Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2022-04-20 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan: A Ballet-Filled Whirlwind (Post #1402)

Buongiorno, my dearest ballet bunnies!

It’s Wednesday, the day I flit into your inbox from the bustling heart of Milan, bringing you a fresh dose of pink tulle and all things twirly. This week has been a delicious dance of fashion, theatre, and yes, of course, a whole lot of pink! Let’s dive in, shall we?

A Ballet Bonanza

This week in Milan was an absolute dream for a tutu-wearing ballerina. It began with a trip to the Teatro alla Scala, that majestic opera house with its grand history. You can practically feel the magic in that space – I’ve seen La Traviata and Don Giovanni there and both productions took my breath away.

And guess what?! This week was a very special occasion for me. Not only did I watch an extraordinary performance of Swan Lake, which truly touched my soul with its poignant storytelling and captivating choreography, I also managed to squeeze in an impromptu ballet class with some of the dancers from the La Scala Company!

Imagine my glee, being allowed into that hallowed space – the backstage world of this iconic theatre – with these graceful performers. I almost burst into a pirouette, which wouldn't have been very dignified for a tutu-wearing observer, but let’s face it, I’d have been forgiven. It was a once-in-a-lifetime moment that made me feel truly connected to the spirit of ballet, the spirit that brings us all together – performers, audience, and me, your trusty Pink Tutu blogger!

Shopping Spree!

No Milan trip would be complete without indulging in a bit of shopping. Oh my goodness, the fashion here is utterly divine! I absolutely adore Milan’s designer boutiques – they’re brimming with luxurious fabrics, sleek silhouettes, and the kind of vibrant colours that just make you want to twirl and twirl! This time, I found a stunning blush-pink top that screams ballerina – I mean, it's practically begging to be paired with my favourite tutu! You can find the picture on my Instagram, #PinkTutuMilan. It was so much fun!

Speaking of pink, I finally tracked down that whimsical pastel pink vintage bicycle with a basket woven from reeds, my very own personal carriage. How delightful! I’ve promised to post a picture of myself in full Pink Tutu regalia, on the back of this sweet ride for your Friday fun. Do pop in on Friday and see, won’t you?

Adventures by Tram

Navigating the city is just as fun as shopping and the theatre. I adore the Milan tram system! It’s quick, efficient and surprisingly romantic. Imagine me, tutu fluttering gently as I glide through the streets, catching glimpses of charming piazzas and bustling markets – pure delight. And those views! Milan has this stunning panorama – the iconic Duomo and the breathtaking cityscape with its mix of classical and modern architecture, absolutely incredible. The other week I met the sweetest Italian lady who called me "un piccolo angelo” - that translates to 'a little angel’. How darling is that?

I truly love sharing these moments with you, dear readers. As much as I love the hustle and bustle of the city, it’s also amazing to find those peaceful pockets where I can soak up the atmosphere, lose myself in the culture, and, of course, get my pink-tutu inspiration flowing!

Milanese Delights

Speaking of inspiration, I've been experimenting with the most wonderful local dishes. This city’s food scene is phenomenal. Oh my, I discovered this delightful gelateria where the gelato is a symphony of textures and flavors! Imagine, if you will, scoops of creamy vanilla dotted with the bright sweetness of wild strawberry, topped with a generous helping of pistachio that sings in your mouth. And all served in a cone the colour of my most treasured tutu!

Then, of course, the pasta! There’s a world of pasta in Milan, from classic dishes like Spaghetti alle Vongole to more unusual offerings with interesting flavour combinations. And the bread… just perfection, I can never get enough of their focaccia, studded with rosemary, just delicious!

This Italian culinary odyssey is almost as delightful as my travels on the tram – my tram adventures have now reached epic proportions. It feels like I've learned so much. Just the other day I overheard a conversation between two locals talking about the historical significance of the Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II. What I understood through mime and gesticulation was a captivating history that inspired me so much. They loved the stories and so do I! Milan's magic continues to amaze.

Catching up with friends!

One of my favourite parts of this week has been reconnecting with my darling friend Valentina, who is living here now! We have so much fun exploring this city – sharing fashion tips, indulging in yummy lunches, and, of course, talking ballet until the cows come home!

She introduced me to a fabulous vintage clothing shop where I found the most exquisite floral silk scarf for only a few euros. I imagine myself wearing it on stage for a truly whimsical piece. A vintage ballet shop, you know? With old silk slippers, the most charming tutus and even some beautiful velvet opera cloaks – a little piece of the history of dance, and at prices you can actually afford!

Valentina is actually a graphic designer and she is working with me on a logo design. We had a great time brainstorming some ideas, incorporating that unique combination of pink and a beautiful ballerina with a lovely flowing skirt - pink tutus, ballet and fashion!

Sharing my Inspiration

One thing I've learnt here in Milan is that inspiration can be found anywhere - in a shop window, on a bustling street, on the inside of a coffee cup - sometimes all you need is to have your eyes wide open. It’s all about noticing the little details and letting those spark creativity.

Milan, with its breathtaking architecture, its vibrant street life, its incredible museums and its passionate people – truly inspires me. It’s all these things – the food, the fashion, the beauty – that make me want to share my love of ballet, of tutus, of fashion and pink, with the whole world!

Pink Tutu, Spreading the Joy

For me, there is no greater joy than sharing my love of ballet and everything it stands for – grace, strength, creativity and passion. And you know what? Here in Milan, I think I’m making a difference. I had a ballet-themed picnic the other day and I was blown away by how many people wanted to try on a tutu!

This city is absolutely full of twirly energy. Everyone here is up for a laugh, for a photo in a tutu and for the chance to connect with a bit of whimsy and ballet magic. I’ve also been experimenting with teaching dance classes at a local school. The kids absolutely love it - there is so much talent in this beautiful city. And we always end our sessions with a big pink tutu twirl – a moment of sheer delight and joy, right there in the heart of Milan.

Oh, and let's not forget those glamorous ballet shoes that every Italian ballerina simply has to have! As an expert in tutus and all things ballet, it's part of my responsibility as a ballet influencer to find these special things for you. If you see something spectacular in Milan - a little ballet secret - send it my way - I'll share the scoop in a future blog post.

Spreading the Joy!

I really do hope I’ve captured a bit of the magic of Milan in this post. The world is my dance floor and this week has been absolutely thrilling. I’ve been sharing my love for ballet with everyone I’ve met, spreading a bit of pink tutu magic wherever I go – from my impromptu dance class in a beautiful old theatre to my balletic afternoon tea in the Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II.

This week has truly made me believe that a bit of joy, a bit of passion, and a bit of pink (and maybe even a tutu or two) can make the world a brighter place!

So, my dear friends, stay tuned for next week's adventure – you won't want to miss it. I have exciting new ventures coming your way, from the streets of Milan and back to Derbyshire where it all began - more to be revealed soon.

Until then, keep those tutus twirling!
And remember – even when life takes you on unexpected journeys, the ballet is always within you, waiting to be discovered!

With love and a flutter of pink tulle,


*P.S. Please do subscribe to for all your latest updates and be sure to check in on Friday to see me in my vintage bike in my favourite pink tutu! *

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2022-04-20 ballet blog from Milano Italia