
Tutu and Ballet News

June Pride Month in a Pink Tutu in Loughborough

Loughborough Lights Up Pink: A Tutu-licious Pride Celebration

Hey loves! Itā€™s your girl, Emma, back with a brand new blog post and, this time, itā€™s all about Pride! I'm still buzzing from last month's epic Pride celebrations, and specifically from a day I spent rocking a pink tutu in Loughborough! If you're thinking "What, tutus for Pride?", trust me, youā€™ve gotta keep reading. This was a celebration that combined the best of fabulous fashion, fabulous music, and the biggest, brightest display of love and support for our LGBTQ+ community I've ever seen.

Before we delve into the tutu magic, let's rewind to the beginning of June. As usual, the world was getting ready for a month-long burst of rainbows, glitter, and joyous affirmations of identity. And here in the heart of Leicestershire, Loughborough was ready to celebrate with its own unique flavour. I couldnā€™t wait to see what the local community had in store!

Loughborough itself isnā€™t known for being the most ā€œPride-yā€ of places. Itā€™s a university town, with a generally more traditional vibe. But this year, the town really upped its game! From the moment I stepped off the train, there was a tangible excitement in the air. Everywhere I looked, the colours of the rainbow were splashed across shop windows, posters plastered across walls, and flags flown proudly from rooftops. It was clear, even before the festivities kicked off, that Loughborough was truly embracing its rainbow spirit.

I decided to kick off my Pride weekend with a visit to Loughborough Market, a delightful open-air market that runs every Wednesday and Saturday. But this particular day, the stalls were even more vibrant than usual, bursting with Pride-themed merchandise and rainbow-coloured treats. I snagged a delicious unicorn cupcake (because who could resist?) and a cute Pride tote bag for the weekend. It was like being enveloped in a warm, joyful hug, filled with colourful sunshine.

The Tutu-Tastic Takeover:

The real fun kicked off at the Town Square. My personal Pride motto is, "More sparkles, always more sparkles," so when I saw the official ā€œTutu Takeoverā€ announcement on social media, I knew I was in for a treat. This was not just your regular Pride event; it was a dazzling fusion of dancing, colour, and most importantly, an unshakeable spirit of acceptance.

Picture this: hundreds of people gathered in the heart of Loughborough, ready to celebrate love, diversity, and most importantly, the sheer joy of being yourself! The atmosphere was electric! There were colourful banners and streamers flapping in the wind, rainbow flags fluttering with pride, and an energy that just lifted your spirits.

And then, I spotted it ā€“ the ā€œTutu Takeoverā€ station, a dazzling corner brimming with vibrant pink, red, yellow, and blue tutus of every shape and size. The excitement was almost tangible. My inner child, who's never grown out of her love for twirling and glitter, was practically leaping with joy!

Before I knew it, I was slipping into my own shimmering pink tutu (with the matching feather boa, of course!). It was so freeing and empowering. This tutu wasnā€™t about a particular style, or trying to be something Iā€™m not. It was a symbol of joyful self-expression.

As soon as I stepped into the square in my sparkly tutu, I was enveloped by an avalanche of smiles and positive vibes. It was a magical experience, reminding me of why I love Pride so much: itā€™s about celebrating diversity, embracing your true self, and being surrounded by like-minded people.

The Beat Goes On:

And, it was time to dance! A DJ spun classic disco anthems, getting the crowd energized with tunes like "Stayin' Alive" by the Bee Gees, "Le Freak" by Chic, and "I Will Survive" by Gloria Gaynor. I mean, how could you resist? Tutus were twirling, people were swaying, and everyone was singing along, laughing, and feeling the incredible energy that filled the air. This wasn't just a party; it was a movement of acceptance and celebration.

This was what it was all about ā€“ embracing diversity, celebrating love, and most importantly, being happy to be yourself! Iā€™d be lying if I said that my favourite moment wasnā€™t getting a dance-off going with a group of older ladies sporting glittery face masks and feathered boas. You couldnā€™t help but smile at the infectious energy.

Itā€™s truly inspiring to see communities come together for these events. They remind me that we are all connected in so many ways and that love can overcome prejudice and fear. The feeling of unity and love was incredible and reminded me that even in smaller, seemingly less progressive places like Loughborough, love and acceptance are thriving.


After hours of dancing, chatting, and soaking in the incredible atmosphere, it was time for the parade. This is where Loughborough truly outdid itself. This wasn't your typical Pride parade; it was a dazzling explosion of colour and joy! Local schools had made the most spectacular floats decorated in rainbows and glitter, showcasing their talents and dedication to inclusivity. Community groups marched with banners and slogans, some quirky, some poignant, but all carrying messages of hope and acceptance. And yes, there was definitely an array of sparkly, brightly coloured tutus as well, spreading the message of joyful self-expression.

One of my favourite parts was seeing local businesses getting involved. Even the local bakery had created rainbow cupcakes and rainbow bagels. Every corner you looked at had some sort of Pride theme to it. It felt like the entire town was getting behind this important celebration, united in promoting inclusivity and celebrating diversity.

The parade itself was a symphony of laughter, music, and smiles, making its way through the town streets, stopping every now and again for more dancing, singing, and, of course, more glitter! Even the shyest people came out of their shells and let loose in the contagious atmosphere, embracing the message of inclusivity and celebrating a culture of love and acceptance.

It was a beautiful sight to see: People of all ages, from children to senior citizens, coming together to show support for the LGBTQ+ community, to celebrate diversity, and to fight for the right to be themselves, proudly and without judgment. The sheer joy, happiness, and positivity in the air were truly infectious. It reminded me once again of the power of coming together as a community, celebrating differences and spreading a message of acceptance, love, and hope.

The parade culminated in the Town Square, where a live band blasted out empowering music and more dancing took place. The music filled the air with an almost electrifying energy, drawing more and more people into the celebratory atmosphere. The evening ended with an unforgettable fireworks display, lighting up the night sky in a breathtaking cascade of colours, leaving a final note of optimism and wonder that echoed long after the last firework faded.

Loughborough truly impressed me this Pride Month! The energy, the colour, and the overwhelming sense of acceptance were remarkable. And seeing so many people twirling in their tutus made the event even more fun and vibrant, a symbol of pure joy and uninhibited self-expression.

This experience reminded me of the true magic of Pride ā€“ it's not just a celebration; itā€™s a movement. It's a fight for equality, a stand for acceptance, a chance to remind the world that love knows no boundaries, and to remind everyone, LGBTQ+ and allies alike, that being yourself is the greatest gift you can give to yourself and to the world.

So here's to Loughborough! Here's to Pride! And here's to rocking that tutu with confidence and spreading joy wherever we go!

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June Pride Month in a Pink Tutu in Loughborough