Tutu and Ballet News

June Pride Month in a Pink Tutu in Eltham

Eltham Gets Glittery: A Tutu-ific June Pride Celebration

By Emma, your resident pink-obsessed ballerina and #tutupride enthusiast

It’s June, the sun’s shining, and the air is buzzing with excitement! And why not? June is Pride Month, a time to celebrate the incredible LGBTQ+ community and all that it stands for: love, acceptance, and most importantly, being your fabulous, authentic self.

And let me tell you, Eltham knows how to celebrate! This year, they pulled out all the stops, turning the town into a swirling, glittering wonderland of rainbows and smiles.

Let's get this party started... with a Tutu!

I’m not one to shy away from a bit of sparkle, and for Pride, a tutu just seemed the perfect way to embrace the celebratory vibe. It's playful, it’s fun, it's everything that June Pride is all about!

Let’s be real, a pink tutu? That’s my kind of statement. It says, "Hey, I’m here to celebrate and embrace the diversity that makes our world so special!" Plus, let's face it, a tutu makes every occasion instantly ten times more fun.

Rainbow colours and smiles everywhere

Walking through the heart of Eltham, the sheer energy of the day hit me like a disco beat. Every shop window was adorned with rainbows, vibrant banners danced in the breeze, and music pumped from every corner.

I spotted families picnicking in the park, children giggling as they wore rainbow-coloured face paint, and couples holding hands and giggling together. Everywhere I looked, there was joy, celebration, and a real sense of togetherness.

The Eltham Pride Parade: a kaleidoscope of colour

The highlight of the day, without a doubt, was the Pride parade. As I stood by the side of the road, anticipation bubbling inside me, the parade began. And wow, was it impressive!

First up, the Eltham Gay Pride Association, proudly waving rainbow flags, setting the tone for the joyous spectacle to come. Next, a vibrant, diverse group of LGBTQ+ activists marched past, chanting slogans about equality, love, and acceptance.

But it wasn't just serious stuff – there were float after float adorned with dazzling rainbow lights, a fantastically choreographed dance performance by the Eltham Cheerleading Squad (their rainbow pom-poms were a sight to behold), and even a marching band with their instruments shimmering in a kaleidoscope of rainbow paint.

The highlight of the parade was an open-top double-decker bus bursting with energetic young people wearing rainbow clothes and singing their hearts out. You couldn't help but feel swept away by the pure exuberance.

The Music Doesn’t Stop!

As the parade wound down, the party was just getting started. A huge outdoor stage was set up in the park, and as the afternoon wore on, an eclectic mix of local musicians took to the stage.

Disco vibes pulsated through the air as one DJ set a fiery groove going, and the dance floor, buzzing with people of all ages, was a kaleidoscope of colour. Couples twirled and swayed, families danced hand-in-hand, and even some lone souls like me (with my pink tutu on, naturally!) got swept away by the energy of the music and the joyful atmosphere.

A message of love, acceptance, and unity

Eltham's Pride was more than just a fun day out; it was a powerful statement. It was a message of love, acceptance, and unity, celebrating the strength and diversity of the LGBTQ+ community.

Looking out at the vibrant crowd, I felt a deep sense of hope. Pride Month is a celebration of our differences and a reminder that love, in all its glorious forms, should be cherished. Eltham, you really set the bar high!

More Tutu, More Pride!

I can't wait to see what Eltham brings next year! As for me? You can bet I’ll be rocking my pink tutu and celebrating Pride Month with every fibre of my being!

Don’t forget to spread the love and celebrate with me. Use #tutupride and #tututuesday on your social media posts. We’re all in this together!

June Pride Month in a Pink Tutu in Eltham