Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2020-09-02 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan #1317: Bonjour from Milan, Darling! 🩰

Hello, darlings! It’s Emma from Pink Tutu, back from the bright lights of Milan, Italy! And yes, I'm sporting my signature pink tutu - because a girl's gotta stay true to her roots, right? 😉

It feels like forever since I've had the pleasure of sharing a blog with you lovely lot, and you know I simply can’t let a Monday pass without whisking you off on a pink-hued adventure. Today, I'm pouring my heart out about all things Milan, where the magic of ballet and the allure of Italian fashion intertwine like a beautifully choreographed pas de deux.

This week, my heart’s been racing with the sheer delight of my new adventure - a dreamy Italian interlude! It’s been a whirlwind of a trip so far, and I can’t wait to spill all the deets on every delicious detail. So, put on your dancing shoes, grab a cuppa, and let’s go on a tour of all the pink and glitter Milan has to offer!

My Pink Tutu Journey: From Derbyshire to Milan

Oh, wouldn’t you just know it? It was fate that landed me in Milan, a place where a ballet girl can really shine! I have to tell you, this adventure feels like a chapter straight out of a fairytale. Imagine it – me, in my pink tutu, waltzing across the city’s charming cobblestone streets!

Of course, the journey had its own unique grace, much like the gentle rise and fall of a ballerina’s movements. This week, it was a magical train ride, a quintessential Italian experience where the scenery flashed by like a film reel, from the serene countryside of Derbyshire, my little slice of English paradise, to the majestic metropolis of Milan. Every rumble of the train, every glimpse of passing landscapes, brought me closer to this captivating Italian escapade.

Milan's Charm: More Than Just Fashion

Before I get swept away in a fashion frenzy, let me assure you, Milan has more to offer than just breathtaking designer boutiques, darling. (Though let’s be honest, I’m not one to turn down a good spree!). It's a city overflowing with an artistic energy that just bubbles over. From its majestic cathedrals to its charming cafés, there's a palpable sense of history and beauty around every corner.

Milan is truly a place where fashion meets history and where art finds a home in every crevice of the city's soul. I feel it most intensely in the air, in the elegant rhythm of the locals, in the vibrant buzz of street performers, and most definitely in the breathtaking grace of its renowned ballet.

Dance in Milan: A Dream Come True!

Ah, speaking of ballet – prepare yourself for the grandest pas de deux of all! In Milan, my ballerina heart sang with joy as I stepped into the Teatro alla Scala, one of the most iconic opera houses in the world! I swear, the moment I crossed that threshold, the air shimmered with a special magic. The grandeur of the theater, the delicate grandeur of the architecture, and the energy humming beneath the velvet curtains… it was a true sensory feast.

It's almost as if the very spirit of ballet whispered its secrets through the hallways, drawing you in with a delicate promise of elegance and grace. And I confess, I danced right into its arms! I was lucky enough to attend a truly captivating ballet performance featuring the extraordinary work of La Scala Ballet Company, which, by the way, has a storied history and an equally renowned cast of talented dancers. It's truly a testament to the unparalleled dedication of the Italian artists, weaving magical tales through movement and grace.

And while the beauty of the dance held my gaze for most of the performance, it was the costumes that stole the show for me! Imagine shimmering silks and velvets, delicate embroidery and feathers, and oh my, the most magnificent tutus! It's no surprise that Milan's fashion world inspires not just clothes but also the art of ballet, creating a spectacular union of artistic expressions. Every movement on stage was like watching a tableau vivant – an exquisite dance of color, movement, and sheer beauty.

Fashion in the City of Lights

So, let’s dive headfirst into the Italian fashion world – you know it's the best kind of guilty pleasure for a pink tutu enthusiast! Imagine: rows and rows of designer boutiques, chic windows brimming with luxurious fabrics and elegant lines, and oh my, the colours! It’s a veritable kaleidoscope of vibrant shades, each more irresistible than the next.

Naturally, as a pink enthusiast, I gravitate towards the vibrant hues that give a little sparkle to the day! From delicate silk scarves in shades of pastel pink to bold statement pieces adorned with fiery magenta, Milan's fashion landscape is an invitation to unleash your inner style icon!

Tram Rides & Café Hopping

Now, where else can you hop on a vintage tram, its sleek lines humming with the rhythm of the city, and admire the magnificent architecture that’s just begging to be sketched in a notepad? Oh, the journey alone makes me giddy with delight, like gliding across the city's storybook streets! I find the rhythmic clanging of the tram tracks almost hypnotic. It’s as if the tram itself is an enchanting dancer, gliding along its metallic stage, leading you through the captivating story of Milan’s everyday life.

And what's an Italian adventure without indulging in the café culture? From bustling cafes buzzing with chatter to cozy bistros where the aroma of freshly brewed espresso fills the air, the city’s cafe culture offers a unique, almost theatrical experience. Think: dainty pastries, delicately poured lattes, and the most divine gelato! Imagine a rainbow of creamy delights, swirling in a swirl of vanilla, strawberry, pistachio, and more. This kind of deliciousness is a sweet delight after a day of exploring.

Finding Pink Everywhere in Milan

You know how I always say pink tutus are the perfect outfit for every adventure? Well, Milan confirmed that pink just brings a little magic to every occasion! From charming pink gelato stands to captivating pink bougainvillea creeping up ancient walls, the city embraced the blush with an air of playful charm. It’s like Milan, with its elegance and warmth, secretly loves a touch of pink just as much as I do!

I even spotted a vibrant pink vintage Vespa scooting through the city's labyrinthine streets! The sleek Italian beauty, adorned in such a whimsical color, added a dash of playful flair to the already charming city. I swear, darling, that pink Vespa could dance through those winding streets just as gracefully as a ballerina on point.

Sharing a Pink-tastic Dream

Every step I take, every corner I turn in Milan, I’m collecting these little treasures of pink – pink scarves, pink pasta, pink gelato – these little delights that color my day. It’s as if Milan, with its inherent style and artistic flair, whispered, “Emma, your love for pink is welcome here!”. It feels good to be seen, to share your passions, and to find your pink tribe – no matter where you roam in the world.

Spreading Pink Tutu Love!

Remember how I always say the best way to find your pink tribe is to put on a tutu and embrace your inner sparkle? Well, I can't help but believe my vibrant pink tutu is an invisible thread that connects me to this vibrant city. It’s a language of joy, of self-expression, of daring to embrace your unique spark, and it resonated so beautifully with the soul of Milan.

Each time I twirled down those elegant Milanese streets, my pink tutu carried the echo of my dreams and the spark of a ballerina’s soul. It was a call to everyone I met – “let’s share a bit of pink, a little joy, and a sprinkle of sparkle.” And my darling, the response was a symphony of smiles, and a delightful echo of my own joy!

More Pink Tutu Adventures on

Stay tuned to because you'll be seeing many more pink and glittery photos from Milan, my dears. I’m just getting started with this Italian escapade.

In the meantime, go and unleash your inner pink. Embrace the spark of your dreams, and don’t be afraid to add a little sparkle to your everyday adventures!

And don’t forget to pop back on next Monday for another weekly update. It’s gonna be a good one! 🩰

Until then, sending you love, pink, and a million sparkly tutus! Emma. x

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2020-09-02 ballet blog from Milano Italia