Tutu and Ballet News

June Pride Month in a Pink Tutu in Castleford

Castleford: Tutu Tuesday Turns Into a Pride Extravaganza!

Hello darlings! Emma here, ready to share a rainbow-coloured tale of sunshine, sequins, and sheer, glorious pride! It's Pride Month, and what better way to celebrate than with a twirl? You know how I feel about a good tutu, right? It's not just a garment, it's a statement – a bold exclamation mark in a world that could always use a little more glitter!

Now, you may not immediately picture Castleford as the heart of a major Pride event, but hold on tight because it was a proper festival of joy last week, and let me tell you, it was simply sparkling. My mission, you see, is to bring the magic of dance and the pure exuberance of a pink tutu everywhere, spreading positivity and advocating for the beautiful rainbow of love, acceptance, and just plain old fun!

So, here's the scoop: every Tuesday in June, my dear friend Amelia and I embark on our #Tututuesday campaign. You see, a tutu is a great conversation starter! A bold pink one like mine practically demands a second glance!

"Where are you going dressed like that?" some will ask, raising eyebrows, perhaps even giggling. "A disco?" "A wedding?" "The circus?" My answer, every single time: "Pride!" And with that, a little light usually sparks in their eyes. It's not always a direct statement about sexuality, though it absolutely can be. Sometimes it's simply about finding a sense of belonging, expressing oneself without fear, celebrating individuality, and showing the world that love and joy come in every colour imaginable!

This year, Castleford’s response was… electric. We had planned a few “tutufying” adventures – a jaunt through the market square, maybe some cheeky twirls outside the library. I don't know what we expected, but we certainly didn't expect a full-blown dance party! The local Pride committee caught wind of our Tuesday twirling, they loved the idea, and they offered us the spotlight at their community event – talk about an impromptu gig! We embraced the opportunity like we would a brand-new pair of dance shoes – headfirst, feet flying, with more glitter than you could shake a stick at.

We arrived at the bustling Castleford square and saw the massive crowd buzzing with anticipation. Flags flapped in the warm breeze, rainbow ribbons twirled like streamers in the sky, and the air buzzed with music from a stage bathed in kaleidoscopic lights. The energy was palpable – everyone was ready to party. And when we appeared in our dazzling tutus, the roar of applause, whoops of delight, and excited chatter was a pure adrenaline rush!

The spotlight found its target. There we were, Amelia and me, in our pink tulle perfection – one in a fluffy bubblegum pink, the other in a daring shade of neon pink with sequins galore! And as the familiar thrumming of Donna Summer's "Hot Stuff" started pulsating through the speakers, it felt like our whole world came together in a giant, happy explosion.

People stopped and stared, mesmerized. Some took photos. Some even danced with us! A little girl, no more than 5 years old, eyes wide with wonder, ran over to Amelia and gasped, “You’re a fairy!” Her delighted mother, beaming with pride, nudged her and said, “Well, look how beautiful and sparkly she is!"

Amelia, being the charismatic dancer she is, spun the girl around and taught her a few twirls. I caught a glimpse of that little girl’s face – wide-eyed and utterly charmed – and that, right there, was magic!

That day, it wasn't just about twirling, dancing, and dazzling; it was about breaking down stereotypes, dispelling fear, and celebrating a simple, joyous message: be yourself. And if you do, maybe you’ll find a rainbow in your own little corner of the world.

From the infectious laughter of a group of teenagers, a young man twirling with a rainbow flag held high in his hand, and the excited energy of parents dancing with their children, to a shy senior citizen swaying to the music, beaming with an undeniable joy, it was a celebration of love and self-acceptance in its purest form.

As the evening descended and the music gradually faded, the crowd, though tired and content, held onto the happy energy of the day.

Leaving the park that night, my pink tutu gathered dust on my shoulder as I took in the moment – the sheer joy, the warm glow, and the lingering energy of acceptance, and it made me realize: Castleford may be known for its other qualities – its history, its vibrant market – but it’s also ready for its rainbow moment. This isn't a once-a-year spectacle for us. This is a spirit of inclusivity we want to build every day.

And hey, if we can get that vibe going by rocking some pretty pink tutus, you bet we’ll keep twirling. #tututuesday #tutupride #pride #Castleford #castlefordpride #rainbow #joy #acceptance

P.S. – stay tuned, my lovely readers! We're already planning our next #Tututuesday adventures, and this time, we're thinking sequins and feathers – imagine! So get your dancing shoes on and join us – the fun is just getting started! Love you, lots! X

June Pride Month in a Pink Tutu in Castleford