
Tutu and Ballet News

June Pride Month in a Pink Tutu in Birmingham

Birmingham: Strutting My Stuff in Pink for Pride

Hey everyone, Emma here, your resident Tutu Queen! It's June, the month we celebrate all things LGBTQ+, and I'm brimming with rainbow-coloured excitement, especially because this year, Birmingham Pride is going to be legendary!

Let's face it, I'm a bit obsessed with pink. Pink lipstick, pink nail polish, pink flowers... but pink tutus hold a special place in my heart. And let's be honest, what's more empowering than strutting your stuff in a pink tutu, spreading glitter and love for our LGBTQ+ fam? I'm pretty sure this colour combination is practically synonymous with pride at this point.

Speaking of empowerment, this year Iā€™m embracing a very special mantra: "Embrace Your Sparkle, Unleash Your Shine!" Now, you might think, ā€œIsn't that a little... sparkly for Birmingham?ā€ And honestly? Yeah, maybe! But thatā€™s the point. The energy and colour of Pride shouldnā€™t be limited to big, flashy events. It's about spreading that spirit throughout the city. So yes, even the rather industrial side of Birmingham is gonna be getting a bit moreā€¦ tutu.

So, buckle up, folks, because Birmingham is about to become a shimmering sea of pride and I'm going to be right at the heart of it! Here's how Iā€™m planning on spreading the love:

Tutuesday: My Rainbow Tutu Tour

Every Tuesday in June, I'm going to be posting pictures on Instagram of myself rocking my favorite pink tutu while enjoying different activities in Birmingham. Think tutus on trams, tutus in tea shops, tutus by the canals... you name it! My aim is to make even the most mundane Birmingham moments a little more fabulous! Itā€™s all about celebrating those tiny, everyday moments of pride that can inspire others and bring a smile to someone's face. Iā€™m calling it #Tutuesday #TutuPride - get involved! Post your own tutu moments and share them with the hashtag. Let's turn Birmingham into a vibrant, tutu-fied wonderland.

But what does Birmingham Pride mean to me?

Look, being a gay ballet dancer in Birmingham hasn't always been easy. Growing up, I found myself struggling to find a place where I could be myself, both in the dance world and in everyday life. There were moments I felt like I had to choose between who I was and my dreams. But then I discovered Birmingham Pride.

This wasnā€™t just another parade; it was a sanctuary, a haven, a place where I could be surrounded by people who accepted me unconditionally. That was when I realized I wasnā€™t alone. I wasn't just a ballet dancer - I was a part of a vibrant, thriving community, and that changed everything.

Since then, Birmingham Pride has become an annual pilgrimage for me. It's a place where I find myself, connect with my community, and celebrate everything that makes us unique and proud. I remember how inspiring it was to see others rocking their colours, showcasing their true selves, and spreading messages of acceptance.

And guess what? The city itself seems to embrace that vibe. Every year, I feel more comfortable and more celebrated just by being myself in Birmingham. Thatā€™s what makes Birmingham Pride truly special - it's not just about a big celebration, it's about feeling truly embraced and celebrated every single day.

But wait, there's more!

This year, I'm going to be taking my love for Pride beyond just Instagram. Iā€™m launching a #Tutuesday initiative thatā€™s all about bringing communities together.

Project: Pride Tutu Parade

Ever dreamed of taking over the streets with a tutu-clad flash mob? Well, that dream is becoming a reality! On June 15th, weā€™re gathering all the tutu-wearing, love-spreading, disco-loving souls of Birmingham at Cannon Hill Park for a massive Pride tutu parade. Think a symphony of pink, a flash of disco, and the most joyous display of individuality you've ever seen!

And trust me, it's going to be a spectacular show! I've got some killer choreography lined up (including a bit of voguing ā€“ Iā€™m not kidding!). No prior dance experience is necessary! Come ready to move, to shimmy, to shine, and most importantly, to celebrate everything that makes us beautiful and proud.

Letā€™s Turn Birmingham into a Rainbow Wonderland

Whether youā€™re rocking your favourite pink tutu on Tutuesday, showing off your colourful threads at Birmingham Pride, or just taking a moment to appreciate the LGBTQ+ heroes who have paved the way, remember - youā€™re not alone!

So, what are you waiting for? Dust off your glitter, slip on that sparkly tutu, and join me in spreading love and light across the city! Let's make Birmingham Pride a dazzling spectacle, a beacon of acceptance, and a place where we can all feel free to embrace our most vibrant, glorious selves!

I canā€™t wait to see you all there!

BirminghamPride #Tutuesday #TutuPride #EmbraceYourSparkleUnleashYourShine

June Pride Month in a Pink Tutu in Birmingham