Tutu and Ballet News

June Pride Month in a Pink Tutu in Beckenham

Beckenham's a Rainbow: A Tutu-ific Pride Month Celebration!

By Emma, The Pink Tutu Ballerina

Okay, you guys, hold onto your sparkly shoes, because this June has been an absolute explosion of colour and joy here in Beckenham! Let's talk about Pride, let's talk about tutus, and let's talk about a whole lot of disco vibes. I mean, it's not officially Tututuesday every Tuesday in June, but with my Pink Tutu as my armour of acceptance and self-love, who needs a calendar, right?

So, I've been wearing my trusty Pink Tutu around Beckenham, feeling every ounce of joy and pride as I strutted through the streets. This little, twirly masterpiece is more than just a garment. It's a statement! A beacon of positivity that shines so brightly, even the clouds couldn't dampen its sparkle!

It all started with a quiet feeling – an urge to express my own truth and to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with all those who are celebrating their own individual identities. I mean, it's 2024 – can we finally put the word "queer" back into its true meaning – meaning unique and different, and celebrate all of the amazing things that come with that? We are beautiful, bold, and a darned good dance party waiting to happen!

My journey towards embracing Pride wasn’t always a technicolour explosion, though. Remember that school play where I was chosen for the role of "fairy" and was forced to wear a green costume? Well, I rebelled with pink ribbon, and a pink tutu on my head! Little did I know that tiny act of defiance was a sign of things to come. Now, years later, it's about owning that pink, about reclaiming it, and reminding everyone – even myself, sometimes – that it’s okay to shine, even when you think you’re a little different.

And this year, in Beckenham, we were definitely shining! From the breathtaking display of rainbows decorating the High Street to the epic "Rainbow Disco Party" in the community centre, it was like a kaleidoscope of joy erupted! You see, it’s all about unity, acceptance, and celebrating everything that makes each of us unique! And let’s face it – nothing celebrates being fabulous more than a good, old-fashioned disco!

Beckenham might not have the biggest Pride events like Brighton, but that just meant we created our own!

The whole atmosphere was contagious! From families dressed in rainbow-bright clothing to teens making their own rainbow hair dye and painting rainbow flag stencils on their foreheads, there was an air of absolute magic. There were tears in the air from both excitement and sheer joy as the town united, embracing each other with open arms. I even caught a few people sporting some spectacular pink tutus, a little nod to my style, perhaps? (Did someone just wink? 😉 )

The town's centrepiece was, without a doubt, the massive rainbow flag hung over the clock tower! That symbol of unity and acceptance made me want to sing my heart out! And let me tell you, the whole town seemed to be singing right along with me.

It wasn’t just the community events, though. This June, my Instagram was overflowing with colourful beauty! People all over Beckenham posted images of themselves proudly showcasing their rainbows: a local baker crafted a rainbow cake that would make any baker jealous, a florist created vibrant rainbow bouquets, and my favorite local tea shop, "The Chai Spice," was serving up special “rainbow lattes,” because, let's be honest, everyone needs a rainbow latte!

Even my local newsfeed was filled with rainbow highlights – stories about people who had stepped out of the shadows to claim their place in the world! One couple even celebrated their commitment with a rainbow cake wedding ceremony at the town's registry office. And it’s these moments, these everyday victories of love and acceptance, that really make Pride month something special.

And it wouldn't be Pride Month without talking about the iconic "Beckenham Pride Parade." Okay, so it’s not exactly a massive, glittering march, but let's be honest – even with a humble stroll through Beckenham town centre, it felt more powerful than any grand parade! I was at the head of the parade – yes, rocking my Pink Tutu – and let me tell you, I felt like I was leading a parade of joyful warriors. We didn't have marching bands or huge floats – our magic was in our collective spirit!

We danced down the streets of Beckenham, all our steps echoing a powerful message: We are here, we are visible, we are strong! We didn’t have to shout, we didn’t have to scream, our simple presence spoke louder than any words.

Our parade culminated in the town square where a brilliant drag artist led a disco dance lesson! It was glorious – with all sorts of twirls, flicks, and even some impressive high kicks, I can't say we all perfected the choreography (well, some of us may have been better than others), but the joy we created with those silly dances – was simply incredible. We were celebrating the joy of moving together, even if it was in a slightly awkward way – that’s the thing about pride; it brings us together no matter who we are, how we dance, or what we believe in.

At the heart of it all, we celebrated community. This year, June didn't just stand for pride, it stood for Beckenham! I mean, look at how we were all in sync with each other, sharing a powerful moment that left a mark on every heart.

But let's be clear – June Pride isn't a one-off event. The message we celebrate is relevant 365 days a year! The struggle for equal rights, for visibility, and for a world where everyone feels accepted is a constant fight. We don't just wave rainbow flags once a year, we raise our voices and take action every single day. We show up for our LGBTQIA+ family, and we show up for ourselves. We know we’re on the right track when we see our collective power manifested in real action, real changes, real joy.

So, here's to celebrating Pride every single day! May every day be a rainbow day, may every street be a dancing street, and may every single heart find their joy in the embrace of self-acceptance. Let's keep spreading the love, the joy, and the glitz, you beautiful souls!

#Tututuesday #TutuPride #BeckenhamPride #LoveIsLove #BeckenhamRocks #PinkTutuWarrior #GlitterAndGayness #AlwaysBeYourself

June Pride Month in a Pink Tutu in Beckenham