Tutu and Ballet News

June Pride Month in a Pink Tutu in Plymouth

Plymouth: Dancing in Pink, Shining Bright - It's Tutu Tuesday for Pride!

It’s finally here, folks! Pride Month in Plymouth! The sun's shining, the air is buzzing with excitement, and, well, let’s be honest, there's a bit of a pink tulle storm blowing through town. Why? Because you know me, I love a good Tutu Tuesday, especially when it coincides with a month dedicated to celebrating our wonderful LGBTQ+ community!

As I tap-tap-tapped down the cobbled streets of Plymouth's Barbican earlier this morning, I couldn't help but feel a surge of pure, joyful energy. The air was thick with a kaleidoscope of rainbows, glitter, and, of course, the joyful sounds of disco music thumping out from various shops and stalls. This isn't your typical June – this is Plymouth in its full, fabulous, pride-filled glory!

This month isn't just about the fabulous costumes and celebratory vibes though (although let's be real, they're amazing). Pride is about love, acceptance, and celebrating all walks of life. It's about shouting from the rooftops, "Hey world, we're here! We're queer! And we're absolutely amazing!"

It's not just the fabulous fashion that’s grabbing my attention, though. There's something deeply powerful about watching a city transform into this vibrant celebration of love and diversity. It’s not just the rainbows; it’s the people. Every single individual beaming with pride, laughing with their loved ones, and simply enjoying the joyous atmosphere is what makes Plymouth's Pride so special.

You could feel the unity, the acceptance, the pure, unadulterated joy pulsating through every corner. It's this sense of community that makes Plymouth’s Pride truly stand out. There’s an open arms, no judgment zone here, a place where everyone is welcome to be themselves and celebrate their truth.

The sheer sheer joy in the air, especially among the youngsters sporting face glitter and rainbows, is something that leaves you utterly speechless. Their pure energy is infectious. They’re celebrating inclusivity, diversity, and freedom of expression, without even thinking twice about it, because for them, that's just the natural order of things! And isn’t that precisely the future we’re working towards?

As a ballet dancer, my life revolves around costumes and creativity, and a tutu is definitely a signature piece! For me, there's no better way to express my joy and support for Pride Month than by donning my favourite pink tutu! This tulle dream makes me feel powerful and confident - a feeling I think we should all experience! It's about pushing boundaries and challenging societal norms with a touch of twirling brilliance. And let’s face it, when you've got the disco ball lights beaming on you, nothing makes you feel more fabulous!

Today, as I weave through the crowds, watching a thousand vibrant faces light up under the rainbow flag, my pink tutu becomes more than just a garment, it becomes a symbol! A symbol of love, a symbol of acceptance, and most importantly, a symbol of unwavering solidarity with the LGBTQ+ community.

But the beauty of Pride lies in its diversity! This year, Plymouth has gone above and beyond to showcase its inclusive spirit, offering a fantastic line-up of events and performances catering to all tastes. We’ve got dazzling drag shows, inspiring talks, thought-provoking workshops, and electrifying live music performances – basically, something for everyone to enjoy!

And honestly, it's not just the main events that grab my attention. Even the simple acts of kindness and solidarity make Plymouth's Pride a truly special experience. Like seeing a local cafe offer a rainbow latte, or spotting the “Love is Love” sticker on a baker’s delivery van, or simply witnessing a couple holding hands, unaffected by the world's scrutiny, sharing a smile and a stolen kiss - it’s these little moments that bring real warmth and a sense of belonging to the event.

Of course, this joyous month also reminds us of the ongoing struggle for LGBTQ+ rights, not just in our country but around the world. It serves as a reminder that we still have work to do to fight for equal rights, recognition, and freedom. However, looking at the vast sea of people proudly expressing themselves today, I’m filled with a surge of optimism. I see a future where equality is not just an ideal, but a reality.

So, join me as we paint the town pink! This year, I'm inviting everyone to share the joy and celebrate diversity by participating in our own unique way – whether it’s by dressing up in your most colourful outfits, rocking out to some disco beats, or simply expressing your love and support for the LGBTQ+ community.

TutuTuesday #TutuPride - let's twirl, shine, and celebrate with love and acceptance!

June Pride Month in a Pink Tutu in Plymouth