Tutu and Ballet News

June Pride Month in a Pink Tutu in Spalding

Tutu Tuesday in Spalding: A Celebration of Pride, Pink, and Prance!

By Emma, Your Favourite Tutu-Wearing Ballerina Blogger

Hey fabulous readers!

Spalding! What a delightful surprise you are. A town so full of heart, charm, and… well, let’s just say my little heart skipped a beat when I spotted that adorable shop window filled with sparkly rainbow tutus. Yes, you read that right, darling, sparkly tutus! And not just any tutus, my friends, rainbow tutus. Clearly, the universe is trying to tell me something. And so, I decided to do what any self-respecting, disco-loving ballerina blogger would do: I packed my trusty sequined suitcase, pulled out my most vibrant pink lipstick, and booked a ticket to Spalding, Lincolnshire. It was time for some #tututuesday action!

Now, I’ll admit, my initial reaction to Spalding was… a bit of a surprise. Not in a bad way, just unexpected. I thought of cobblestone streets and ancient cathedrals, quaint English tea shops, and maybe, just maybe, a bit of countryside tranquility. But here I was, standing in the middle of the High Street, surrounded by colourful murals, vibrant flags fluttering in the wind, and, oh yes, those delightful sparkly rainbow tutus that called me here in the first place.

Turns out, my dear friends, Spalding has got its Pride on. And not just a little bit, either! This little Lincolnshire town was ready to explode with colour, joy, and of course, plenty of twirls and pirouettes! It seemed like the entire town was decked out in rainbows and glitter, radiating that glorious energy of unity, acceptance, and all-around good vibes that I adore so much.

As a proud LGBTQ+ ballerina (because let’s face it, you don’t get much more fabulous than that!), the atmosphere in Spalding truly felt electric. This wasn’t just another parade, it was a collective statement. A statement of love, a statement of unity, and, of course, a statement that tutus, in all their sparkly, colourful glory, are the perfect way to express your true self!

So, naturally, my trusty rainbow tutu was the only outfit option for my #tutuTuesday adventure. And let me tell you, the people of Spalding loved it! I was greeted with smiles, cheers, and even a few enthusiastic high-fives from fellow tutu enthusiasts (did I mention they even had rainbow tutus for dogs? Adorable!).

It felt like everyone was there to celebrate something bigger than themselves, and it was simply contagious. As I twirled down the High Street (in a pink tulle skirt, because a ballerina’s gotta twirl!), the smiles on people's faces, the infectious energy of the crowd, and the genuine happiness that filled the air reminded me of why pride is so important.

We spent the day soaking in the atmosphere, checking out the various stalls and stalls that had everything from Pride merchandise and artisan crafts to delicious local treats. But what really stole my heart was the infectious energy of the parade.

The parade itself was a dazzling symphony of colour, creativity, and pure joyous energy. Floats decked out in rainbows, colourful banners held high by proud participants, music blasting through the speakers, and a joyous atmosphere that was just irresistible. I'd be lying if I said my little dancer heart didn't do a happy little jig at the sight of all the glorious tutus in the parade. Honestly, the people of Spalding were practically rocking the rainbow tutus, showcasing their dazzling personalities with an infectious energy that I found so inspiring.

Even though I was just visiting, I felt such a deep sense of belonging. The sense of community was truly remarkable; you could feel it in the air, palpable in every conversation, every smile, every joyous shout of "Happy Pride!"

So, to the amazing people of Spalding, to all those incredible artists, activists, musicians, and every single soul who showed up to celebrate Pride: You made me incredibly proud. I'll never forget the heartwarming feeling I felt during those incredible hours spent amidst your joy, your love, and yes, your amazing tutus!

And remember, dear readers, #tutuTuesday is more than just a hashtag; it’s a mindset! It’s about finding that courage to be yourself, embrace the colours of your personality, and, of course, rock a tutu with confidence! And when you do, you just might find yourself in the middle of an amazing, heart-filled celebration like I did in Spalding.

Until next time,

Your Tutu-Wearing, Pride-Loving Ballerina Blogger,


June Pride Month in a Pink Tutu in Spalding