Tutu and Ballet News

June Pride Month in a Pink Tutu in Melton Mowbray

Melton Mowbray: Tutus and Glitter in the Name of Pride

It’s June, the sun is shining (most of the time!), and the air is buzzing with excitement. It can only mean one thing – Pride Month is here! And as a huge fan of celebrating all things rainbow and glitter, you bet I’m embracing every single minute of it. This year, I decided to kick things off with a little personal twist – I’m wearing pink. Well, not just pink – I’m sporting a full-blown pink tutu!

I know what you’re thinking: tutu for Pride? Is she serious? Hear me out, my darlings. I’m all for a good statement piece, and what better way to show my support for LGBTQ+ equality than with a twirl-tastic nod to the classic ballet uniform? Plus, pink is one of the most iconic Pride colours, and let’s face it – a little splash of pink never hurt anyone!

Now, before we dive into the dazzling details of my Pride tutu adventure, let’s talk Melton Mowbray. It’s not the first place that springs to mind when you think “gay-friendly” – at least, it wasn’t for me a few years back. I moved to the area when I started dancing with a local ballet company, and initially, I had some reservations about being “out” here. The stereotype of the conservative, rural community lingered in my mind.

Boy, was I wrong! Since I’ve been in Melton Mowbray, I’ve met the most supportive, kind, and open-minded people. Turns out, the Melton community is full of allies, and I’ve seen more Pride flags and rainbows adorning doorsteps than you can shake a glittery stick at!

With all this love and support in the air, I decided that Pride Month wouldn't be complete without some sparkle and a whole lot of tutus! It’s also #tututuesday after all! This year, I was on a mission to find the perfect tutu. It took hours of searching (trust me, it’s a much bigger project than you’d imagine!), but finally, I stumbled upon the one. This thing was EVERYTHING: a fluffy, cloud-like confection in a perfect shade of pink that wouldn’t look out of place at a disco party.

Armed with my new tutu, I was ready for my Melton Mowbray Pride adventure! The first stop? The town’s iconic marketplace, of course. I took a deep breath, grabbed a coffee (well, a chai latte, obviously), and sashayed my way through the crowds. Let’s just say, it wasn’t all about the coffee – it was a show!

I couldn’t help but laugh as people stopped in their tracks to look at me – some surprised, some confused, but most genuinely impressed. As I waltzed by the fresh produce stall, an older lady gave me a wink and shouted, "Good for you, darling!" – just what I needed to know I was on the right track.

One of my favourite moments happened near the market’s floral stand. I was twirling like a whirling dervish, and as I dipped low, a bunch of carnations almost tumbled off a shelf! A group of young lads (probably not even out of their teens) sprang to action, catching the bouquet in a flash. I let out a squeal and we shared a big laugh – all of us beaming and blushing, it was heartwarming and hilarious in equal measure.

After the marketplace, it was time to take my pink tutu on a spin through the town centre. My little promenade quickly transformed into a spontaneous street performance, with passersby cheering me on. It felt like the whole of Melton Mowbray had been transported to the glittering streets of Studio 54! I was throwing disco shapes and high kicks like there was no tomorrow, my pink tutu swaying to the invisible beat.

By now, it was time for a little lunch, and what better place than the town’s favourite spot for a good sandwich? You know you’re doing something right when you get an impromptu rave review on your dance moves by a middle-aged lady who usually looks at her own shoes, but she just couldn’t help but tell me how much she loved the tutus!

The day continued with more adventures and impromptu interactions, and by evening, I was exhausted but incredibly happy. My Pride month adventure in a pink tutu had been a complete success!

Here’s the thing, my darlings, Pride isn’t about being perfect or following the crowd; it’s about celebrating our individuality. You wanna wear a tutu for Pride? Do it! Want to host a drag brunch in your back garden? Go for it! There are no rules, and that's the beauty of it all! This month, let's raise our voices, shine our rainbows, and remember that every single one of us has a story to tell and a light to share.

I ended my day in the heart of Melton Mowbray, watching the sunset with a cup of hot chocolate and a whole lotta reflection. As the last rays of light danced across the sky, I realised something – this tutu adventure wasn’t just about me. It was about sending a message of hope and inclusion. It was about showing the world that love and acceptance can be found even in the most unexpected places.

So, if you're looking for a place to celebrate Pride in June, don’t overlook Melton Mowbray. And don't forget, if you see me out and about, I might just invite you to a twirl!

tutupride #tututuesday #meftonmowbraypride #pride #lgbtq #diversity #acceptance #inclusivity #loveislove #beyourself

June Pride Month in a Pink Tutu in Melton Mowbray