Tutu and Ballet News

June Pride Month in a Pink Tutu in Coventry

Coventry: Tutus and Glitter: Dancing into Pride!

Hello lovelies! Emma here, and let me tell you, Coventry was absolutely bursting with colour and joy this Pride month! I know I said I’d wear a tutu every day, but honestly, how could you top the fabulous spectacle that was Pride? Think pink (my favourite), rainbows, sequins, and so much glitter, it was almost blinding! And the atmosphere? Honestly, I could have danced all night!

(Spoiler Alert: I did, and it was absolutely amazing!)

The air was thick with the sounds of laughter, cheers, and, of course, some seriously good disco tunes! Honestly, you can't tell me this isn’t the most fabulous soundtrack for celebrating equality and inclusion, right? I’ve always loved the spirit of disco, a vibrant fusion of joy and freedom, and I couldn’t think of a better backdrop for Pride. It’s all about expressing yourself authentically, finding your groove, and embracing the beat!

From the moment I stepped into the heart of the parade, the sheer energy was electrifying! Imagine this: A sea of happy faces, brightly coloured flags waving, people decked out in the most fabulous outfits, all united in their commitment to equality! The air buzzed with the excitement of finally being able to celebrate who we are and who we love, openly and with pride!

Now, my dear readers, you know how much I love a good tutu! I always think it’s an incredible way to showcase your unique style and radiate happiness! And let me tell you, seeing other fabulous people in their own fabulously styled tutus was a complete fashion dream! Some people opted for the traditional ballet tutu, others rocked sassy, modern styles, with feathers and frills. I even spotted one sparkly, hot pink tutu adorned with little rainbow flags - pure perfection! I just love the sense of playfulness and joyous abandon it brought to the celebrations.

As the music pulsed, the crowd throbbed with the energy of shared joy, and I had the urge to do what I do best - twirl! The sight of people dancing in the street, in all their wonderfully individual ways, really struck a chord with me. I guess it’s the ballerina in me. Seeing people express themselves freely, using movement and joy as their language, it just fills my heart with happiness! It was such a powerful reminder that we can all be our authentic selves, whether that’s wearing a dazzling tutu, dancing like nobody's watching, or simply standing up for what we believe in.

But beyond the beautiful costumes, the amazing music, and the dazzling dance moves, Pride is about so much more. It’s a celebration of resilience, progress, and the unwavering pursuit of a more just and equal society.

*(Insert adorable snapchat story picture of Emma in her bright pink tutu holding a "Love Wins" flag at the Coventry Pride parade - a cute filter of glittery hearts and rainbow sprinkles would be nice!). *

Seeing so many people stand shoulder to shoulder, embracing the spirit of inclusivity, filled me with an undeniable hope for the future. We’ve made some huge strides toward a society where everyone can truly be themselves, but we also need to acknowledge that there’s still much work to be done. There are still far too many inequalities, far too many stories of injustice, and far too many voices silenced.

And this is where we all come in. Each of us can be a force for change, no matter how small our contribution may seem. We can use our voice to advocate for those who are often unheard, offer a hand of kindness to those in need, or simply spread the message of love and acceptance.

As I strolled through the streets of Coventry, watching people joyfully celebrate the hard-won rights and freedoms of the LGBTQ+ community, I felt a deep sense of gratitude. So much courage, creativity, and joy went into crafting such a powerful, vibrant message. It was truly a sight to behold!

Pride is more than just a parade; it’s a collective expression of humanity’s shared desire for acceptance, love, and the right to be who we are, regardless of who we love.

*(Include a short, super cute, but a little shaky video clip of Emma on Instagram Stories with the caption "This is what Pride is all about! 💖 Love is Love!" and the audio set to the song "Dancing Queen" by Abba with rainbow coloured emojis.) *

So, I encourage you all to use the power of your voice and actions, just like the amazing community I witnessed in Coventry, to make our world a more inclusive, equitable and, dare I say it, a more sparkly and vibrant place! Because as they say: Love wins!

Let’s keep dancing, let’s keep shining, and let’s keep fighting for a brighter, more loving future!

Lots of love and lots of glitter,


(Hashtag your blog post with all the necessary pride vibes like #PrideMonth #CoventryPride #LGBTQ #LoveWins #TutuPride #tututuesday)

June Pride Month in a Pink Tutu in Coventry