Tutu and Ballet News

June Pride Month in a Pink Tutu in Guiseley

Guiseley Goes Pink for Pride!

#tututuesday #tutupride

Oh my goodness, Guiseley! You truly outdid yourselves for June Pride this year! And guess what? This girl was right in the thick of it, twirling my way through the celebrations in my trusty pink tutu, feeling the love and joy radiating from every corner of the town square.

Seriously, I’ve got to give it up for Guiseley, a place I wouldn’t usually associate with major Pride celebrations. But here we were, a sea of rainbow flags, glitter, and happy faces, and I, a mere twirling ballet dancer in a tutu, right in the heart of it all.

I started my day by indulging in a glorious brunch at the lovely "Cafe 18," fuelled by lashings of tea and buttery pastries – necessary sustenance for the long day of dancing and celebration ahead! The cafĂ© had gone all out with pride decorations and a special rainbow latte. What's not to love?!

As the day unfolded, I was swept away by the joyous spirit of Guiseley's Pride. It truly felt like the whole community had come together to celebrate love, acceptance, and diversity. The air crackled with positive energy, and there was a warmth in the air that you could practically hug.

Of course, I couldn’t resist showcasing my love for tutus and rainbows. My pink tulle masterpiece (thank you, trusty seamstress!) attracted a swarm of excited faces, all happy to strike a pose for a quick selfie. It was absolutely fabulous – all those beautiful smiles and vibrant personalities, a visual feast for the senses.

One of the highlights was definitely the “Drag Queen Tea Party” hosted by the incredible “Rainbow Tea Room”. I mean, imagine a room full of flamboyant queens sipping tea and nibbling on dainty sandwiches. Pure brilliance! There were sequins, sparkles, and hilarious jokes. Let’s just say it was enough to get the entire square roaring with laughter!

Speaking of laughter, let's not forget the Disco Fever tent! Oh, the sheer joy and nostalgia of grooving to iconic 70s hits under a shimmering disco ball! I swear, everyone was channelling their inner John Travolta! Even my old grandad, bless his soul, had joined the party! You couldn't tell he wasn't a professional!

Of course, Pride wouldn't be complete without the poignant speeches and insightful workshops on topics that mattered – the importance of being yourself, combating prejudice, and celebrating our differences. These were not only inspiring but also a powerful reminder of the significance of events like Guiseley's Pride.

But beyond the talks and festivities, the true magic lay in the sense of community, in the genuine smiles exchanged, and the unwavering sense of solidarity. It felt like a whole town coming together to say “We're here, we’re queer, and we’re not going anywhere!”

There was a poignant moment in the afternoon when a group of school children, some with painted rainbows on their faces, gathered around a small stage to sing an upbeat rendition of "We are the World". This simple yet heartfelt gesture brought a tear to my eye - seeing the younger generation embrace diversity and celebrate individuality was incredibly heartwarming.

The evening climaxed with an absolutely spectacular drag performance that brought the entire square to its feet! The dancers and queens moved with such incredible energy, talent, and humour that I'm sure their performance will stay in everyone's minds for years to come!

I honestly left Guiseley feeling filled with hope, positivity, and pride. And not just Pride in the LGBTQ+ sense, but pride in the community spirit and kindness of the people. It reminded me why I love living in this part of the world.

And to everyone who joined me in making Guiseley’s Pride such a resounding success – you are amazing! From the local businesses that opened their hearts and doors, to the passionate volunteers who poured their love and time into this event – you've proven that Guiseley is truly a shining example of a welcoming, inclusive, and joyous community.

Finally, I just have to add: I have a soft spot for a sparkly pink tutu. So naturally, the highlight for me was when I saw a group of kids rocking pink tutus in the square! It truly showed me how much Pride resonates across generations!

So, let’s hear it for Guiseley's Pride! A big shout-out to all the amazing organisers, performers, volunteers, and attendees who made it such a magical day! Now excuse me, while I start dreaming of pink tutus and disco lights for next year's celebration. You better believe I'll be twirling back into the Guiseley Pride scene next year!

#tututuesday #tutupride #GuiseleyPride #Pride2024 #BeYourself #LoveIsLove #CelebrateDiversity

June Pride Month in a Pink Tutu in Guiseley