Tutu and Ballet News

June Pride Month in a Pink Tutu in Broadstairs

Broadstairs Buzzes with Tutu Pride!

It’s June, the sun is shining, and the air is filled with the sweet scent of sea air and the joyful sounds of laughter. But this year, Broadstairs is buzzing with something extra special – Pride! And I’m here, in my pink tutu, ready to celebrate alongside everyone.

This year, I've decided to combine two of my greatest passions: pink and tutus! Because what’s more joyful than swirling through life in a shimmering, frilly tutu? Especially when you're celebrating something as important as LGBTQ+ pride. So, I’m spreading the love, and the pink sparkle, every day of June with a different #tutupride look.

This whole month, Broadstairs is transforming into a rainbow haven, a vibrant tapestry of acceptance, and a beacon of love. There’s a real sense of community spirit that makes you feel right at home, whether you’re a seasoned LGBTQ+ ally or discovering what it means to truly embrace diversity.

It all kicked off with the iconic Pride March on the first of June. Thousands of people, all decked out in the most fabulous rainbow attire, took to the streets with beaming smiles and overflowing joy. My heart skipped a beat when I saw the entire parade come alive with the energy of disco balls, drag queens strutting their stuff, and groups of people carrying rainbow flags that seemed to stretch forever. It was pure magic.

That feeling of exhilaration didn’t fade at all, and it followed me all week long as I enjoyed the bustling events held throughout the town. From workshops and educational talks celebrating inclusivity and breaking down harmful stereotypes, to the mesmerising drag shows held at the Harbour Stage, and the colourful craft stalls bursting with pride merchandise, Broadstairs truly embraced the spirit of the month.

Now, I know what you’re thinking – a tutu? Seriously? But hear me out! The tutu, to me, represents so much more than just a costume. It’s a symbol of freedom, expression, and movement – much like Pride itself! It allows me to dance my way through the streets, unapologetically me, and celebrate diversity in all its glory.

Let's be honest, wearing a tutu while cheering on your fellow LGBTQ+ friends and celebrating inclusivity makes a statement. It says, "Hey, I embrace being different! I love this rainbow! This community is amazing!”

Now, if you’re reading this thinking you want to add a little tutu magic to your Pride celebrations but you’re a little bit shy, let me tell you, you’re not alone. It’s normal to be a little apprehensive about something outside your comfort zone. That’s why I’m here to share a little bit of my tutu know-how. Don’t think it’s all about tulle and sparkles either!

Tutus come in all shapes and sizes. Just a splash of pink on your wrist or a colourful accessory like a little tutu hat can be your first step into this magical world. For the bolder among you, there’s even a growing trend of creating unique and fabulous "DIY tutu outfits." Who said you need to go all out and buy an elaborate stage tutu to join in the fun? Don’t forget to keep an eye out on your local charity shops too, there’s always a treasure trove waiting to be unearthed, and you can save yourself a fortune!

Of course, I love pink. But my love for pink, like my love for tutus, doesn’t diminish the beauty of other colours or other forms of self-expression. I believe everyone has their own way of expressing themselves, and whether it’s through a rainbow-coloured beanie, a fierce drag outfit, a beautifully crafted pride flag, or even just a supportive hug, each act of celebration is equally important. We are all unique in our own way and our voices all matter. This is what makes our community so powerful.

Speaking of powerful, this Pride month has been so much more than just parades, music, and dancing. It’s been about highlighting important social issues. We are all united against prejudice, discrimination, and lack of representation for our community. The fight for equal rights isn’t just about gaining legal rights, but about building acceptance and understanding in our hearts and in our everyday lives. That's why, even as I'm busy celebrating with a pink tutu, I know that it’s important to acknowledge that our struggle is not over.

But we don't focus only on the challenges! Let's talk about the incredible accomplishments. Every day, there's a new story of courage, of resilience, of love conquering adversity. We celebrate every victory – from landmark legal decisions to growing societal acceptance.

Pride Month, for me, is a reminder that we're all part of something bigger than ourselves, something beautiful and vibrant, full of love, and above all, inclusive. So, let's keep the spirit alive throughout the year. Remember that each and every day is a day to celebrate who we are, who we love, and what we stand for.

And what’s my favourite way to celebrate? Well, that’s easy. You guessed it. You can find me every day in June dancing my way through Broadstairs in a different fabulous pink tutu look! I can’t wait to see you join me! #tutupride #tututuesday

Stay tuned for my weekly Tutu Pride posts. We'll be covering all the events, discussing social issues, and celebrating the beauty and vibrancy of our community.

Remember, Pride is not just a month, it’s a state of mind! Let's celebrate all year round, because the world is a better place when we embrace our differences and stand together.

Yours in rainbows and tutus,


June Pride Month in a Pink Tutu in Broadstairs