Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2023-05-31 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan: #1460 – The Milanese Ballet Magic (And Why I’m Obsessed With Trains)

Ciao Bella! 👋 It's Emma, your favourite pink-tutu-wearing ballet blogger, back from the cobblestone streets of Milano! This week, I'm overflowing with stories, fashion finds, and the absolute magic I witnessed at the Teatro alla Scala – Italy’s most famous opera house.

This Milan adventure started, as it so often does, on a tram. 🚊 I love the clinking, the rumble, and the sense of history these iconic Milanese trams hold. You get the best view of the city while sipping your cappuccino (espresso for me – a Derbyshire girl knows her caffeine). It’s my perfect intro to any day of Milan exploration.

Today's itinerary: 🩰

  1. La Scala Theatre - A Ballet Dream: I’ve been saving this visit for a special occasion and what better occasion than the closing night of a magnificent production of Swan Lake! The theatre itself is stunning. You could just get lost in the opulence of the auditorium, with its crimson velvet seats, gilded balconies, and incredible murals depicting stories of the Greek Gods and Roman Emperors. I could have spent the whole night just gawking at the decor, but thankfully the performance began!

I was transported from the minute the curtain rose. It's like everything on the stage just explodes with emotion. The dancers were simply divine, and the costumes - a symphony of white and black swans - were utterly beautiful. There’s something so captivating about the sheer artistry of classical ballet, and in such a prestigious space, the experience was just otherworldly. I think I was left completely speechless after the final curtain fell. The only word that truly came to mind was 'magical.'✨

  1. Shopping, Fashion & Finding My Tutu Inspiration: A ballet-inspired outfit wouldn't be complete without a fabulous wardrobe to match, wouldn't you say? Milan is truly a paradise for any fashion enthusiast like myself! I found myself browsing through the chic boutiques on Via Monte Napoleone and Via della Spiga, two streets that embody the pinnacle of Milanese style. From Italian leather goods to vintage Chanel, my heart was beating with a mixture of excitement and (just a teensy bit) anxiety at how quickly my suitcase was filling up!

But then, I saw it – the inspiration for my new tutu outfit. Tucked away in a small but charming store was a delicate tulle fabric, adorned with a floral pattern and the perfect shade of pink. I knew it was destined to become the new star of my wardrobe. A little bit of a splurge (a dancer's got to treat herself sometimes!) but the feeling of having a bespoke pink tutu just for me? Totally worth it! 💖

  1. Trams, Trains & City Adventures: And no trip to Milan would be complete without some time on the Trenord train! These speedy machines get me around town so efficiently and conveniently. Even though they can get crowded during rush hour, it’s such a vibrant part of the city's heartbeat.

This week, I rode the Trenord from Milan Centrale to Milan Porta Garibaldi, where I had the absolute best gelato in the whole world! This little gelateria (I forgot to write the name, d'oh!) tucked away on a side street served pistachio ice cream so delicious, I could’ve eaten a bucketful. I can still taste it, honestly! And it only cost me 2.50 Euro – you can’t beat that in the centre of Milano!

  1. Fashion Finds & Pink-Tutu Inspiration (continued): Speaking of shopping, you’d be hard-pressed to walk around Milan without stumbling into another gorgeous designer boutique or fashion pop-up. There’s a truly infectious energy about Milan, with the Milanese ladies and gentlemen dressing up every day as if for an event. The fashion here is vibrant, elegant and absolutely contagious – a true inspiration to every girl who dreams in pink tulle! 💕

This city makes me feel like I can achieve anything I set my mind to, just by taking inspiration from its sheer confidence and joie de vivre. I picked up a couple of exquisite new handbags and a scarf that reminds me of a ballerina’s ribbon – an investment I’ll definitely be enjoying for many years to come.

This Week's Pink Tutu Look:

It wouldn't be a Milan fashion week post without a little peak into my current outfit, right? This time, I opted for a pastel pink dress (a classic for my Milan wardrobe), and layered it with my newest vintage ballerina cardi, finished off with a delicate pink ribbon in my hair. This dress truly makes me feel like I can waltz through Milan's cobblestone streets, feeling stylish and utterly graceful, and naturally, all I needed was my signature tutu - this one was a lovely dusty pink, which went perfectly with the muted pinks and peaches of the day’s ensemble. I was a Pink Tutu Fairy in Milan!

What's Next For This Pink Tutu Ballerina?

This coming week is all about ballet class and exploration, I'm even heading to see a beautiful ballet production in the city's famous Teatro del Verme, but shhh, more about that next week! My Pink Tutu travels have led me all across the world but Milan really captures my heart, I can’t wait for all the fabulous ballet adventures it has in store. And don’t forget to subscribe to my weekly blog – PinkTutuMilan - to follow along and let me know your thoughts, questions or ideas! And, of course, if you ever need any pink tutu advice, you know where to find me.

Stay tuned, darlings, and may your day be as graceful as a pirouette!

xx Emma

[Don't forget to check out the weekly blog post on Monday at - it's a whirlwind of ballet, travel and fashion - and remember - wear pink tutus and never stop dreaming!]

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2023-05-31 ballet blog from Milano Italia