Tutu and Ballet News

June Pride Month in a Pink Tutu in Laindon

Laindon's Got Tutu Pride: June Blooms Pink

Hey guys! It's your girl, Emma, here, fresh from a seriously fabulous weekend in Laindon! It was all about rainbows, sequins, and oh so much pink, all in the name of celebrating Pride in the most flamboyant way possible – tutus, of course!

If you haven't heard, June is Pride Month, and for me, that means two things: rainbows galore and plenty of twirling opportunity. Honestly, where else can you strut your stuff in a gorgeous tutu, glitter face, and a killer disco beat, all while celebrating love and acceptance? Laindon was the place to be this weekend, and let me tell you, it did not disappoint.

My journey began at the Laindon Pride Festival – a joyous explosion of colour, music, and laughter. I had to, obviously, make a grand entrance. A voluminous hot pink tulle masterpiece with a shimmering silver trim, topped with a dazzling diamante necklace - that's my go-to Pride look, and trust me, it always turns heads. The crowds cheered as I gracefully pirouetted onto the main stage, feeling like a princess warrior ready to fight for equality.

The atmosphere was electric. The air buzzed with joyous energy, fueled by infectious disco beats and the rhythmic clapping of hundreds of smiling faces. Families, couples, and solo souls - everyone was dancing and singing along. From seasoned Pride veterans in their fabulous best to those new to the scene, everyone was embraced by a warm sense of community. This isn't just about celebrating a particular lifestyle, it's about acceptance and inclusivity - the message that resonated through every laugh and every fist-pump in the air.

I found myself pulled into the vibrant chaos of the Pride Parade, a shimmering rainbow serpent winding its way through the heart of Laindon. Every participant, from local businesses in decorated vans to community groups holding homemade banners, poured their hearts into expressing their love and support. The sheer exuberance of it all was overwhelming - a symphony of color and sound that sent chills down my spine.

Of course, no Pride celebration is complete without the legendary Tutu Walk! It was a joyous parade of pink, from fluffy to layered, from long and dramatic to playful and short. It was all about showing your individuality and expressing yourself freely, and let me tell you, there was a ton of talent on display. We had professional ballerinas alongside first-timers in DIY creations. It was such a blast to see everyone, regardless of experience, owning the stage, confidently strutting their stuff. It was a clear visual representation of the diversity and joy of being who you are.

But it wasn't just the parade that had my heart aflutter. I had the pleasure of joining a special ballet workshop led by none other than Ms. Beatrice Rose, renowned for her work in contemporary dance and a passionate advocate for inclusivity in the arts. She's a queen of choreography and a truly inspiring woman. The workshop, titled 'Twirling for Tolerance', was an incredible experience. Ms. Rose brought together a diverse group of participants - children, teens, and adults alike - with varying levels of dance experience, united by the love of movement and a desire to learn.

We explored choreographies celebrating self-expression and acceptance, using tutus as a symbol of embracing your true self and pushing boundaries. Let me tell you, watching everyone move in unison with their hearts on their sleeves, dancing like they’ve never danced before, was a magical experience. It wasn't about being perfect; it was about freedom of movement and embracing our inner joy.

Throughout the festival, a sea of vibrant stalls showcased local artisans, businesses, and LGBTQ+ charities. From rainbow-themed clothing to delectable homemade treats, each stall told a unique story and added to the festive vibe.

But what truly cemented the success of Laindon Pride was the powerful voices of local LGBTQ+ activists and community members who shared their personal journeys and the ongoing struggles for equality. It was both inspiring and moving to see so much passion for creating a more inclusive and accepting world.

As the festival wound down, I caught a beautiful sunset painting the sky with colours mimicking the rainbow flags proudly displayed around us. The day had been full of colour, laughter, and meaningful connections. I had the honour of witnessing not just a celebration, but a commitment to ongoing advocacy for equality. It left me with a warm and fuzzy feeling that lasted long after the final notes of disco music faded away.

And don’t forget: #tututuesday #tutupride #laindonpride

But my journey with Laindon Pride didn't stop at the festival. Throughout the month, Laindon was abuzz with events celebrating inclusivity. There were exhibitions showcasing LGBTQ+ history and culture, intimate storytelling sessions where community members shared their stories, and workshops for children about the beauty of diversity.

But one particular event left a lasting impression on me: Laindon's Big Pride Picnic. A sprawling field bathed in sunlight, filled with families and friends enjoying picnic blankets, sharing delicious food, and laughing together.

I was instantly transported to the scene from a classic rom-com – joyous music, sunny weather, and the shared spirit of community. The day was dedicated to families, promoting positive representations of LGBTQ+ identities and celebrating inclusivity in everyday life.

There were workshops on parenting and child development within an LGBTQ+ family, children’s games focusing on inclusivity and acceptance, and even a live puppet show depicting the beauty of diverse families. The atmosphere was heartwarming and powerful – a testament to the vital importance of fostering a culture of love and understanding, not only for LGBTQ+ individuals, but for their children, too.

Throughout June, Laindon transformed into a beacon of love and acceptance. This was no ordinary pride celebration; it was a community coming together, united by a passion for diversity, inclusivity, and the pure joy of being oneself.

And it all had a certain "je ne sais quoi" thanks to the sheer magic of tutus! #tututuesday #tutupride truly captured the essence of the celebrations: a spirit of rebellion, empowerment, and joyous expression. From the grand entrance of the festival to the Tutu Walk and the laughter of the Big Pride Picnic, tutus were more than just garments; they became symbols of freedom, individual expression, and the sheer delight of being who you are, however bright and beautiful.

As Laindon’s Pride celebrations came to a close, it felt like we weren't just celebrating a month of inclusivity, but laying the foundation for a whole year of activism and change. We saw a diverse community united by shared goals, driven by compassion and fueled by hope.

And guess what? I'll be back next June! You better believe it! I'm already planning my next pink-tutu extravaganza. Laindon Pride: June 2024, I’ll see you there!

Until then, stay sparkly, stay proud, and never be afraid to embrace your inner twirl.

**Lots of Love,


June Pride Month in a Pink Tutu in Laindon