Tutu and Ballet News

June Pride Month in a Pink Tutu in Kendal

Kendal's Tutu Pride: Dancing Into a Rainbow

It's June, it's Pride, and I'm strutting my stuff in Kendal, Lake District, with my favourite accessory: a pink tutu. Let's be real, there's no better way to celebrate the vibrant spectrum of LGBTQ+ pride than in a swirl of pink tulle and disco glitter!

I'm Emma, your local ballerina and self-proclaimed Tutu Queen, here to share the spirit of Kendal's Pride month with you. I'm all about making a statement, and there's no more fabulous statement than embracing the colour pink. I mean, isn't pink the ultimate colour of celebration, joy, and – most importantly – love? It's a colour that defies gender stereotypes and just screams "I'm here, I'm fabulous, and I'm proud!"

Now, I know what you might be thinking: "A tutu in Kendal? Is that a little…out there?" But let me tell you, Kendal's got a big heart, and this little town is embracing the colourful explosion of Pride like never before.

It's not just about the flamboyant outfits, though, though they certainly add a lot of fun. Kendal Pride is about something much deeper – it's about community, acceptance, and celebrating the rich diversity of our LGBTQ+ family. It's about seeing rainbow flags fluttering proudly on every street corner, about hearing the music thumping from every corner of the town square, about feeling a genuine warmth and unity that embraces everyone, no matter their identity or background.

My love for tutus and everything sparkly aside, what really captured my heart about Kendal Pride is the unwavering spirit of its community. The warmth of the people, the unwavering support for one another, the genuine desire to create a truly inclusive and safe space – this is what made the whole experience truly magical.

There's something wonderfully defiant about donning a pink tutu in the heart of the Lake District, a region often stereotyped as traditional and conservative. It's like a joyful little rebellion against any preconceived notions, a statement that says "we're here, we're queer, and we're not going anywhere."

I caught a glimpse of a little girl's face, eyes wide with awe, as she watched me twirling in my tutu in the market square. She grabbed her dad's hand, pointing excitedly at my whirling pink confection. A smile spread across her face, and it felt like a moment of pure magic, a symbol of acceptance and love for everyone. This, my friends, is what Pride is truly about – celebrating the beautiful tapestry of diversity and making sure everyone feels safe, loved, and celebrated.

Speaking of celebration, this Pride month has been bursting at the seams with colour, music, and joy. There was the lively drag show at the Crown Hotel, where we danced under a kaleidoscope of lights, our hearts pounding to the beat of vibrant music. The vibrant atmosphere was electric, charged with excitement and a genuine love for each other. We were a melting pot of humanity, united in our desire for acceptance, respect, and the simple joy of being ourselves.

And let's not forget the Pride parade itself – a visual explosion of colours and sound. Seeing people from all walks of life, their faces adorned with bright smiles, united in the spirit of equality, was incredibly moving. We marched through the streets, waving flags, our hearts swelling with pride for each other and for all those who came before us, paving the way for a future where everyone can live authentically and be accepted for who they are.

The day was filled with events that brought people together, each event filled with a genuine desire to celebrate the diversity that makes our world such a rich tapestry. We enjoyed the laughter of the street entertainers, shared stories over coffee and cake, and learned about the issues impacting the LGBTQ+ community from knowledgeable and passionate activists.

It wasn’t just about dancing and dazzling; Kendal Pride was a vibrant testament to the unwavering strength of a community united. The event brought a sense of belonging and empowerment to individuals from across the LGBTQ+ spectrum, reaffirming the values of love, acceptance, and equality. It reminded me of the power we all have to create change and contribute to a future where everyone can be their true selves, unapologetically.

But this is just the beginning. We need to continue challenging prejudice and discrimination in all its forms. We need to ensure that everyone, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity, can live their life with dignity and respect.

We all have a part to play in this fight for equality. As individuals, we can choose to be more mindful of our language, our actions, and our attitudes. We can stand up against hate speech and intolerance whenever and wherever we encounter it. We can be allies and advocate for change, no matter how small our contribution might seem.

So, if you're reading this, join me in celebrating the spirit of Pride! Be loud, be proud, be unapologetically you! Whether you're sporting a rainbow flag, twirling in a pink tutu, or simply sharing a supportive smile, let your inner light shine!

I’m back to my dancing – Kendal, you have captured a place in my heart, and your message of love, acceptance, and joy has found a permanent home within me. Here’s to you, to your Pride, and to every tutu-tastic day ahead! #TutuTuesday #TutuPride

Emma signing off, with a pirouette and a wink.

June Pride Month in a Pink Tutu in Kendal