Tutu and Ballet News

June Pride Month in a Pink Tutu in Fleet

Fleet's Got The Beat: Dancing Through Pride in My Pink Tutu

Hello darlings! Emma here, ready to sprinkle some glittery, rainbow-coloured joy all over your timelines!

June – the month that makes my heart sing, literally. Because you know what that means? Pride Month! A time for celebrating diversity, for standing up for what's right, and for reminding everyone that love knows no boundaries.

And how do I celebrate? Why, with a tutu of course! I mean, what's more iconic, more fun, and frankly, more fabulous than twirling in a tulle masterpiece?

So, this June, I packed my pinkest, most sparkly tutu, slapped on a pair of dazzling heels, and headed down to Fleet. Now, Fleet might not be the first place you think of when you imagine a Pride celebration, but trust me, the community there is bursting with love, colour, and an absolute abundance of positive energy.

Fleet Fills with Joy:

Walking into the bustling town centre, it felt like the whole town had donned its party hat. Every corner was awash in rainbows. The streets were a kaleidoscope of colour, decorated with bright banners proclaiming "Love is Love", "Happy Pride!", and even "Fleet's Got The Beat!" – my personal favourite!

A bouncy disco beat was pumping from every shop, setting the mood for the day. Honestly, even the pigeons seemed to be bobbing their heads to the rhythm. This wasn’t just a celebration, it was an immersive experience.

Tutu Tales and Pride Vibes:

As I shimmied through the crowds, my pink tutu, a vibrant splash of femininity against the backdrop of colourful flags, turned heads and sparked smiles. Everyone was radiating joy - gay, straight, transgender, non-binary, every colour in the spectrum was shining. People chatted, laughed, and danced together, a joyous mosaic of acceptance.

I stopped by a stand selling homemade rainbow cupcakes. Now, who can resist a rainbow cupcake with sprinkles? I don't know about you, but I’m a sucker for a good rainbow-coloured confection!

From Street Corner to Dance Floor:

Later, I found myself drawn to the sound of Motown classics blaring from the Town Hall. The "Fleet Pride Family Fun Day" was in full swing, and the energy was simply infectious. Kids, decked out in rainbow face paint, chased each other through the inflatable bouncy castle. Families picnicked on blankets under a canopy of rainbow flags, laughing and chatting.

I was transfixed watching a group of drag queens, with their elaborate makeup and outrageous outfits, sashay through the crowds, engaging everyone with their hilarious skits. The infectious laughter echoed through the town square, a testament to the sheer power of laughter, humour, and unbridled joy.

Taking The Lead (With My Tutu On):

And what would Pride be without some dance moves? I’m a ballerina, so it felt only right to do my part. I twirled onto the dance floor, feeling my pink tutu swirling with the rhythm of the music. It's amazing how much joy can come from simple movements. My tutu became a beacon, drawing other dancers into the circle. Soon, we were all swaying together, a collective celebration of self-expression, individuality, and unity.

More Than Just A Dance Party:

As the sun started to set, painting the sky in hues of orange and purple, I felt a warmth settle within me. This wasn’t just about dancing; it was about building bridges, challenging prejudice, and showing the world the beauty in difference.

In a small town like Fleet, it was easy to see the impact Pride had. It had created a space where everyone felt comfortable to be their authentic selves, to express their love and to embrace each other’s differences.

The End of The Rainbow (But The Beginning of Something More):

Later, as I watched the last sparklers fizz out in the night sky, I realised the joy wasn’t just temporary. This wasn’t just about one month or one day. It was about creating a culture of acceptance, where everyone could embrace who they were and celebrate the tapestry of diversity that makes up our beautiful world.

The Tutu Legacy:

My tutu, once a simple piece of costume, has become a symbol. A symbol of acceptance, of strength, of standing tall, of embracing difference, and most importantly, of spreading the message of love and kindness.

And who knows, maybe next year, I'll bring a few friends in their own tutus!

So, what's your take, darlings? What are your favourite ways to celebrate Pride? I'd love to hear your stories.

Remember to tag your own #tututuesday #tutupride moments on social media and let’s spread the rainbow joy far and wide. Because in the words of the great disco legend, Gloria Gaynor, “I Will Survive” – and we will, together!

Stay fabulous and stay fierce,

Emma xoxo

#FleetPride #PrideMonth #tututuesday #tutupride #LoveIsLove #BeYourTrueSelf #DanceYourHeartOut #EmbraceTheRainbow

June Pride Month in a Pink Tutu in Fleet