Tutu and Ballet News

June Pride Month in a Pink Tutu in Ilford

Ilford Shines Pink: A Tutu-tastic June Pride Celebration!

It’s June, it’s hot, it’s sunny, and it’s PRIDE! 🌈💖 And I, your ever-so-slightly-obsessed-with-tutus ballerina, am ready to paint Ilford pink.

Now, you all know I’m a sucker for a good twirl, and there’s no better occasion than Pride Month to bust out my favorite pink tulle. Honestly, I feel like my tutu is a beacon of joy and acceptance – and in Ilford, a place that’s rapidly becoming the heart of a vibrant LGBTQ+ community, it definitely fits in.

This year, my trusty tutu has already graced a multitude of events. We hit up the Rainbow Family picnic in Valentines Park, spun around in the middle of Ilford Market (to the delight, I’m happy to report, of several adorable children!), and even led the pre-Pride March dance party at The Queen's Arms – which, if you didn't know, is the BEST pub in Ilford for a fabulous time (and for their delicious Sunday roasts, if I may say).

But it wasn't all just me, you know. My trusty tutu wasn’t alone in its sartorial splendour. Oh no, Ilford's been a sea of rainbow colours this month, with everyone sporting rainbow flags, fabulous outfits, and, yes, even some incredible tutu-clad individuals.

I think what I love the most about June in Ilford is the sense of camaraderie. This town is filled with so much love and acceptance. It feels like everyone comes together, hand in hand, literally, at times (which is kind of weird if you’re not used to it – I once saw three elderly ladies holding hands during the Pride march, which was both delightful and unexpected!), to celebrate individuality and fight for a world where everyone can be themselves.

And of course, a June Pride celebration in Ilford would be incomplete without some disco-tastic music! From The Queen's Arms to the town square, it's a constant party vibe. The soundtrack is basically 70s disco, mixed with some pop hits and, yes, even a sprinkle of Britney. (If you happen to be walking through Ilford on a sunny afternoon and hear "Hit Me Baby One More Time" coming from a busker – don’t be surprised, it’s happened to me on at least two occasions this month!)

Now, you might be wondering what’s been happening on the Ilford Pride scene apart from me prancing about in pink. Well, there’s been a whole host of amazing events – some you might have even missed if you haven’t been paying attention!

First off, there was the incredibly poignant “Art for Equality” exhibition at the Redbridge Museum. It featured a collection of diverse art, sculptures, and multimedia installations by local LGBTQ+ artists, showcasing the journey of love, acceptance, and the fight for equality. You can feel the passion radiating off every piece, truly moving and inspirational.

Then, there was the “Pride Film Festival” at the Exchange, Ilford’s very own arts centre. This was a beautiful event featuring independent films by LGBTQ+ filmmakers from around the world. Honestly, it made me tear up in a few spots (don't tell my friends, it's not cool for a dancer to get emotional!), but it was truly thought-provoking and insightful.

The highlight of the festival, for me, was the screening of "Anything's Possible" (which you may already be aware is a really well done new rom-com starring the adorable Evan Mock!), a heartwarming story about finding yourself and celebrating true love. The post-screening discussion was lively and engaging, which is exactly what makes the whole Pride experience so unique.

And, of course, there was the epic Ilford Pride March! We marched from the Town Square to Valentines Park, singing, dancing, and chanting our way through the streets.

Honestly, the energy was so vibrant! It was like the whole town came together to celebrate, showing their support and waving rainbow flags, their faces painted in rainbow colors. This was also the perfect opportunity for everyone to express their love and pride in the most visible way possible. And for a girl who loves a good parade (and to be the centre of attention!), it was definitely my favourite event this month.

The march was followed by the main Pride Festival in Valentines Park. Imagine a picnic, but with music, delicious food stalls, artisan craft stalls, fun activities for kids, and lots, lots of glitter. The air was filled with laughter, chatter, and of course, the rhythmic thumping of the dance music – we’re in Ilford, so of course there was disco music involved.

Speaking of glitter – I couldn’t resist adding a little extra sparkle to my tutu for the Pride event! It’s hard not to embrace the glitter and the glamour when you're surrounded by such positivity and love. It truly is an experience that stays with you.

I don’t know about you, but Ilford Pride left me feeling so incredibly positive and energized! It felt like a culmination of everything amazing about June Pride – the celebration of the LGBTQ+ community, the message of love and acceptance, and a chance to create a space for everyone to feel welcome and celebrated.

I can already feel the buzz for next year's June Pride celebration building in Ilford. We’re going to make it even bigger and more fabulous! Who knows, maybe we'll even see a flash mob with people in tutus next year – you heard it here first!

But even though the official celebrations have ended, we’ve all got a lot to keep celebrating: acceptance, love, diversity, and of course, the amazing people that make up the incredible Ilford community. So, even though June Pride might be over, we've all got to remember: We can keep that same vibe, that same love, that same sense of togetherness going all year round! 💖 🌈

Remember, Ilford is for everyone! #TutuTuesday #TutuPride

June Pride Month in a Pink Tutu in Ilford