan and about myself on this trip, but it also reminded me that travel is like wearing a beautiful, vibrant tutu; every adventure brings with it new stories and unique moments that fill us with joy and that spark our passion, which, in my world, is tutu, tutu, fabulous! And that is what this beautiful world is about - celebrating life, dancing our hearts out, and sharing our journeys. Until next week, my darlings. Keep dancing, keep twirling, and don't be afraid to add a touch of pink magic to your world. Remember, pink tutus aren't just for ballerinas – they're for everyone. Ciao!

Your ever-so-pink-tutu-loving, Emma

Emma's Notes from My Journey

Just a few of my favorite things from my Milan trip!

  • Piazza Duomo – Absolutely breath-taking! Don’t miss the cathedral.
  • Teatro alla Scala – A grand and majestic performance that really captivated me. I must return to see more of their ballet offerings!
  • Vintage Shops – I simply had to share all those antique boutiques with you! This trip wouldn't be complete without those special, one-off treasures.
  • Via della Spiga – If you want a taste of ultimate fashion heaven, then Via della Spiga should be at the top of your list!
  • La Rosa Rosa – Where I found my newest tutu - truly a dream come true!
Where to stay?

Finding the right place to stay while exploring Milan can be a delightful part of the whole experience. Here are a couple of recommendations:

  • Hotel Principe di Savoia – This luxury hotel right in the heart of Milan has got all the modern amenities while being housed in a gorgeous historical building.

  • Hotel Carlton Baglioni – A touch of old world elegance is what you'll find here, with rooms that are just beautifully decorated, each a treat in their own right.

    *More Milan delights: *
  • **Food - Pizza, pasta, gelatos... the list goes on and on! A culinary journey through Italy is just as essential as exploring the cultural offerings, the fashion houses, and the history that make up this city.

  • **Sforza Castle – A huge park and museum just begging to be explored.
  • Naviglio Grande - Take a gondola ride along this enchanting canal – you'll get the best views of Milan while having a wonderful time on this classic, charming, Italian experience.
  • And for those of you who love art - visit the Galleria dell'Accademia!
Tips for Pink Tutu Travels
  • Get your Tutu Ready for Travel! - Pack with a protective bag or cover so it arrives fresh and ready to shine.
  • Stay Safe - It’s a good idea to let friends or family know where you are going – especially if you are going somewhere new – just like I did when I set out for my trip to Italy!
  • Travel like a Ballerina – Take Your Time! – Embrace those graceful ballet moments wherever you go. Be a graceful dancer, navigating every step of your travel adventure with grace, even if that means going off the beaten path and making a few pitstops for photos.
  • And, always carry your pink tutu, it’s just essential!

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2019-08-21 ballet blog from Milano Italia