Tutu and Ballet News

June Pride Month in a Pink Tutu in Hounslow

Hounslow Heats Up with Pink Tutu Pride!

Emma's Hot Dance Blog

Hey everyone,

It’s your girl, Emma, here, back with another hot take, and trust me, things are sizzling in Hounslow today!

Because, you know, it’s June, the month where the rainbow truly shines. That's right, it's Pride Month! 🎉🎉 And this year, Hounslow decided to put on a show that even the glitterati would envy, with a vibrant, fun-filled Pride celebration that, dare I say, out-did itself. I mean, let's be real, how can you resist a good dose of colourful chaos, joyous music, and an atmosphere bursting with love and acceptance? And to top it off, there was this… little something I was very, very much looking forward to… Pink Tutues!!! 💃

You already know my love for a good twirl and a fabulously flamboyant frock, so you can imagine the level of excitement bubbling inside me.

I hit the pavement with my pink tulle-clad bottom swaying in time with the funky disco beat bouncing off every surface. You know me, I love nothing more than dancing my way through life, and with so many smiles, sequins, and glitter explosions going on, how could I not?

It felt amazing to see so many people coming together in such a joyous celebration, with the most magnificent mix of ages, backgrounds, and… tutus! Let’s be honest, the more the merrier when it comes to showcasing those fluffy, fun-loving twirling numbers! There were dads in sparkly socks, families waving rainbow flags, and the whole crowd united in one happy, celebratory pulse. It was truly heartwarming.

But my personal highlight, aside from the disco beat (which, let’s face it, we all need more of!), was the "Tutu Throwdown". Yep, you read that right! Hounslow pulled out all the stops with a dedicated section where people could come, be themselves, and unleash their inner ballerina in a gloriously chaotic fashion. I mean, can you even imagine the sheer awesomeness of that moment? Tutus in all shapes and sizes – from elegant pointe shoes to sparkly tutus and everything in between.

The joy was palpable, and for a moment, you could see how everyone had transcended their individual stories and embraced this collective moment of love and laughter.

I’ll be honest, I couldn’t resist the lure of the Tutu Throwdown. After all, it’s not every day that a girl gets the chance to embrace her inner dancer alongside hundreds of like-minded people. Let’s just say it was… "fiercely fabulous."

One moment I was surrounded by a whirlwind of feathers, sequins, and tutus, all with the best intentions to celebrate, and the next, I was part of a swirling sea of pink that defied any logic or sense of gravity. And honestly, it was absolutely divine.

So here’s my take away from the Hounslow Pride Festival: It's about being you, and finding your tribe. The beauty of the rainbow lies in the many hues, shades, and patterns, and Pride is the space where you get to revel in the magic of your unique spectrum.

I saw it in the smiles of the parents, in the tears of the children, in the hugs exchanged, in the stories shared, and most certainly in the joy of the Tutu Throwdown – Pride is about expressing yourself, being free, and celebrating the differences that make us so damn awesome.

Don’t forget to follow me on social media to see the most glamorous pictures of my time at the festival! Let's keep spreading the love and remember to always *#tututuesday #tutupride *

June Pride Month in a Pink Tutu in Hounslow