
Tutu and Ballet News

June Pride Month in a Pink Tutu in Newtownards

Newtownards Glows Pink for Pride: A Tutu-tastic Time!

Hey gorgeous gals and guys, it's your girl Emma, and I'm bursting with glitter and rainbows to tell you about the most fabulous day I've had in ages! Forget the grey skies, forget the drizzle, and let's talk about sunshine! No, not the weather (although it held off beautifully, thank heavens!) I'm talking about the joyous sunshine of Pride in my beloved hometown, Newtownards!

This year, the town really pulled out all the stops. There were rainbow flags waving from every shop window, glitter bomb confetti explosions, and the sweetest rainbow face paint I've ever seen (it was even better than mine, I swear!). The buzz in the air was infectious - it was the kind of energy that makes you wanna do the Macarena while wearing a giant feathered hat and nothing else!

But the highlight of my day? You guessed it โ€“ Tutu Tuesday!

Now, anyone who knows me, knows that my heart belongs in a tutu. There's something so effortlessly elegant and playful about them. And on a day celebrating acceptance, love, and individuality? It felt perfectly fitting!

I had planned for weeks, choosing the fluffiest, most spectacular pink tutu I could find (a gorgeous ombre design from the local shop โ€“ shout out to 'Dance Dreams', they're amazing!). It matched my mood perfectly โ€“ a blend of playful sunshine and defiant strength.

Walking down the high street, tutu swirling around my ankles, I was part of a shimmering river of pinks and rainbows. There were little girls in tutus, their faces painted with vibrant colours, beaming with joy. Older guys in glittery eyeshadow and funky boas strutting with confidence, and a whole spectrum of folks dancing and laughing together.

We were all united by one beautiful thing โ€“ a shared passion for love, acceptance, and individuality. And it was glorious.

It wasn't just about the tutus, though. There was music! Oh, the music! A phenomenal disco set had the crowd bouncing with glee, a real feel-good blast from the past! I lost track of how many times I shouted "Yas Queen!" The music, the dancing, the infectious laughter, it was pure magic!

Of course, it wouldn't be a Pride event without a good cause. There were stalls and information boards raising awareness about issues impacting the LGBTQ+ community and showcasing the incredible work being done to promote equality and fight for change. I met a really inspiring group called 'Rainbow Futures', and learned about their vital work providing support and education for LGBTQ+ young people.

One of the most moving things I saw was a young woman, no more than sixteen, with a handmade banner that simply read "We are enough." She held it up proudly, tears welling up in her eyes. It summed up the whole spirit of the day. It's not just about being accepted by others, it's about accepting yourself, and knowing you are enough.

We danced and celebrated, laughed and shared, and in that shared space of love and acceptance, a sense of true community bloomed. We didn't just share a love of tutus, we shared a commitment to a brighter future, a world where everyone can be themselves and feel loved, supported, and accepted.

And to think, all of this magic unfolded right here in Newtownards.

This wasn't just a party, it was a statement. It was a testament to the spirit of change, a shout-out to the world that equality, inclusion, and acceptance are not just ideals, they are our reality.

#tututuesday #tutupride

Stay fabulous, darlings, and remember, you're enough, just the way you are.



June Pride Month in a Pink Tutu in Newtownards