Tutu and Ballet News

June Pride Month in a Pink Tutu in Oxford

Oxford's Streets Are My Stage: Dancing into June Pride in Pink!

It’s officially June, and you know what that means: the world's about to get a whole lot more sparkly, and my heart, a whole lot more full. June is Pride month, and my dear friends, the streets of Oxford are about to become my stage. Because this year, I'm not just dancing on the stage at the Oxford Playhouse, but celebrating my rainbow self with a vibrant, twirling, pink tutu pride strut.

Let’s be honest: my love for tutus knows no bounds. They are the embodiment of femininity, grace, and joy – and quite frankly, they never fail to turn heads. What better way to celebrate a month of inclusivity, love, and freedom than by embracing everything I stand for: tutus, glitter, disco beats, and yes, a whole lotta pink?

Now, before you judge, understand that this is no ordinary tutu. Think a hot pink explosion of tulle that captures every nuance of a London sunset. We're talking multi-layered frills, shimmering embellishments that would make even the most hardened fashion critic weak at the knees. You know me, always looking for that unique blend of classic and cutting edge!

So, how did this whole “pink tutu pride” adventure start? It all began with a flash of inspiration. Imagine this: I’m at home, scrolling through Instagram (a girl’s gotta stay on top of the latest fashion trends!), and a stunning photograph pops up. A ballet dancer gracefully leaping, clad in a sparkling pink tutu against the vibrant backdrop of the rainbow flag. That single image set something in motion within me. I knew that I had to make a statement. I had to embody my truth – that love knows no limits, and I refuse to ever shy away from expressing myself, whether it’s on stage or on Oxford’s streets.

The excitement surrounded by the annual Oxford Pride parade has always been exhilarating, and this year I want to add another layer of spectacular to the mix. I believe that our clothes are a reflection of who we are – a powerful, personal statement that speaks volumes. Wearing a pink tutu for Oxford Pride, to me, is more than just fashion; it's a celebration of freedom, of being myself, and most importantly, of being an advocate for LGBTQ+ rights. It’s a reminder that everyone deserves the freedom to express themselves, without fear of judgment.

Of course, I wouldn't be me without involving my beloved ballet buddies. Imagine: a gaggle of fabulous friends all in matching pink tutus twirling and laughing, creating a vortex of joy and positive vibes in the heart of Oxford. You know that saying: “when life gives you tutus, make them pink!” That’s pretty much our mantra this Pride month.

You may be thinking: "Pink tutu? That's so clichĂ©!” To that I say, "ClichĂ©s exist for a reason. Because they are true." And what better way to break the clichĂ© than with an added twist of individuality? Think bold makeup, dazzling glitter on my hair (and, let’s face it, everywhere), and those brightly coloured disco ball earrings that I’ve been eyeing for months! You better believe I'm going all out!

I've already got the perfect playlist ready for our walk. Picture this: we strut through Oxford to the sound of disco classics – Donna Summer's "I Feel Love", the catchy tune of Gloria Gaynor's "I Will Survive", and maybe a little bit of Kylie Minogue for good measure! It’ll be a tribute to a generation that fought hard for our rights, and a reminder to all those out there who feel different or are struggling with being themselves that they're not alone.

The best thing about Oxford Pride is that everyone, regardless of who they are or what they wear, can come together to celebrate equality and acceptance. And believe me, it’s the kind of energy that you feel right down to your toes. And since this is Oxford, we can expect to see some of the most incredible pride outfits, all expressing individuality and celebrating diversity in all its forms. The more glitter, the more feathers, the better!

To me, wearing my pink tutu during Oxford Pride is a statement. It's my way of saying to the world that love wins. That's it. Simple but powerful. I want to encourage all of you out there who might be feeling nervous to be themselves to step out of your comfort zones. Let your true self shine through. The streets are waiting for you!

So, here’s to another magical June, where the world dances together in the rhythm of equality, love, and joy. Let's make Oxford the most dazzling celebration of pride this year!

TutuTuesday TutuPride OxfordPride PinkLove CelebrateEquality LoveWins GlitterAndGrace LetItShine

June Pride Month in a Pink Tutu in Oxford