Tutu and Ballet News

June Pride Month in a Pink Tutu in Surbiton

Surbiton Shines Pink: Tutu Tuesdays Celebrate Pride with a Twirl!

By Emma, The Dancing Diva

(Cue the disco ball!) Hey lovelies! Emma here, back with another dose of fabulousness straight from the heart of Surbiton. June, as you know, is Pride Month, and in true Emma fashion, we're celebrating it in style. That means sequins, glitter, and a whole lot of pink, but most importantly – TUTUS! Yep, you heard me right – this month, Surbiton is embracing the power of the tutu as we embrace the power of love, acceptance, and standing up for what's right.

It's officially #TutuTuesday! That's right, every Tuesday this month, we're going to be twirling, dancing, and spreading rainbow cheer in our fabulous tutus. And let me tell you, Surbiton has already taken to the challenge like fish to water! From the little ones with their tutus, adorned with sparkly rainbows to the sassy grannies strutting their stuff in feather-trimmed tutus, the community spirit is off the charts! It's beautiful to see.

This month, it feels extra special for a few reasons:

1. A Rainbow Revolution: Surbiton’s never been shy when it comes to diversity, but this year feels different. This June, our community has been bubbling over with an unprecedented energy of acceptance, celebrating love in all its colours. From the LGBTQ+ youth groups buzzing with creativity to the businesses proudly sporting rainbow flags and displaying pro-Pride messages, there's a sense of unity in the air that makes you want to skip with joy!

2. The Power of the Tutu: This might sound frivolous to some, but trust me – there's magic in a tutu. It’s about owning your own style, defying expectations, and unleashing your inner twirling queen (or king, because hey, why not embrace a gender-neutral tutu, right?!). For many of us, putting on a tutu is about feeling confident, fearless, and unapologetically YOU!

3. Breaking Barriers & Bringing People Together: This isn’t just about having fun with tutus. It’s about highlighting the struggles that the LGBTQ+ community has faced, celebrating their resilience, and advocating for their rights. And by having fun and wearing tutus, we’re demonstrating that equality is about being inclusive, loving, and embracing individuality.

Tutu Tuesday: Beyond Surbiton

Let's get one thing clear – #TutuTuesday isn't just for Surbiton. This is a global movement! Join us, darling. Whether you're in New York, Tokyo, or Cape Town, take out your tutu and join the fun! This June, let's show the world that we can all stand united in our tutu love.

Here’s how you can get involved:

  • Embrace the tutu: If you've ever wanted to rock a tutu, now is the time! It can be your signature dance move or just an element of your outfit. Remember, it's about celebrating your unique personality! Find a style you love and don’t be shy to flaunt it!
  • Share your tutu stories: Tell us your stories, whether it’s your first experience with tutus or your most unforgettable tutu memory. Post your pics on social media with #TutuTuesday and tag our #SurbitonPride account to share your twirling joy.
  • Show your support: Get involved in events around you, donate to a LGBTQ+ cause, or just simply use your voice to support the LGBTQ+ community. Even just a simple comment online can go a long way.
  • Dance like no one’s watching… and then encourage them to dance too! Because let's be real, the world could use a little more disco, a lot more glitter, and a healthy dose of love, all wrapped up in a sparkly, fabulous tutu!

From the Ballet Studio to the Streets:

As a ballet dancer, I've spent years learning to embrace the beauty of movement, to tell stories with my body. But in this world of ours, there are also stories to be told with fashion, and the tutu embodies so much of that: elegance, empowerment, and just a little bit of silly fun!

The tutu tells a story of resilience, creativity, and the power of being your most authentic self, So, whether you’re a seasoned tutu aficionado or just curious to try out this magical piece of attire, let's celebrate love, acceptance, and a little bit of whimsy in the spirit of Pride and #TutuTuesday.

Get your tutus on, darlings! This June, let's twirl our way to a better world!

June Pride Month in a Pink Tutu in Surbiton