
Tutu and Ballet News

June Pride Month in a Pink Tutu in Farnworth

Farnworth's Fabulously Fuchsia Fiesta: A Tutu Tale of Pride!

It's June, the sun's shining (most days, anyway!), and you know what that means? Pride month is here, babes! And for this girl, that translates to one thing: tutus! So when my best mate, Holly, suggested we don our tulle and head to Farnworth for their annual Pride parade, I was instantly in.

Now, if you know me, you know pink is my lifeblood. A sprinkle of pink? No, make it a full-on pink explosion! And, well, my sparkly, fuchsia tutu just screams 'fabulous'. It was basically designed for this kind of occasion! Plus, Holly's rainbow-hued masterpiece – a technicolor explosion of colour - was the perfect complement to my hot pink number. We were basically walking, dancing, iridescent rainbows of queer joy.

Farnworth, nestled in the heart of Greater Manchester, may not be the first place you think of for a dazzling Pride event, but let me tell you – these folks know how to party! From the moment we stepped onto the parade route, it was like a wave of glitter and happiness engulfed us. The energy was infectious, and it was amazing seeing such a diverse crowd – families, friends, solo adventurers – everyone coming together to celebrate love, acceptance, and simply being your true self.

A marching band blasting out disco classics (we're talking 'Stayin' Alive' and 'Dancing Queen' – pure Pride gold!) got everyone swaying and twirling, even my little nephew, Charlie, who was completely captivated by the music and the flashing lights. He kept saying, "Auntie Emma, can I have a tutu, too?". Maybe he's a born performer. Or maybe he just gets it – there's something about tutus that just brings out the magic, don't you think?

As we floated through the crowd – yes, we floated, we weren't walking, we were floating! – I couldn't help but notice that it wasn’t just the music that made everyone smile. It was the sense of community, of belonging. A wave of pride washed over me as I witnessed families with rainbow flags, kids sporting homemade LGBTQ+ badges, and even grannies rocking rainbow hair. It was beautiful and heartwarming and a stark reminder that we are truly surrounded by people who support, cherish, and champion diversity.

The parade ended in the town square, where the party continued in a burst of vibrant colours. Food trucks lined the streets, serving up rainbow-hued treats – think pink pancakes, rainbow cupcakes, and rainbow-sprinkled popcorn – while local musicians belted out feel-good tunes.

But the real highlight was the LGBTQ+ resource fair. There were so many wonderful organisations – charities, support groups, community projects – all dedicated to providing essential resources and support to the queer community. It's always inspiring to see how much incredible work is being done in our communities. And let me tell you, their booths were equally amazing – rainbow balloons, glitter bombs, free Pride swag – everything to spread the love and joy!

As the evening drew to a close, Holly and I decided to do what any self-respecting tutu-wearing Pride celebrant would do: we took our celebration to the dance floor. We twirled and whirled under the disco ball, channeling all the good vibes of the day into our movements. I honestly can't think of a better way to celebrate Pride.

There's something incredibly powerful about seeing so many people – young and old, straight and LGBTQ+ – united in celebrating our differences, and reminding everyone that we are stronger when we embrace all colours of the rainbow. It's not just about pride in the LGBTQ+ community – it's about the joy, the laughter, the sheer pleasure of being your true self, whatever that means for you.

So, if you're thinking about ditching the stuffy, restrictive β€œnormal” clothes, ditch the negativity, and come embrace the sparkle and wonder of Pride in your own fabulous way. Wear a tutu if that's your thing – or don't, you do you! The most important thing is to celebrate with a heart full of love and a smile that lights up the world.

Happy Pride Month, everyone! #TutuPride #TutuTuesday #FarnworthPride

But wait, there's more!

So, after all that dancing and celebrating, you might be wondering what happened to my beautiful tutu? Well, after I took it home and gave it a gentle wash and hand-dry (never put a tutu in a machine – learn from my mistakes!), I decided to use it to spread even more Pride joy!

I've partnered with a local LGBTQ+ charity here in Farnworth and we’re auctioning off my sparkly fuchsia tutu. All the proceeds are going towards their amazing work of supporting LGBTQ+ youth in our community. If you're looking for a unique way to celebrate Pride and support a great cause, be sure to check out our online auction!

So, my fellow tutu-enthusiasts, my disco lovers, my Pride-celebrating friends, let's make the world a little bit brighter, a little bit more fabulous, and a whole lot more inclusive one twirl at a time.

Happy Pride, darlings!

Emma xoxo

June Pride Month in a Pink Tutu in Farnworth