Tutu and Ballet News

June Pride Month in a Pink Tutu in Gloucester

Gloucester: A Tutu-licious Pride Month!

Hello my lovely followers! It's your girl, Emma, and let me tell you, June was simply fabulous! A whirlwind of sunshine, glitter, and rainbows, and all in the name of celebrating LGBTQ+ pride! And guess what? I rocked a pink tutu the entire month! I know, I know, you’re thinking "Emma, what on earth?!” But trust me, it was the perfect way to spread joy and get those sassy, positive vibes going.

Now, as a proud ballerina and a dedicated ally, there's no better way to embrace the spirit of Pride than with a dance in a tutu. Not only are tutus a symbol of elegance and artistry, but they are also incredibly empowering. That twirling feeling, the effortless grace, and the sheer volume of fabric - it's a real confidence boost! Plus, what could be more joyous than embracing the power of self-expression and doing it in the most delightful of outfits?

The festivities kicked off in Gloucester, my beautiful hometown. You'd think this charming city nestled on the River Severn wouldn't be brimming with such vibrant, inclusive energy, but I'm here to tell you - it is! From the city centre buzzing with rainbow flags to the heart-warming speeches at the Pride march, Gloucester truly embraced the spirit of LGBTQ+ pride in its entirety.

But where there's a march, there's got to be music, right? And believe me, the musical scene at Gloucester Pride was simply electric. I'm talking DJs pumping out those glorious disco beats, fabulous local bands blasting out pop anthems, and all kinds of energetic tunes making everyone move their feet. Now, I know some folks shy away from a bit of a dance, but come on, everyone deserves a good shimmy! And when you've got a fabulous tutu on, those shimmies are just magnified by ten. I'm pretty sure I caught more than a few passersby breaking out into dance moves as I sashayed my way down the High Street.

I know some of you might be thinking, “Emma, rocking a pink tutu, really?!” But hear me out. The colour pink? It’s a celebration of femininity and being unapologetically yourself! It's about breaking down those traditional stereotypes about what "gay" should look like. For me, wearing that pink tutu wasn't about a gender, it was about showcasing the playful spirit of Pride, about throwing glitter and a whole lot of sparkle on a day of love, celebration, and the unwavering power of community.

So, why the tutu? Well, it started off as just a fun, lighthearted way to show my support and spread a little cheer. You see, even though I'm an ally and I deeply admire the work that the LGBTQ+ community does, sometimes, even allies can be afraid of how they might be perceived. But when I donned my pink tutu and joined the march, I was overwhelmed by the positivity. People smiled at me, applauded me, and even asked for selfies.

Remember that scene from the film ‘Strictly Ballroom' where Bar Luhrman bursts onto the dancefloor with a vibrant yellow costume, and suddenly everyone is shimmying? Yeah, that was me, except my “shimmering” was pink and my dance moves involved a fair bit of twirling! But I knew something magical was happening: people were letting loose, being themselves, and having a blast, all thanks to a touch of silly fun, and yes, that adorable pink tutu!

Now, my fabulous friends, it wasn’t just the pink tutu that stole the show – the beauty of Pride in Gloucester was seeing individuals from all walks of life coming together to embrace each other, celebrate their differences, and simply have a joyous time. The diversity of backgrounds, colours, cultures, and ages all melting into a colourful symphony of acceptance and unity!

The real magic of Gloucester Pride was that the atmosphere transcended mere celebration; it was an undeniable force of compassion, understanding, and equality. Witnessing young children skipping hand-in-hand with their parents, holding colourful pride flags high in the air, reminded me why these celebrations are so important – we need to sow seeds of kindness, tolerance, and acceptance early on, so future generations can grow up knowing they’re loved, accepted, and empowered to be themselves, exactly as they are.

And who knows? Maybe next year, there’ll be a sea of pink tutus in Gloucester as the LGBTQ+ community, their allies, and all those inspired by this fantastic spirit embrace a whole new level of self-expression! Until then, let’s keep celebrating those unique and joyful personalities that shine brighter than a disco ball.

Happy Pride everyone!

tututuesday #tutupride #loveislove #pride #GloucesterPride #danceforchange #beyourself #lgbtq+ #inclusive

Emma’s Pride Diary:

  • Saturday 8th June

"OMG! You wouldn't believe the number of sparkly, fabulous things in the local shops right now! And there are so many beautiful, colourful clothing brands that champion Pride and its spirit. I got myself a rainbow tote bag with glitter writing, the most vibrant rainbow-hued hair ties I've ever seen (a must-have accessory!), and let’s not forget, my stunning pink tutu! You guys, this thing is amazing! The fabric is floaty, the colour is pure heaven, and it spins just right!”

  • Thursday 13th June

"Today, the first workshop for our local LGBTQ+ Youth group was held at The Drill Hall in Gloucester, and it was simply magical! A bunch of youngsters, bursting with creativity and energy, and each one eager to learn how to express themselves through dance. I showed them some simple, expressive steps to warm up and then a few spins in their individual tutu’s – oh yes, I provided pink tutus for everyone!”

  • Sunday 16th June

"Aaaaah, my heart swells with pride! Today we had the Gloucester Pride Youth Rally at the park. So many young people from our group joined in, along with members of the wider community. We all stood hand in hand, waving our rainbow flags, and chanted slogans like "Love is Love" and "Equality Now." Seeing these kids be brave and proud brought tears to my eyes. This is the future – a world full of acceptance, understanding, and love for all!”

  • Saturday 22nd June

"We had a "Glitter, Glamour and Tutu-licious Brunch" at a local café. Yes, I made everyone wear a pink tutu! We had delicious, sparkling cocktails, and there was so much laughter and fun. And, to make it extra special, a drag queen (dressed in a stunning purple outfit with sequins!) came to perform some iconic lip-sync songs – everyone loved it!”

  • Sunday 23rd June

“Okay, here is the truth: I have danced my heart out in the last two weeks. From practice sessions with my dance group at The Drill Hall, to attending other Pride events at Gloucester Cathedral (I know, you wouldn't expect it, right? but it was a beautiful setting, full of beautiful energy!) and Gloucester Park (with the BEST BBQ, amazing DJ and gorgeous drag performance… you’ve got to love that about a Pride festival – so much variety!), to joining the March this morning... The music, the dance, the excitement of seeing people who really feel free and accepted... You can tell these are truly inclusive events where all individuals can truly feel accepted for who they are!”

  • Monday 24th June

“OMG! Last night's Gloucester Pride Parade! It was the most magical, colourful, and exhilarating experience! As I stood amongst my dance troupe, all decked out in our pink tutus, my heart soared with a mixture of excitement and joy. Seeing all these LGBTQ+ folks marching with their friends and families – it felt like history in the making. This parade wasn’t just about our local area; it’s part of a global movement, showing everyone that Pride isn’t just a celebration but also a powerful force for change.”

  • Tuesday 25th June

“Today I woke up still buzzing from last night, a big, proud, and a little tired! It's back to regular life, and yet, it’s no ordinary Tuesday, as today I’m still re-energized by all that amazing Pride spirit. I love my little hometown of Gloucester, its quirky shops and churches. But what really makes this city shine is the warmth, the openness, and the spirit of the people. So, whether it's rocking my tutu, throwing confetti, or simply enjoying the joyful chatter and smiles that flow through the streets, Gloucester feels like a welcoming, inclusive city, and I wouldn't want to call anywhere else home. I guess there’s still that feeling from Pride events bubbling beneath the surface. And when it's the most important thing, you hold onto that magic, don’t you?”

June Pride Month in a Pink Tutu in Gloucester