Tutu and Ballet News

June Pride Month in a Pink Tutu in Bilston

Bilston Bows Down to Pink Tutu Pride!

Hey everyone! Emma here, your resident pink-tutu-wearing, disco-dancing, LGBTQ+ advocate. Today's post is extra special because it’s all about celebrating June Pride Month in Bilston, and trust me, it’s an absolute riot!

Now, you might be thinking: "Bilston? Isn't that, you know, quite industrial?" And you'd be right! It’s known for its heritage, its strong working-class community, and – in my case – for its absolutely fantastic vintage shops! But did you know that Bilston also boasts a heart full of inclusivity and acceptance? Well, it certainly did today!

The sun was shining, the vibe was high, and the air crackled with joyous energy. Everyone, from little ones with glitter on their cheeks to grandmas sporting rainbow-trimmed crocheted hats, were out to celebrate. And let's be honest, a little bit of glitz and glam never hurts, right?

My trusty, sparkly pink tutu made an appearance, of course! This one's special - a vintage number from a local antique store with hand-stitched embellishments, perfect for adding a touch of extra magic to any event. You see, a tutu is more than just a skirt; it's a statement, a symbol of freedom, a declaration of "I'm proud to be me!" And let's be real, a little twirling never hurt anyone, did it?

But the true stars of the show were the people, of course. It was such a beautiful mix of individuals, all celebrating the same idea: the power of love and acceptance. Families with little flags tucked into their hair, groups of friends giggling as they walked, couples holding hands - it was truly heartwarming.

And speaking of heartwarming, one of my favourite moments of the day happened when I met a lovely woman named Sharon. Now, Sharon was in her early 60s and she told me about her journey of self-discovery and acceptance. Her smile was as bright as her rainbow hair, and I felt a lump in my throat. She confided that the community meant so much to her, providing a space for her to be who she truly is. It made me think about how important it is to stand up for LGBTQ+ rights and to fight for a future where everyone can live their truth.

Of course, no Pride celebration is complete without music. And Bilston's Pride parade had it in spades! The music pulsed through the streets, filling the air with joyful rhythms and creating a positive atmosphere that was utterly contagious. People danced in the streets, laughed, chatted, and just genuinely enjoyed the spirit of community.

From drag queen performances with feathers that could cut glass to heartwarming speeches about inclusion and acceptance, there was something for everyone. I even spotted a couple of drag queens who were sporting tutus just like mine!

The highlight of my day came when I stumbled upon a group of kids doing an impromptu dance session. You could tell they were excited to show off their moves, and it was truly adorable! I mean, come on, who doesn't love a bit of fun and spontaneous movement?

There was also a huge, brightly coloured Pride market bustling with local businesses selling everything from handmade jewelry and LGBTQ+ pride flags to rainbow-themed baked goods and quirky art prints. I managed to pick up some beautiful rainbow-coloured crocheted earrings, which are definitely going to make a statement in my future photoshoots!

The day wasn't just about rainbows and dancing, though. There was also a serious message behind all the fun. From awareness booths for different LGBTQ+ organisations to stalls with information on mental health and support resources, Bilston Pride was truly about creating a positive, inclusive space for everyone.

As the sun began to set, casting the colourful lights in an even more enchanting glow, I found myself reflecting on the day. Seeing so many people come together, embrace their true selves, and celebrate love, it reminded me why I’m so passionate about the LGBTQ+ community. It’s about love, acceptance, and celebrating the beauty of individuality. And that's something we can all be proud of.

If you’re reading this and haven't yet been to a Pride celebration, I urge you to give it a try. It’s not just about the parades and the parties; it’s about celebrating diversity, embracing individuality, and showing the world that love and acceptance are what truly matter. And if you ever see me out and about, feel free to come up and say hello! Maybe we can even do a little impromptu tutu twirl together!


"You can't be everything to everyone, but if you can be everything to just one person, that's enough." - Sarah McLachlan

*And lastly… *

Here’s to embracing our unique colours and to spreading the rainbow of love, kindness, and acceptance in every corner of the world!


Emma xx

#tututuesday #tutupride #bilstonpride #pride2024 #lgbtqplus #lovewins #acceptance #diversity #beyourself #joy #celebrate

June Pride Month in a Pink Tutu in Bilston