Tutu and Ballet News

June Pride Month in a Pink Tutu in Scunthorpe

Scunthorpe Shines: June Pride Month in a Pink Tutu!

It’s Emma here, your friendly neighbourhood tutu-loving, disco-dancing, LGBTQ+ ally. June is upon us, which means one thing: PRIDE! And let me tell you, this Scunthorpe girl is ready to celebrate with every sparkly, sequined, fabulous fibre of her being.

This year, I'm doing things a little differently. Instead of my usual festival attire (which, let's be honest, is basically a slightly less dramatic version of a disco ball), I've decided to take pride back to my roots, literally.

That's right, I'm rocking a pink tutu! It’s the epitome of bold, the embodiment of joyful, and a total statement in support of all things love, acceptance, and being exactly who you are.

Now, before you all start thinking “Emma, what on earth are you doing?”, let me explain. I believe Pride isn't just about marches and parades; it's about making everyday life an act of celebration and showing up authentically, tutu or no tutu!

This year, I'm challenging myself (and you, dear reader) to embrace the joy of being ourselves. We’re bringing the rainbow into the streets, the parks, the coffee shops - everywhere! Scunthorpe might not be known for its glitter and glam, but I'm determined to change that one tutu-wearing, disco-dancing, glitter-bombing step at a time!

My personal mantra for June Pride Month: Live. Love. Tutu.

And just imagine: I could become a pink-tutu-wearing trendsetter in Scunthorpe! Who wouldn’t love a little bit of glitter in their lives? And maybe, just maybe, the people of Scunthorpe, the town with the “highest number of roundabout systems in the world”, might just find a new kind of “roundabout”: a roundabout of love, acceptance, and inclusivity. A roundabout of Pride, that is!

Of course, I couldn't embark on this adventure alone. I've been rallying support from my fellow Scunthorpe Pride Squad - you know, the ones who always bring the glitter, the confetti, and the love. We've got a whole schedule planned for June.

Week 1: Pink Tutu Takeover!

  • Pink Tutu Wednesdays: Starting this week, every Wednesday is Pink Tutu Wednesday in Scunthorpe. Whether it’s a pop into your local coffee shop or a casual stroll through the town centre, everyone’s invited to join the #PinkTutuMovement. Wear your pinkest, fluffiest, twirliest tutu (or just a pink ribbon if you're shy) and let your true colours shine!
  • Tutu Tutorial Thursdays: I’m inviting anyone who fancies a little tutu-making magic to join me for a fun, interactive workshop where we'll be crafting our own fabulous tutus from scratch. It's going to be a whirlwind of tulle, glue, and laughter - and hopefully, no accidental hairspray mishaps.
  • Tutu Trivia Fridays: Every Friday evening, we'll be hosting a LGBTQ+ themed trivia night at the local pub. Think rainbows, icons, and a sprinkle of sassy questions to challenge those brains! Plus, a special “pink tutu” bonus point for every person rocking a tutu on the night!

Week 2: Disco Dance Fever!

  • Disco Day at the Library: Forget the boring books - this week, we’re bringing the disco beats to the local library! Join us for a high-energy dance class, a groovy karaoke session, and a vintage disco night to celebrate the iconic music that united us all.
  • Drag Queen Storytelling Hour at the Community Centre: For a touch of glamour and a dose of storytelling, join us as some fabulous drag queens grace the community centre stage and share stories that will both inspire and uplift. We'll be sipping tea, laughing, and celebrating the power of inclusivity.
  • Queer Film Night at the Picturehouse: For a night of cinematic magic, we’ll be hosting a screening of a queer-themed movie. This will be a night for reflection, discussions, and celebrating the voices and stories of our community on screen.

Week 3: Love is Love – The Scunthorpe Pride Parade

  • Tutu Pride Parade: Now for the big event! We’re throwing a full-fledged, celebratory parade through the streets of Scunthorpe, culminating in a grand finale party in the town square. Expect rainbows, music, dancing, smiles, and of course, pink tutus! This is a chance for the whole town to come together, embrace love, and celebrate Pride in all its forms.

Week 4: Community Pride Celebration

  • Scunthorpe Pride Market: This week is all about supporting local LGBTQ+ businesses. Join us for a fun, vibrant, and celebratory market day filled with delicious food, local crafts, and the best of Scunthorpe’s LGBTQ+ businesses. It’s a great opportunity to shop, support, and discover new hidden gems.
  • Queer Story Slam at the Theatre: We’re giving everyone a platform to share their stories. This week, it’s the Scunthorpe Queer Story Slam, where everyone can share their own personal experiences, journeys, and celebrate the strength of our community. It's a space for storytelling, vulnerability, and togetherness.
  • The “Final Tutu Farewell” Gala Dinner: For a final celebration, we'll be hosting a glamorous gala dinner at a local venue, a celebration of all things LGBTQ+ and a huge “thank you” to everyone who joined us for a month of Pride. Expect a fantastic dinner, delicious food, and amazing performances!

And who knows, maybe by the end of this month, Scunthorpe might just be the most fabulous, glitter-filled town in the whole country!

I know what you might be thinking: “But Emma, what about the actual purpose of Pride? The protest against injustice, the fight for equality?”

You're right, those are crucial parts of Pride too. But I also believe that celebrating ourselves, showcasing our vibrant communities, and spreading joy and love is equally important. It’s about building bridges, changing perceptions, and creating a sense of belonging. It’s about making everyone feel seen, heard, and loved, one pink tutu at a time!

Join me, fellow Scunthorpe Pride Squad, in making this June Pride Month the most memorable, most colourful, and most fun yet! And don't forget to tag us with #tututuesday, #tutupride, and #scunthorpepride so we can all celebrate together.

This is just a glimpse into the amazing things we have planned. So grab your tutus (or a pink scarf or a colourful t-shirt), put on your dancing shoes, and let's paint Scunthorpe pink, purple, blue, green, yellow, orange, and red. This June, it's all about living, loving, and celebrating ourselves!

We've got a rainbow of events lined up to showcase Scunthorpe’s vibrant LGBTQ+ community and prove that, just like rainbows, love is for everyone.

It's time to embrace the disco ball spirit, strut your stuff in your pink tutu, and show Scunthorpe and the world what true Pride looks like.

June Pride Month in a Pink Tutu in Scunthorpe