Tutu and Ballet News

June Pride Month in a Pink Tutu in Morden

Morden Shines Bright in a Pink Tutu for Pride 2024

It’s June, the sun is shining, and Morden is practically bursting with rainbows! As a proud ballerina and a devoted advocate for LGBTQ+ rights, this is my absolute favourite time of year. So, naturally, when I saw a call for people to wear tutus to celebrate Pride, my inner child did a pirouette and yelled “YES!”

Today’s #Tututuesday is less about graceful arabesques and more about unleashing the flamboyant fun within us all. It’s about embracing your unique self and strutting your stuff, tutu or no tutu, with a huge smile plastered across your face. This vibrant tapestry of people celebrating who they are is a beautiful testament to the progress we’ve made and the even brighter future we’re fighting for.

Let’s be honest, there’s a special kind of magic in a tutu. It’s a symbol of whimsy, liberation, and embracing the dramatic side of life, all rolled into one fabulous package. This feeling, I believe, mirrors the very essence of Pride. It’s a joyous rejection of conformity and a triumphant assertion of self-expression. And this is exactly what I saw pouring out of every corner of Morden today!

From the vibrant parade down the high street to the energetic performances on the Town Hall Square, the atmosphere was electric. Imagine, if you will, the infectious energy of a disco beat coupled with the delicate flutter of tulle, a symphony of joyous expression against a backdrop of pure sunshine!

I'd be lying if I didn't admit, I was slightly hesitant to rock my pink tutu in public at first. After all, Morden is a bit more suburban and laid-back, but you know what? I couldn't be happier that I did. There I was, surrounded by an array of personalities as vibrant as the colours on my tutu, all sharing the same message: we're proud, we're here, and we're not going anywhere.

My favourite part was seeing families with kids adorned in glittery rainbows, their eyes wide with awe, fully embracing the magic of this day. Watching them dance with such uninhibited joy reminded me that pride starts young and spreads through every corner of society. This isn’t about us being loud, it’s about us being loud and proud of the beautiful, messy, diverse spectrum of humanity we are!

It’s also incredibly encouraging to see the growing inclusivity of our community. Businesses are embracing pride with pride flags, rainbow displays, and even rainbow lattes. Local shops were booming with shoppers snagging some colourful, themed goodies. This unity is essential in fighting against bigotry, and it's reassuring to know that we’re all in this together.

Pride Month is more than just a parade and a party. It’s a reminder that we are stronger together and that every single one of us deserves to be embraced for who we are. This spirit of inclusivity and empowerment is truly inspiring, and I’m absolutely buzzing after this exhilarating day.

I want to acknowledge the brave trailblazers of the past and the continuous struggle for equality. Pride isn’t just about having fun, it’s also a testament to our collective journey. Today, we’ve taken another giant leap forward in celebrating who we are.

So, let’s celebrate this day! I urge everyone to embrace the joy, the vibrancy, and the magic that comes with celebrating pride! And of course, do take the chance to step out of your comfort zone and unleash your own inner rainbow. Remember, a pink tutu might just be the gateway to a world of self-discovery, self-acceptance, and pure unadulterated joy!

To quote the one and only Dolly Parton: "We’re not here to please the people that don't want to be pleased, but we’re here to please the people who deserve to be pleased! And if that makes us the ‘outlaw’ bunch, so be it!” So, let’s continue this revolution, one flamboyant pirouette at a time, until every single one of us can live authentically and joyfully. #Tututuesday #TutuPride

June Pride Month in a Pink Tutu in Morden