Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2022-05-18 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan #1406: Dancing Through the Duomo

Ciao, darlings! Emma here, your resident pink tutu aficionado, writing to you live from the fashion capital of the world, Milano! The sun is shining, the gelato is calling, and the scent of leather and espresso fills the air. It's Wednesday, and you know what that means - time for another Pink Tutu Milan blog!

This week, I've been waltzing through the streets of Milan like a sugar plum fairy. You might be thinking, "Emma, haven't you just been to Milan?" Well, yes, but I'm like a moth drawn to a flame - once I get a whiff of Milan's artistic energy, I just have to be back.

My journey this time started with a little bit of train travel magic. Nothing beats hopping aboard a sleek Italian train, feeling the wind rush through your hair, and letting the scenery whisk you away to a new adventure.

This time, however, I wasn't travelling alone. I was joined by my dearest friend, Amelia, who, to my delight, also happens to be a budding ballerina. Imagine, two pink tutu-clad ladies cruising through the Italian countryside – it was a sight to behold!

We arrived in Milan, hearts overflowing with excitement and a few "oomph" dance moves tucked in our pockets. My mission this week was a simple one: explore Milan's artistic gems, enjoy every crumb of Italian food, and spread the Pink Tutu gospel to anyone and everyone!

Our first stop? The iconic Duomo di Milano. Standing tall, reaching for the sky, this architectural masterpiece made my heart flutter. Imagine dancing amidst those intricate spires and sculpted statues – it's like something straight out of a ballet dreamscape!

I must admit, I couldn't resist pulling out my trusty pink tutu for a little photoshoot. The Duomo, with its grand history and intricate detail, made the perfect backdrop. Amelia, being a great friend, documented my majestic tutu pose amidst the throngs of tourists - we both knew it was the perfect start to a Milan adventure.

Speaking of photo shoots, have you seen the shops in Milan? They are like candy stores for the senses! The clothes, the accessories, the window displays - all so meticulously crafted and oh-so-inspiring! I found myself swept away by the elegant window displays of haute couture boutiques, dreaming of shimmering ball gowns and intricate ballet shoes.

I snagged a pair of delicate silk ballet shoes - a little touch of Italian luxury to add to my already pink-tutu-licious wardrobe! I also indulged in a beautifully beaded pink ballet bag, perfect for storing my cherished pink tutus.

This week, however, my mission wasn't just about clothes, food, and photos (although, let's be honest, it's a big part of it). Milan is an artistic powerhouse, and I was determined to soak up its creative spirit.

And that's where the magic of the ballet comes in.

My weekend was filled with mesmerising performances at Teatro alla Scala, Milan's grand opera house. I watched, mesmerised, as dancers with breathtaking talent told stories on the stage, their movements a blend of artistry and grace.

The performance we saw was Swan Lake, the iconic romantic ballet that is always breathtaking, and this rendition certainly didn't disappoint. Seeing the choreography brought to life with such precision and emotion truly was a treat! I even spotted a couple of ballet dancers wearing delicate pink tutus, which made me beam with pride – I knew the pink tutu movement was gaining momentum even in Italy!

After a thrilling weekend, I decided to take a moment to breathe and explore the more artistic side of Milan. A trip to the Museo Poldi Pezzoli was an absolute delight! Stepping inside, I felt transported back to a different era. Imagine being surrounded by exquisite works of art, beautiful furniture, and exquisite ceramics - pure artistic joy!

The best part? I managed to get permission to practice my barre exercises in the beautiful Museo Poldi Pezzoli courtyard! My impromptu performance with the ancient walls as my audience definitely put a smile on my face and brightened the day for other visitors! I believe the most important things are the emotions and how you make others feel, and that certainly is one thing that ballet has taught me.

You can’t be in Milan without indulging in its vibrant cultural life, which naturally meant hopping on a vintage tram for a tour around the city. That’s right, dear readers! Tram travels!

The vintage tram ride took us past quaint cafes, bustling markets, and chic shops, all brimming with the energy of Milan. The city came alive, pulsating with music and laughter, the air thick with the scent of freshly baked pastries.

As we glided through the streets, I noticed a beautiful ballet studio right across from the Tram stop! I couldn’t resist peeking inside, and what did I see? Two lovely young girls, maybe ten or twelve years old, practising their ballet moves. I stopped, feeling inspired by their youthful enthusiasm and passion for dance.

It was a moment of pure inspiration. I imagined these girls, years down the line, gracing the stage of Teatro alla Scala, performing with an energy that could only come from a lifelong love of dance. Perhaps one day, one of these girls will be a Pink Tutu Ambassador.

Oh, speaking of the Pink Tutu Ambassador project, I must share some good news! The Pink Tutu website ( has received such positive feedback from readers worldwide! I've received countless emails from passionate women across the globe - from London to Tokyo to New York - all sharing their love of tutus and their desire to wear them. This journey to get everyone to wear a pink tutu just keeps getting better!

This trip to Milan wasn't just about fashion, dance, and photos - though those are undeniably some of my favourite things. It was about reminding myself of the beauty of life's simple pleasures. Taking time to appreciate the charm of a vintage tram ride, the passion that vibrates within an artistic masterpiece, or the sheer joy of swirling a pink tutu beneath the Duomo’s shadow - those are the things that make life worth living.

It's time for me to take leave now, but I'm already planning my next Italian adventure. Stay tuned, my pink tutu-loving friends. You never know where this little pink tutu will lead us next.

Until then, don’t forget to live life with as much pizzazz and flair as a pink tutu - because, honestly, who doesn’t love a little sparkle in their life?


Emma xx

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2022-05-18 ballet blog from Milano Italia