Tutu and Ballet News

June Pride Month in a Pink Tutu in Coalville

Coalville Gets its Tutu On for Pride!

Hello, my fabulous friends! Emma here, your favourite tutu-obsessed ballerina and glitter enthusiast. You know I love a good rainbow, and there's no better time for some glitzy colour than Pride Month, right? So, when I heard that Coalville was hosting its own Pride event, I knew I had to get involved. This was my chance to twirl my way into some seriously awesome vibes and celebrate love in all its colourful forms!

Now, I know Coalville might not be the first place that comes to mind when you think "Pride," but let me tell you, this little town knows how to party. I arrived bright and early, all dolled up in a fabulous hot pink tutu. (Think "Barbie meets disco ball," if you can imagine that!). I was channeling my inner disco diva, ready to spread some serious rainbow joy. And I wasn't the only one! The entire town was alive with colour and festivity, with stalls decked out in rainbow flags, vibrant drag performances happening all over the place, and a genuine sense of community bubbling up everywhere.

Honestly, seeing so many people coming together to celebrate inclusivity and diversity was truly heartwarming. There were kids, parents, grannies, and even some grannies rocking pink tutus – truly inspirational!

One thing that stood out for me was how genuinely the locals had embraced Pride. There was this lovely old pub called The Crown, which was hosting a Drag Bingo afternoon. Imagine that – Bingo hosted by drag queens! I have to say, the whole event was hilariously chaotic, but in the best way possible. The laughter was contagious, the drag queens were spectacular, and it just reinforced how much fun these events really are. It was more than just about bingo; it was about bringing people together, creating joy, and smashing stereotypes in the most entertaining way imaginable.

The atmosphere at the Coalville Pride event was electrifying, much like the fantastic DJs who kept the music pumping all day. I confess I lost myself in the rhythm and had to restrain myself from twirling in the middle of the crowd - gotta keep that ballet grace intact, right? There were food stalls serving up everything from gourmet vegan burgers to cheesy chips with rainbow-sprinkled gravy - I sampled everything and indulged in a few sugary treats too, because let's be honest, Pride calls for some indulgence!

Now, I can’t forget the incredible performance by the local Coalville Pride Choir! They were simply amazing! They sang with such passion and energy, it was impossible not to get swept up in the moment. You could tell everyone on stage was pouring their hearts into every note. They even sang a rendition of "We Are Family" – a song that’s always been close to my heart, but the sheer emotion and power they brought to the performance was truly touching.

Later that evening, the whole crowd gathered for the big Pride parade. It was a joyous, swirling symphony of colour! There were banners, balloons, handmade costumes – it was a riot of rainbow creativity! People of all ages and backgrounds marched proudly alongside LGBTQ+ groups, local businesses, and even a group of dedicated tutu-wearing ballet dancers. (Naturally, I led the charge!). The entire event felt so positive, so liberating, so joyous. It truly highlighted the fact that we’re all stronger, bolder, and more beautiful together.

After all the festivities, I realised that Coalville Pride wasn't just a celebration of LGBTQ+ pride. It was a reminder of how we can all celebrate the unique beauty in every person, regardless of their sexual orientation or identity. And the event wasn’t just about rainbows and glitter (though, there was a lot of that). It was about acceptance, community, and love – universal themes that connect us all.

As I watched the final glitter cannons explode and the crowd roar with joy, I realised this was exactly what the world needs: More love, more laughter, more sparkle. So thank you, Coalville, for showing me that Pride can truly shine in even the most unexpected places. You've earned a permanent spot on my map of fabulous locations, and I’m already looking forward to my next visit!

But for now, I'll leave you with this: If you’re reading this and you’ve been thinking about checking out a local Pride event, just go! You won’t regret it. Trust me. Don't be afraid to wear a fabulous outfit and get into the spirit. Remember: it’s about love, acceptance, and celebrating all that is beautiful in our diverse world. And don’t forget to post a pic of yourself having a good time and use those essential hashtags! #tututuesday #tutupride

Stay fabulous, friends!

Love, Emma ❤️✨🌈

June Pride Month in a Pink Tutu in Coalville