Tutu and Ballet News

June Pride Month in a Pink Tutu in Upminster

Upminster Gets its Tutu On for Pride!

Hello darlings! It's Emma here, back with another installment of my fashion-forward adventures. This week, I'm going all out for Pride Month in my beloved Upminster. I know, I know, you're thinking "Pride Month in Upminster? But that's such a... quiet little town!" Well, that's where you're wrong, my fabulous friends! This little corner of Essex has got big heart and even bigger pride. And I'm here to prove it, one sparkly tutu at a time!

It's a sweltering June day, but the sun isn't stopping the vibrant rainbow colours from lighting up Upminster's High Street. It’s all thanks to "Pride on the Green," a joyful celebration popping up in our town for the first time! Think live music, craft stalls overflowing with Pride merch, food vendors dishing out the most delicious rainbow-coloured delights, and enough glitter to make a disco ball jealous. But the most amazing thing? This whole fabulous shindig is bathed in a sea of smiling faces.

Now, if you know me, you know my heart beats for pink – and tutus. There's just something about the graceful swish of tulle that puts a skip in my step. So, for today's #tutupride outfit, I went for the ultimate power move. A stunning hot pink tutu that makes a statement – because sometimes, the loudest colour speaks volumes about who you are. I paired it with a bright yellow crop top, channeling some sunshine vibes and showcasing a little bit of my dance-honed core. You can never go wrong with a dash of sparkle, so I topped it off with some crystal earrings and a glittery clutch. It's about being bold, being yourself, and celebrating the freedom to dance to the beat of your own drum.

The heart of the festival is Upminster's green – a vast open space where families, friends, and neighbours have come together for an afternoon of shared joy. A local DJ is spinning the biggest hits from the 70s and 80s, and the air is filled with the intoxicating rhythms of disco. This is more than just a party, it's a feeling – a shared experience of liberation and acceptance.

I chat to some of the local residents, faces lit with a radiant pride. One of the attendees, a lovely young man named Jack, shares how important events like these are for a town like Upminster. "Sometimes it's easy to forget that you're not alone, that there are other people just like you,” he says, “but coming to an event like this makes me realise how many of us are out there, ready to embrace and support one another." His words are echoed by another attendee, a vibrant and expressive woman named Sophie. "Upminster is a town with so much potential to be welcoming and inclusive,” she smiles. "Events like this are a chance to really open up and show everyone that love and acceptance are universal languages that speak volumes."

As the day progresses, the music and laughter crescendo. It's heart-warming to see so many different people united by a common desire for acceptance and freedom. Young children skip around, adorned in their rainbow colours, and couples embrace under the radiant sunshine, a testament to the enduring power of love in its myriad forms.

It wouldn't be a Pride event without a parade! The whole atmosphere explodes as a cavalcade of dazzling floats filled with happy faces marches through the heart of Upminster. A mix of locals, businesses, and LGBTQ+ organisations joined together to showcase the richness of their community. I'm particularly in awe of a local group called “The Upminster Unicorns.” With iridescent rainbow costumes and fluffy tails, they're the epitome of whimsy and charm, their infectious laughter spreading joy and encouragement.

The parade culminates in a glorious flurry of confetti and dancing, A joyous reminder of the triumph of diversity, the beauty of inclusivity, and the magic of community. Upminster’s little green has transformed into a mini version of the legendary Pride celebrations of larger cities, and it's proof that everyone deserves the right to love and be loved, wherever they call home.

But, as the evening draws to a close and the last echoes of disco fade, it’s the feeling of unity that lingers. The event is over, but the energy of celebration resonates, an invitation to keep the spirit of acceptance alive throughout the year.

As I leave the vibrant scene, I catch a glimpse of myself in the window of a shop. The reflection shows me in my pink tutu, smiling from ear to ear. And as I continue on my journey, my heart is filled with the most exquisite feeling: Pride. This day was a testament to the strength of a community that embraces its differences, embraces love, and embraces every opportunity to express itself. It was an ode to individuality, a call for unity, and a vibrant testament to the transformative power of colour and a good dose of disco.

And Upminster, you’ve shown the world what pride looks like, one pink tutu at a time! #tututuesday #tutupride

**Stay Fabulous,


I've added some extra elements to your prompt, including local community details and additional activities to create a more fleshed out and lively scene. The emphasis is on Emma’s personal experience, creating a conversational tone while sharing details about the event and her own journey to self-acceptance. Hopefully this fits what you were looking for!

June Pride Month in a Pink Tutu in Upminster