Tutu and Ballet News

June Pride Month in a Pink Tutu in Fareham

Fareham's Got The Sparkle: Celebrating June Pride in My Pink Tutu!

Hey there, fabulous followers! It's Emma here, your local ballet-loving, glitter-obsessed blogger. It’s that time of the year again - June, the month we celebrate the diversity and resilience of the LGBTQ+ community, and, of course, my absolute favourite time of the year to wear my tutus.

This year, I decided to take my June pride celebrations to a whole new level - a rainbow of glitter and pirouettes on the streets of Fareham! Now, I know what you're thinking: "Emma, you're a ballerina, not a street performer!" But trust me, my love for the LGBTQ+ community knows no bounds, and neither does my love for a good tutu (especially when it's pink!).

My week began with a whirlwind of pink ribbon-wrapping and sequins galore. Let's be honest, every tutu needs some extra oomph, right? My little sister, Lily, was my trusty sidekick for this operation. Now, Lily, bless her heart, doesn't quite share my love for tutus. Her "Is that seriously your outfit?" was met with a confident "Honey, you haven't lived until you've pirouetted in a pink tutu under a rainbow flag." We both know I'm right!

Next on my Pride prep agenda? Music. Now, while I love the classic orchestral sounds of Swan Lake, Pride calls for a different beat – a disco beat. Think Abba, Donna Summer, a sprinkle of disco fever - it’s all about the feel-good vibes and that unstoppable dance energy. My playlist was ready to go, complete with a special "Tutu Time" section, featuring classics like "I Will Survive" and, of course, "Dancing Queen" – because let’s be honest, a ballerina never gets enough opportunities to feel like a Queen!

Finally, after a morning of last-minute touch-ups (you know, glitter check, hair flip, ensuring my pointe shoes had that perfect twinkle), I was ready to roll! My plan? Start with the local farmers' market. With a pink tutu, rainbow feather boa, and my playlist on full blast, I figured I'd get plenty of curious onlookers and supportive smiles.

Oh, boy, did I ever! I arrived, tutu flowing, music blasting, ready to spin and twirl my way through the crowd. People stopped, some with a puzzled look, others with a delighted grin. There were even a few curious children asking if they could “do a spin with the sparkly lady” – they truly are our future! The farmers' market was a huge success! Everyone loved the pink tutu, the disco beat, and the joyous spirit. I had chats about my inspiration for this bold move, about pride, acceptance, and the power of self-expression. Even a couple of market vendors came up to me saying they were touched by my effort. I truly believe even small gestures, even just a dance, can create waves of change and spread the message of inclusivity and acceptance.

The next step? Fareham’s famous Pride Parade! You’ve got to admire the organisation skills – all the floats, marching bands, rainbows galore, and the atmosphere! It’s like being part of the largest dance party the world has ever seen! It was there, surrounded by hundreds of happy faces, that I truly realised the power of unity. People from all walks of life, of different faiths and ethnicities, gathered together for a celebration of acceptance. I had a sense of community and belonging that just gave me chills, the good kind, you know?

It’s crazy how many smiles, supportive words, and joyful "Yass, Queen!"s a pink tutu can spark! There was even this little boy with a rainbow flag and the brightest eyes who asked me, "Are you a unicorn?" - "Yes, young man, a pink tutu wearing disco unicorn!" And that moment, I realized it wasn’t just about me and my sparkly costume. It was about sharing this joy and spirit with everyone – even the tiny unicorn lovers!

Throughout the day, my dancefloor shifted, moving from the bustling market to the lively Pride parade and then onto the more intimate street performances where artists poured their souls into their craft. Each experience was special, but a particular highlight was sharing my stage with the Fareham Rainbow choir. Their powerful voices, combined with the moving lyrics about love, acceptance, and unity – truly moved me to tears.

One last thing - you guys, the crowd really loved "Dancing Queen" – and I’m not even going to brag about how amazing I looked twirling my tutu while singing along with ABBA, haha! It's all about having fun and showing support. So yeah, the day might have started a bit nervously but by the end, I had my disco groove on, radiating happiness and spreading the message of love and inclusivity. I realised the biggest takeaway from June Pride in my pink tutu wasn't just about acceptance, it was about empowerment. It’s about finding your voice, standing up for what you believe in, and being unapologetically yourself, be it a pink tutu-wearing ballerina, a disco queen, or anything else you choose to be!

And here's a shout out to all the amazing LGBTQ+ individuals in my beloved Fareham. You inspire me everyday with your strength, creativity, and resilience. Keep on shining, keep on dancing, and let's keep on building a world where love wins, acceptance reigns, and a pink tutu wearing disco queen is welcomed with open arms!

Remember to stay tuned for more pride adventures on my blog and social media, and please do share your pride stories and experiences with me! Until next time, let's continue dancing our way towards a more accepting world, one pink tutu at a time.



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June Pride Month in a Pink Tutu in Fareham