Tutu and Ballet News

June Pride Month in a Pink Tutu in Hastings

Hastings: A Tutu-tastic Pride Month

Hey fabulous readers! Emma here, your resident ballet aficionado and all-round disco devotee. As you know, June is the month for celebrating all things LGBTQ+ and, well, I simply cannot let this joyous occasion pass without throwing on my favourite pink tutu and joining the festivities!

Hastings, with its vibrant spirit and a truly eclectic mix of locals, is an absolutely brilliant place to be celebrating Pride this year. The whole town buzzes with energy and inclusivity, and the colourful flags lining every street feel like a giant, joyful welcome. It's almost enough to make this city girl miss her trusty pair of pink sparkly platform heels! Almost, because there's just no beating the comfort of a pair of sensible flats and a well-worn, perfectly twirly tutu. 😉

This year, I've decided to take things up a notch (and by a notch, I mean, a seriously flamboyant step). So, with a smile wider than the rainbows painted across Hastings Pier, I set out to make Pride my own unique dance floor. I know, I know - pink tutus and Pride might seem a bit... unconventional? But hear me out!

Firstly, tutus are intrinsically linked with freedom and expression. There's just something about the floaty, effortless way they move that makes you feel like you can do anything. They're a celebration of the body, and the fact that they come in literally every colour under the rainbow makes them the perfect Pride accessory! (I do love a good hot pink, obviously, but a silver glitter tutu has to be up there with the best, right? wink )

And speaking of expression, that's exactly what Pride is all about. It's about feeling free to be yourself, to express your true identity and celebrate the beauty of our diverse community. I, for one, have never been shy about expressing my inner diva, whether it's with a sassy hair flick or a graceful plié (although those fancy footwork moves might be best left to the professionals, just sayin'). But really, my mission is to remind everyone that you don't need to be a ballerina or a professional performer to embrace a little bit of extra fabulousness in your life!

This year's Hastings Pride theme is 'Hope and Harmony' and let me tell you, I’ve found both in spades. The air is thick with joy, laughter, and love, with people of all ages, backgrounds, and identities coming together in one beautiful celebration of humanity. There’s a real sense of community and connection, which is honestly something I miss living in the big city. The streets are lined with stalls offering everything from delicious rainbow-hued cakes (seriously, those are almost as colorful as my tutu!), hand-crafted jewellery to original works of art. The vibrant, almost tangible sense of unity and joy is utterly infectious, it’s no wonder there's an entire week dedicated to these celebrations.

One of my favourite moments of the day was catching a group of drag queens performing at the beach. Their stunning costumes, fierce makeup, and larger-than-life personalities had the crowd captivated. These performers truly epitomize the spirit of Pride: unapologetic self-expression, joyous energy, and a fierce dedication to their craft. I swear I even spotted some shimmering pink feather boas and sequined tutus hidden beneath their majestic gowns. That’s the thing about tutus, they have a magical power to blend in seamlessly, making any occasion just that little bit more spectacular!

After all, let’s face it, what could be more joyful than dancing to disco music with a huge pink tutu on in the sunshine? It’s the epitome of freedom and confidence, a potent combination that truly embodies the spirit of Pride. I mean, how else can you get your groove on without the fear of your outfit impeding your pirouettes, am I right?

So, if you’re in Hastings, don’t forget to grab your best glitter and get down to the seaside! And if you're somewhere else in the world, make your own tutu-tastic statement! Whether you choose to dance on the beach or simply rock your favourite colour, I guarantee you’ll feel a surge of confidence and freedom. Because, let's be honest, Pride isn’t about specific outfits or specific dances – it's about celebrating the right to be ourselves, just the way we are, with all our colourful personalities and vibrant experiences.

#tutupride #tututuesday #pride2024 #hastingspride #discoqueen

June Pride Month in a Pink Tutu in Hastings