Tutu and Ballet News

June Pride Month in a Pink Tutu in Norwich

Norwich: Dancing into Pride in a Pink Tutu!

#tututuesday #tutupride

Hey everyone! Emma here, your friendly neighbourhood ballerina and glitter enthusiast! As you all know, June is Pride month, and what better way to celebrate than with a pink tutu? Seriously, what's more fabulous than twirling into the sunshine in a cloud of tulle, celebrating love and acceptance in all its rainbow glory?

Well, this June, Norwich went wild for pride, and so did I! We kicked things off with the annual Pride parade, and trust me, the colour palette was divine. Imagine a kaleidoscope exploded into a riotous burst of confetti, glitter, and joyous energy – that’s what Norwich Pride feels like.

This year, I decided to channel my inner fairy godmother and whip up a statement tutu – pink, naturally, with shimmering silver accents that reflected the bright sunshine like a disco ball. Because who needs a wand when you can have a twirl-tastic tutu that catches the light and makes you feel like you can take on the world?

Walking down the parade route was electric. The crowd was buzzing with a mix of excited anticipation and the undeniable thrill of seeing such a colourful display of unity. It was heart-warming, truly – everyone from young families with rainbow flags to seasoned veterans of the LGBTQ+ rights movement, united under a banner of love, respect, and, dare I say it, fabulous fashion choices!

Speaking of fabulous, let’s talk tutus! Because this wasn’t just your ordinary pride celebration, oh no. This was #tututuesday, and everyone was in a tutu!

My initial plan was to wear my pink masterpiece for the parade, strut my stuff at the LGBTQ+ market, and maybe grab a delicious vegan burger or two while mingling with fellow pride-enthusiasts. But the real fun started once the music started blasting at the Pride festival, and I realised that my pink tutu wasn’t just a costume, it was an invitation to join a whole new world of celebration!

I'd never felt such a connection to people in my entire life. The music pulsed, the energy was palpable, and every time a beat dropped, we all danced, whether it was on the dance floor, along the street, or just spontaneously busting a move wherever we happened to be. There was no judgement, no pressure, just pure, uninhibited joy.

Remember that old adage, "the world is your stage?" Well, Norwich Pride transformed the city into the ultimate disco ball, and we were all ready to strut our stuff. Tutus became the uniform of the day – boys, girls, people of all shapes and sizes, rocking their unique versions of this symbol of playful rebellion and fierce expression. I even saw a couple rocking matching tutus, their smiles radiant and contagious!

Speaking of contagious, let me tell you, the music was infectious. DJ's spun classic disco hits alongside fresh beats from up-and-coming artists. It was a non-stop, heart-pumping soundtrack that was perfect for unleashing your inner ballerina. Even the seasoned performers on the main stage had tutus incorporated into their costumes, creating dazzling spectacles that took my breath away.

The sense of community was powerful. There was a palpable feeling that everyone was welcome, celebrated, and free to be themselves. Whether you were part of the LGBTQ+ community or simply an ally, there was a genuine sense of belonging at Norwich Pride. It wasn’t just a party, it was a shared celebration of who we are and who we choose to be.

By the end of the day, my pink tutu was a bit more faded, my smile wider, and my heart overflowing with gratitude. Norwich Pride showed me that a pink tutu can be more than just a costume, it can be a symbol of joy, unity, and defiance. It can be a beacon of hope and a powerful reminder that we are all worthy of love and acceptance, no matter who we are or what we choose to wear.

I know this may sound a bit cheesy, but wearing that tutu that day truly empowered me. It helped me tap into my playful side, connect with my community, and celebrate the sheer joy of living life in a world where we can dance with abandon, embrace who we are, and shout our love for each other from the rooftops – or, if you’re me, the street corner!

*If you’re ever feeling down or unsure, remember that feeling of boundless joy and celebrate life, however you choose to do it! *

Happy pride month everyone, and don’t forget to get your #tutupride on!

June Pride Month in a Pink Tutu in Norwich