
Tutu and Ballet News

June Pride Month in a Pink Tutu in Hove

Hove Hunkers Down for a Tutu-ific Pride Month!

By Emma, Dancing Diva

The sun is shining, the seagulls are squawking, and Hove is positively buzzing! June has rolled in, and with it, a kaleidoscope of rainbow colours, a symphony of joyous laughter, and, of course, the unmistakable, magical, shimmering energy of Pride Month.

Now, you all know Iā€™m a big fan of tutus ā€“ I mean, who wouldnā€™t be? Theyā€™re airy, elegant, and quite frankly, just plain fun! But letā€™s face it, even a tutu lover like me needs to spice things up every now and then. So, for Pride Month 2024, I decided to go big, bold, and ā€“ well, a little bit pink! Yes, I'm wearing my new hot pink tutu everywhere in Hove!

From the beachfront cafes to the vibrant stalls in the Lanes, from the bustling pier to the picturesque green spaces, my pink tutu is turning heads and spreading joy ā€“ all in the name of love, acceptance, and celebrating diversity in all its glorious forms.

This year, the theme is ā€œPride in Motion.ā€ I canā€™t think of a better way to encapsulate that theme than through the grace and fluidity of dance, the power of a rainbow flag fluttering in the breeze, the infectious energy of a vibrant parade, or the joyous freedom of twirling in a tutu!

So, letā€™s break down this yearā€™s highlights, my gorgeous fellow Hove-ians, shall we?

Tutus on the Promenade:

The promenade is pulsating with colour and energy. Rainbow flags flutter, pride music spills from speakers, and everyone, from young to old, is adorned in a riot of colours and sparkles. I, of course, am doing my part in raising awareness (and a few eyebrows) with my pink tutu. I have even created a dedicated #tutupride hashtag ā€“ join the trend! Show us your twirls and letā€™s celebrate pride together!

And for those wondering how to nail the ā€œPride in Motionā€ theme? Well, nothing says ā€œmovementā€ quite like dancing! The beach was literally alive with movement this weekend, and I can tell you, a beach-front disco was the highlight!

Remember, Pride is about celebrating our differences, finding beauty in diversity, and standing together for a brighter future. Let's spread that message, one twirl at a time!

Brighton and Hove Pride Parade: A Visual Spectacle

The Pride parade is truly an epic spectacle of colour, creativity, and community. The whole town comes alive with laughter, smiles, and a collective spirit of celebration. This year, the atmosphere was even more electrifying! It was as if everyone in Hove had decided to express their love and pride with unbridled enthusiasm!

We marched with our flags, banners, and even our pets, making sure that every inch of Hoveā€™s streets knew that love is love!

The parade is more than just a procession; itā€™s a statement. Itā€™s a statement about equality, about inclusion, and about the sheer power of love. Itā€™s about creating a world where everyone can feel safe, loved, and truly celebrated for who they are.

But let's be honest, it's also about the music, the dance, and the sheer, unadulterated fun of it all! The floats, the performers, and the vibrant costumes just added to the energy and created an exhilarating spectacle that had everyone mesmerized.

This year, the ā€œPride in Motionā€ theme took center stage!

There were acrobats soaring through the air, dancers strutting their stuff with incredible choreography, and a whole lot of impromptu dancing going on amongst the crowds.

It felt like everyone in Hove was suddenly transformed into an enthusiastic participant, and it was a truly magical sight to behold.

After-Party Delights

As the parade wrapped up, the excitement didn't end! The city's numerous clubs and bars opened their doors, throwing epic parties that pulsed with music, joy, and love. This is where my pink tutu truly shined ā€“ under the neon lights, among the glitter balls, and fuelled by the high-energy disco music! It was like a glamorous and festive explosion of individuality, acceptance, and community!

If there was one theme that rang true throughout the evening, it was the unwavering celebration of love and diversity! Itā€™s all about unity, standing together, and advocating for a brighter future! And you know what, the after-parties truly did that. They brought everyone together in a shared celebration of music, dance, and unwavering acceptance!

This year, however, the after-parties had a unique charm to them. Not only did they feature amazing music from local DJ talents and headliners, but they also included an emphasis on LGBTQ+ performance art, music, and storytelling. This really amplified the ā€œPride in Motionā€ theme ā€“ it was as if everyone was contributing to a collective art piece, weaving together stories and memories into an unforgettable mosaic of pride, love, and inclusion!

A Heartfelt Ode to Community:

As Pride Month comes to an end, one thing becomes crystal clear: it's not just about one month of festivities. Pride is about building a better future, advocating for rights, and celebrating the love, diversity, and individuality that makes each of us so unique. Itā€™s about making every single day a little more inclusive and welcoming.

So, whether you're in Hove or somewhere else in the world, let's keep the spirit of Pride alive. Remember the incredible joy of dancing under the rainbow flag, the excitement of the parade, and the feeling of love and acceptance in our hearts.

As for my hot pink tutu? Let's just say it's seen a lot of love, some happy tears, and tons of twirling over the past few weeks! The beauty of Pride is that even after the events are over, we continue to build a future where love, equality, and acceptance are the norm.

Don't let Pride Month become a mere memory. Letā€™s keep the spirit alive every day, let's keep celebrating our unique selves, and letā€™s strive for a future where love always wins!

Love and peace!

tututuesday #tutupride

June Pride Month in a Pink Tutu in Hove