Tutu and Ballet News

June Pride Month in a Pink Tutu in Urmston

Urmston’s Tutu Time: Dancing Into Pride Month in a Pink Cloud

Emma’s Note: Alright, my fabulous friends, you know how much I love a good twirl! But, today's twirl comes with a message, and let me tell you, it’s a big one. It’s June, and you know what that means – Pride Month! We’re not just celebrating the fabulousness of the LGBTQ+ community; we're bursting out in a symphony of rainbow colours and vibrant, infectious energy!

This year, I’ve decided to kick off the month with a personal, but not too personal (sorry, no backstage secrets!), fashion statement – I’m embracing my inner tutu-loving diva and spending all of June sporting a gorgeous, vibrant, pink tutu, EVERY SINGLE DAY! This is a bit of a leap for me (no, I don't want to talk about that tutu-themed party I went to last year…let's just say it involved a whole lot of glitter and less actual ballet).

But hear me out, my darlings! It’s about pushing those boundaries and rocking what makes you feel good, especially during Pride Month. A pink tutu, after all, is a symbol of joy, exuberance, and freedom – much like the spirit of Pride! And let’s face it, who doesn't love a bit of sparkly fluff?

Speaking of fluffy and fun, I started my Pride Month tutu adventures in none other than Urmston, the hidden gem of Greater Manchester! Now, you might not associate Urmston with, well, a dazzling pink tutu-wearing ballerina, but hear me out, because there's something truly special brewing in this corner of our vibrant county.

The local Pride event took place on a gorgeous sunny Saturday in the heart of Urmston. It was pure joy! The air buzzed with excitement and colourful pride flags were fluttering proudly in the breeze, showcasing the rainbow spectrum in all its magnificent glory.

Walking through the throngs of people, each wearing their unique blend of Pride colours, it was hard not to be swept up in the vibrant atmosphere. I swear, you could practically feel the love radiating from the people around me.

But wait! There’s more! We’re not just about rainbows and fabulous outfits (though, I'm certainly not against a little bit of both!). At the heart of Urmston's Pride event, a genuine community spirit was blooming.

This wasn’t your typical Pride march or celebration. It was a heartfelt, homegrown affair. The local community groups and charities were there, brimming with infectious energy. Local musicians, singers, and dancers took to the stage, sharing their talents and celebrating inclusivity. Kids were running around, their faces smeared with rainbow glitter, gleefully indulging in their own, unbridled version of the Pride spirit. It was truly beautiful to witness.

The heart of Urmston truly beats in rhythm with the values of Pride – acceptance, respect, and love for one another. There's a genuine spirit of belonging in this town. It felt like everyone embraced this message of unity, celebrating diversity in a safe and joyful environment. And for that, I give Urmston a standing ovation!

And my Tutu? Well, it was a conversation starter for sure. A sea of smiling faces turned my way. People chuckled, clapped, and, for a moment, I even saw a young girl's eyes widen in delight. I felt a strange sense of belonging amidst this beautiful tapestry of humanity.

This journey with my pink tutu in June isn’t just about expressing myself. It's about connecting with people, sparking conversations, and spreading a little bit of Pride magic in our everyday lives.

It’s about reminding people that the LGBTQ+ community is more than just a single event in June; it's about everyday acceptance, love, and understanding.

You see, darling, sometimes, a simple pink tutu can become a symbol for something bigger, something powerful, something that resonates deep within the human spirit.

So, whether you're twirling down the street, enjoying a good drag performance, or simply raising your rainbow flag, remember that Pride is a journey.

And like all good journeys, we’re doing this together.

Until next time, my darlings!

TutuTuesday #TutuPride #UrmstonPride #PrideMonth

Now, let’s take a quick detour from my musings. What makes this journey even more fabulous is your participation, you gorgeous bunch! I’ve put together a Tutu Tuesday Challenge!

*(Spoiler Alert: It's gonna be GLITTERIFIC!) *

  1. Get that tutu on: Now, I know what you're thinking – “Emma, I don't own a tutu!” My dear, there are plenty of ways to join in the tutu fun. A bright pink scarf tied around your waist? Totally a tutu vibe! Pink party dress? You're practically a ballerina already! Creativity is key here, my loves!
  2. Let your inner ballerina shine: Dance it out, twirl like crazy, show us those moves, those poses, those graceful, elegant... or just hilariously messy twirls! You do you, beautiful people!
  3. Hashtag your heart out! #TutuTuesday #TutuPride #UrmstonPride.

