Tutu and Ballet News

June Pride Month in a Pink Tutu in Europe

Pink Power in the Piazza: A Tutu Tale of Pride in Rome!

#tututuesday #tutupride

Ciao, darlings! It's your girl Emma, back from the most fabulous Pride Month in Rome, a city that's bursting with energy and, of course, amore for everyone.

The last few weeks have been a whirlwind of sequins, smiles, and disco balls. This year, I decided to dedicate my Pride celebrations to something truly close to my heart: tutus. I know what you’re thinking, "A tutu at Pride? Emma, you've gone completely bonkers!" But trust me, it was a dream come true, and the perfect way to express my love for inclusivity and, of course, twirling in the name of joy!

My quest began with a beautiful vintage pink tutu, the perfect shade of blushing sunshine that perfectly captured the spirit of Rome under the golden afternoon sun. I knew instantly that it was destined to become the centrepiece of my Pride wardrobe. It was vintage, and in need of a bit of a freshen up, but it was already my heart’s desire and I knew it was ready for some love and attention.

You wouldn't believe the attention it got when I stepped out into the sunshine. It turned out that Rome has a vibrant tutu scene – I’m not joking! Every time I hit the cobbled streets, the locals would cheer and ask me to pose for photos. People were loving the look and even stopped to chat to me about the symbolism. Apparently, the pink tutu was “sullo spirito,” they said! I just laughed and, in my limited Italian, explained my inspiration – the celebration of freedom, self-expression, and of course, a healthy dose of twirling fun. It really felt like an echo of the powerful sense of liberation and love that surrounded everyone in Rome this June.

My Top Three Tutu Moments of Pride in Rome:

  1. Pride Parade in a pink cloud of joy: The main event of course, had to be the parade itself. There was just a phenomenal energy coursing through the crowd, with vibrant rainbow flags everywhere you looked, blasting music pumping in the air, and smiles wider than the Colosseum itself. And I was front and centre in my fabulous tutu. You could hear the roar of cheers as I walked past the hundreds and hundreds of cheering faces – that’s when I truly knew this wasn’t just a fun outfit – it was a symbol of celebrating the strength, beauty, and resilience of the LGBTQ+ community.

  2. Street Party at Piazza Navona: After the parade, I headed down to the Piazza Navona for the post-parade party, which felt like a massive disco under the stars. It was filled with dancing, laughter, and, of course, even more sequins. Every few minutes, my fellow parade-goers would request a twirl. Every single one of them, in that joyous, celebratory atmosphere, made me feel like I was part of something incredible – something big. And frankly, in my own silly way, I was representing everyone celebrating and making sure we knew that we all had the power and strength to take on the world, tutu and all.

  3. Dinner with My Family: My final moment in Rome was a real “heartfelt” one. We were enjoying the best pasta and pizza with the family, which was so incredibly relaxed after all of the partying. But then came the special moment when my niece, a beautiful eight-year-old called Olivia, said "Auntie Emma, I wish you had worn your tutu for the meal!" This moment just reminds us that the message of Pride is all about inclusivity. No matter what we’re wearing, who we are, or how we identify – we’re all free to embrace our authentic selves!

Pride, Love and Tutudom: Why I Embrace the Pink Dream

This journey of love, tutus and LGBTQ+ joy really had me thinking about what this special time means to me. You see, when it comes to being true to yourself, there’s no better example than a tutu, it’s essentially, an invitation to twirl with reckless abandon – a true celebration of joyful self-expression.

And in the grand tapestry of Pride, the tutu doesn't just represent femininity – it's a vibrant metaphor for stepping out of your comfort zone, being audacious, and saying "I am here, I am fabulous, and I am proud!" For me, it’s about remembering those who came before us, and those fighting for our rights and visibility every single day.

For some, maybe a tutu feels unconventional or even daring. But for me, it's the ultimate symbol of celebrating every single one of us, the queer community, and its beautiful diversity. It’s a way of standing up and saying “Here I am, world! I’m unapologetically myself.”

So, when someone says "you shouldn’t be wearing that”, you should respond with "Hey, look! You better wear what makes you feel like you can fly! It's a bold move and in its own way, a defiant and celebratory statement that, we are here, and we are proud!”

Tutu Travels Continue:

This Rome adventure was just the beginning of my tutu pride mission. Don't worry, I’ve got some more incredible tutus lined up and I can't wait to share them with you all. But for now, I’m bringing you all those special Rome Pride memories. Because I truly believe that in the beautiful words of Diana Ross, "It's my turn to twirl!**

Let's hear it for Pride! Let's hear it for tutus! Let's hear it for everyone, everywhere, twirling to their own rhythm! #tutupride #tututuesday #PrideInEurope

P.S. Keep your eyes peeled for more from my next #tutupride adventure – the fabulous city of Amsterdam! Ciao, darlings!

June Pride Month in a Pink Tutu in Europe