
Tutu and Ballet News

June Pride Month in a Pink Tutu in Kenton

Kenton Shines in Pink: Tutu Tuesday Celebrates Pride in Style!

Hey everyone, it's Emma here, your friendly neighbourhood ballerina, and I'm positively buzzing after an incredible June Pride Month celebration in Kenton! Now, we all know June is synonymous with rainbows, sunshine, and most importantly, celebrating LGBTQ+ pride. But for me, June is also about twirling, shimmering, and most definitely sporting the perfect pink tutu! Because let's face it, there's just something magical about a good pink tutu, especially when it's all about spreading love, acceptance, and of course, a whole lotta glitter!

This year, Kenton pulled out all the stops, and boy did they deliver! From the vibrant colours, infectious energy, and sheer joy that radiated through the streets, it was an absolute spectacle.

Kenton was ablaze with colour. Everywhere I turned, rainbows danced across clothing, flags waved defiantly in the breeze, and faces shone with happiness. There was a palpable energy of solidarity and unity. It was a beautiful thing to see.

Speaking of beauty, I can't forget my own fashion contribution! As a proud ballerina and champion of all things tutu-tastic, I naturally decided to celebrate Pride in true Emma fashion - a pink tutu!

This particular tutu was a masterpiece, I tell you. Layers of the most delicate pink tulle, with intricate details that just begged to be seen. It danced beautifully in the breeze, adding an extra sprinkle of sparkle to my day. And I won't lie, the compliments I received were a much-needed boost of confidence - especially from the many fellow tutu-wearers!

Pride events are a joyous mix of emotions, but this year in Kenton, there was a certain feeling of camaraderie that touched every heart. Whether you were marching in the parade, dancing in the street, or simply soaking up the atmosphere, the shared love and support were palpable.

Now, for a moment, let's talk music. Music is the lifeblood of every good Pride event, and Kenton's line-up certainly did not disappoint. The energy was electrifying, a beautiful blend of current pop hits and timeless disco classics. Dancing was mandatory, and believe me, my pink tutu was definitely put to the test! It whirled, it twirled, and it absolutely kept up with the rhythm of the music. I don't think I've ever danced so much in my life!

One of my favourite moments was seeing a little girl, probably no older than five, proudly holding a rainbow flag. Her eyes sparkled with excitement, and she was completely immersed in the joy of the celebration. It reminded me of why Pride is so vital. We need to create a world where every child feels safe, loved, and accepted for who they are, no matter what.

I truly believe that Pride is about more than just a single month. It's about celebrating who we are every day. It's about championing love and understanding, and challenging prejudice and discrimination wherever we see it.

Of course, it wasn't all rainbows and sunshine. Like all good events, there were moments of reflection and powerful speeches about the fight for LGBTQ+ equality that still continues today.

However, there was always a sense of hope and determination. We're making progress, and that gives me hope for the future.

As the sun began to set, casting a warm glow over Kenton, it was time to pack up and head home. I had the best time, my pink tutu had served its purpose (with only a couple of tiny snags!), and I felt filled with a profound sense of connection and gratitude.

This Pride Month, I want to thank every person who contributed to making Kenton's celebration so unforgettable. You're all beautiful, brave, and deserving of all the love in the world!

Remember, the spirit of Pride lives on all year round! Let's keep spreading love, celebrating diversity, and showing the world that LGBTQ+ people are an essential part of what makes society vibrant, strong, and colourful.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I think it's time for another twirl!

#tututuesday #tutupride #kentonpride #pridemonth #lgbtqplus #celebration #dance #lovewins #alwaysbelieve

June Pride Month in a Pink Tutu in Kenton