Don’t forget to tag me @EmmaLovesBallet, I can’t wait to see all your creative twists on tutu fun. We can make the month of June truly unforgettable, one pink-hued, glittery step at a time!

Beyond The Tutu: My Pride Month Bucket List

While the pink tutu is my ode to Pride in June, my month is jam-packed with other fantastic, inspiring experiences, both here in Urmston and further afield.

Let me take you on a tour of my pride-filled June!

(Now, get comfy because this list is as sparkly as my favourite tutu!)

Week One:

  • Rainbow Ribbons: Supporting the Local Charities – One thing I've learned during Pride Month is that it’s not just about celebrations; it’s about showing solidarity and supporting those who work tirelessly for LGBTQ+ rights and equality. I’ll be volunteering with two local charities – "Rainbow Ribbons" (helping LGBTQ+ youth), and the "Equality Alliance" (advocating for LGBTQ+ rights across Manchester). These amazing organizations provide vital services to the community and I'm thrilled to be able to contribute in a small way.
  • The Big Screen Shine – We’re taking the Pride magic to the big screen with a "Pride Cinema Night" at the Urmston Cinema. This is where we’ll be screening a classic LGBTQ+ movie with popcorn, candyfloss, and a sprinkle of good vibes! Now, I’m not going to reveal the film just yet. Let's say there might be some high heels, great music, and a very powerful message of self-acceptance…
  • Dancing with Pride - Of course, I wouldn't be a true ballerina without a bit of graceful, flamboyant dance action! I’ll be joining a disco dance class (with sequins and a good playlist, naturally!) – a fun way to celebrate self-expression and feel those endorphins flow while wearing my beloved pink tutu.

Week Two:

  • A Taste of Pride: Supporting LGBTQ+ Businesses – Shopping with a conscience is essential for me! This week, I'm indulging in some guilt-free shopping by supporting LGBTQ+-owned businesses in Urmston and beyond. We’ve got cafes, boutiques, bookstores, you name it – each one showcasing a unique style and contribution to our amazing community!
  • Manchester Pride March – The Big Event – Oh my, my loves! Now, this is where things get truly vibrant! We'll be strutting down Canal Street in Manchester during the Pride march – the most exhilarating, inspiring event you’ll ever experience! Expect glitter, confetti, amazing costumes, and thousands of joyful souls joining together to celebrate unity, inclusivity, and the power of love!

Week Three:

  • Rainbow Bake Off – Okay, let’s talk about another delicious element of Pride - the bake-off! Join me for the "Rainbow Bake Off," where everyone can unleash their culinary skills to create mouth-watering treats, each infused with the colors and energy of Pride! Expect rainbow cupcakes, delicious Pride-themed cookies, and maybe even a Tutu-themed cake (fingers crossed, you gorgeous bunch!).
  • Drag Brunch – Where Glitter Meets Pancakes – Every Pride Month needs a little drag, don't you agree? This year, I'm hitting up the Urmston Town Hall for a drag brunch, where delicious food meets fierce performances, creating a totally hilarious, unforgettable experience! Imagine lip-sync battles, playful banter, and lots of laughter while wearing your finest brunch attire (think sparkles, feathers, maybe even a sassy wig!).

Week Four:

  • Pride After-Party: We’re not going out with a bang, we're going out with a boom! We're celebrating the spirit of Pride with an epic after-party, right here in Urmston, to wrap up an incredible month. Think live music, dancing, drinks, and a chance to soak up the electric energy and shared joy. And yes, darling, my pink tutu is coming out again for this glorious finale.

Join the Fun!

Whether you're joining me at a Pride event, participating in a #TutuTuesday challenge, or just embracing the values of love, acceptance, and respect, make this Pride Month a beautiful one, a month filled with vibrant colors, inspiring stories, and an unyielding belief in the power of being ourselves.

Remember, love conquers all.

Happy Pride!

TutuTuesday #TutuPride #UrmstonPride #PrideMonth

June Pride Month in a Pink Tutu in Urmston