Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2021-11-10 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan #1379: Wednesday 10th November 2021: Fashion & Fancy Footwork in the City of Fashion

Buongiorno from Milan, my darlings! It's Wednesday, which means it's time for another Pink Tutu Milan adventure, and let me tell you, this week has been absolutely blooming fabulous! I arrived in the city on Saturday with my trusty pink suitcase filled with tutus, a heart full of excitement, and an empty stomach ready for all the delicious pasta I could handle.

Now, you might be wondering what a girl from Derbyshire, England, does in the city of fashion? Well, my friends, it's all about that perfect balance of style and substance, a mix of couture and clacking ballet shoes! Milan is where fashion and dance collide, where dreams are stitched together with silk threads, and where every day feels like a grand, elegant ballet.

A whirlwind of tutu-clad excitement

My weekend kicked off with a whirlwind tour of the fashion district. Milan's shopping streets are truly a sight to behold. Imagine elegant storefronts, dazzling mannequins dressed in the latest trends, and the aroma of fresh leather mingling with the fragrance of espresso! I couldn't resist picking up a few things for my wardrobe – a crisp, white shirt for my next performance, a new pair of sleek ballet shoes (that beautiful blush pink, of course!), and a delicate floral headpiece that would make even the most demanding Prima Ballerina envious.

As the sun started to dip below the skyline, painting the city in a warm, golden glow, I found myself standing outside the Teatro alla Scala. Now, this is a true icon of Milan – a haven for the world’s finest opera and ballet. The mere thought of the talent performing inside filled me with a giddy anticipation! The architectural grandeur of the building, adorned with marble and sculptures, transported me back in time to the golden age of ballet.

But before the grand performance, there was time for a little fuel for my dance-fuelled journey. Pasta with truffle cream sauce, my dear readers! My taste buds have been indulging in all sorts of deliciousness, and the Italians certainly know how to create culinary masterpieces. With a contented sigh and a full tummy, I made my way to the Teatro, excited to be swept away by the magic of the stage.

A Performance to Remember

This performance was unlike any other I'd witnessed. The orchestra played with such emotion and power, filling the entire theatre with an overwhelming sense of beauty. And then there was the ballet! The dancers moved with incredible grace and artistry, each pirouette and arabesque captivating the audience. I could barely contain my excitement – my own pink tutu felt positively restless to be out there on stage with them!

A Passion for Street Performance

On Monday, I discovered another aspect of Milan’s vibrant art scene: Street performance! Walking through the city, I stumbled upon a group of dancers practicing on a plaza. Their energy was electrifying, their moves daring and free. I had to get involved! With their permission, I joined them for a quick session, showcasing my best moves and enjoying the camaraderie with fellow dance enthusiasts. It’s a truly fantastic way to discover the passion and creativity that flows through Milan.

A Tranquil Tram Ride & Coffee Catch-up

To rest my dancing feet, I hopped onto a tram, soaking in the views of Milan’s bustling city life as it whizzed past. The rhythmic clinking of the rails and the rhythmic chatter of fellow passengers brought a serene rhythm to my afternoon.

I found myself drawn to a small café tucked away on a quiet street. It was the perfect place for a coffee break and a quick journal entry. After all, the perfect dance move is always inspired by a good cappuccino and some soul-searching! As I sat sipping my creamy beverage, I watched the city around me come to life. It’s incredible how such a fast-paced city can also feel so peaceful in its own way.

Embracing the Everyday Elegance

My week in Milan has been all about embracing the elegant chaos that this city thrives on. I’ve fallen in love with the vibrant streets, the intricate architecture, the delightful cafes and the sheer enthusiasm of the people. There’s an unmistakable joy in the way Milanese people express themselves, a spirit that encourages creativity, style, and a little bit of "la dolce vita" sprinkled on top.

I must share a delightful discovery I made – "tutu spotting" – it’s a real joy. I find myself searching out these beautiful tutus peeking out of shop windows or gracing the bodies of elegant women hurrying past. It’s amazing to witness how the classic ballerina silhouette has seeped its way into contemporary fashion, and the tutu is being embraced for its sheer feminine elegance. It makes me so happy, it truly embodies my aim in life - to inspire everyone to embrace the tutu.

A Final Waltz Through History

As the days go by, I'm falling deeper in love with this beautiful city. I find myself drawn to the hidden courtyards, the bustling markets, the intimate trattorias, and the endless array of treasures that line the city's winding streets.

Today, I treated myself to a special afternoon exploring the Castello Sforzesco, a magnificent fortress with rich history that dates back to the 14th century. The architecture is breath-taking, each room filled with art, sculpture and historical artefacts that whisper stories from the past.

I danced my way through the halls of the castle, picturing the knights and ladies who once graced its corridors, feeling their presence and breathing in the scent of history that hangs in the air. Even on the grandest of stages, there is something magical about discovering history and beauty in unexpected places.

And tonight, my darlings, I'm ending this journey with a breathtaking ballet performance at Teatro Regio di Torino. This magnificent opera house has been buzzing with anticipation for this event, and I’m truly excited to see this masterpiece come alive on stage.

The Beauty of the Tutu – A Global Statement

My experiences here in Milan have truly cemented my belief that the tutu transcends dance – it's a powerful symbol of self-expression and feminine strength. It's a reminder to dream big, to twirl with confidence, and to always let your inner ballerina shine!

Stay tuned, my darlings, for my next Pink Tutu Milan adventure! I'm on the lookout for all the stylish sights, graceful dances, and heartwarming stories that this incredible city has to offer.

Until then, keep twirling, keep shining, and keep inspiring!

Much love,


P.S. Remember to visit my website, for weekly updates and all the behind-the-scenes action!

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2021-11-10 ballet blog from Milano Italia