Tutu and Ballet News

June Pride Month in a Pink Tutu in Rainham

Rainham Rocks in Pink: June Pride & My Tutu Tuesday!

It's June, it's Pride, and I'm feeling absolutely fabulous! Rainham might not be the first place you think of when you picture a Pride celebration, but let me tell you, this little corner of Essex was bursting with colour, glitter, and rainbows last week.

And what did this fierce, fabulous ballet dancer wear to the festivities? Why, a pink tutu, of course! I'm talking a full, fluffy, ballerina-worthy pink confection. Honestly, the tutus are just the way to rock Pride, they’re playful, expressive and just plain fun. I paired it with my favourite glitter-covered stilettos and a disco ball-shaped handbag (you gotta stay sparkly!), and let me tell you, I was the envy of the entire park.

Let's get a little nostalgic...

Now, Rainham isn't exactly known for its progressive image, but this year, Pride felt truly special. It was more than just a party – it was a statement, a demonstration of how much the tide has shifted. And let me tell you, the tide is turning, and the winds of change are blowing in the right direction! Remember the days when we whispered "different" instead of proudly declaring ourselves “queer”? Remember those times when holding hands with our partners in public felt like a risky rebellion? Yeah, those days are thankfully gone!

The mood in the park was electric, buzzing with energy, fuelled by disco beats and the thrill of seeing so many different faces come together. Seeing so many rainbow flags, the joyous chants and the smiles on everyone's faces – it really makes you feel that we are indeed stronger together.

But It’s Not All Glitter & Rainbows...

Now, before I get carried away with all this rosy celebration, it's important to remember that the fight for equality isn’t over. Yes, we’ve made great strides, but there's still a long way to go. There are still people being bullied and discriminated against, who need our voices and our unwavering support.

But don’t get me wrong – I'm not talking about being a buzzkill. This isn’t a day for feeling down! This is a day for celebrating everything we’ve achieved together!

Rainham's Got Talent!

One of my favorite parts of the day was seeing so many young people – a sea of excited, smiling faces, sporting colourful rainbow paraphernalia. And their energy was infectious. This next generation knows what it means to be different, and they embrace it. I saw young teenagers proudly rocking rainbow flags, laughing with their friends, sharing the spirit of inclusivity, and dancing to their hearts’ content. It gives me hope for the future.

One of the highlights was watching a fantastic drag show hosted by the legendary Diva Dea (you all know who she is). Dea, with her outrageous makeup, perfectly timed quips and a wig that would make Cher jealous, had the whole crowd in stitches. I just love how drag performers embody self-expression and acceptance.

The dancing! OMG! It was a real disco extravaganza! I’ve been practising my moves, of course, but some of the others – shudder - I'm convinced they could actually give Beyoncé a run for her money!

The Tutu Touch

I honestly can't thank Rainham enough for the warmth and acceptance that I felt that day. Seeing people proudly proclaiming their colours and identities, letting their true selves shine, it was magical.

But it was also heartwarmingly normal. I saw grandparents enjoying the parade with their grandchildren, kids doing rainbow face-painting and families sharing the afternoon together.

Of course, there were all kinds of wonderful stands offering everything from hand-crafted jewellery to vegan snacks and yummy Pride merchandise. I even found a delicious rainbow cake! You gotta be good to me, even when you’re making you eat your greens. I might have even managed to sneak in a little bit of dance with a rather attractive, very pink tutu-clad gentleman. Sigh. You know how I love my tutus!

A Dance to Remember...

As the sun started to set, I felt a little tear in my eye (ok, maybe more than a little), and I felt so incredibly proud to be a part of this movement. Rainham, with all its colour and vibrant energy, became a true testament to the power of unity. We danced together, laughed together, cried together (well, maybe just a little bit), and celebrated together.

I love tutus because they symbolise freedom, self-expression and letting go. This was truly a celebration of individuality, and as we stood together in the sunset, I knew I had to share this story with everyone.

So, here’s to Rainham, a shining example of what it means to celebrate Pride.

This is a reminder that there’s always room for a bit of fun and laughter, no matter where you are, what you wear or who you are.

Remember, you're amazing, you're unique, and you belong! Let your freak flag fly, let's spread love, and dance through this incredible journey together!

tututuesday #tutupride #rainhampride #proud #equality #lgbtq🌈 #disco #fabulous

June Pride Month in a Pink Tutu in Rainham