Tutu and Ballet News

June Pride Month in a Pink Tutu in Walkden

Walkden: Twirling Through June with Tutu Pride!

Hey gorgeous gals and guys, it’s Emma here! The sun’s shining, the birds are singing, and June has arrived, bursting with rainbow colours and a contagious joy. And you know what that means…it’s PRIDE MONTH! 🌈🎉

Now, I know we're all about spreading positivity and love every single day, but June holds a special place in my heart. It's a time to celebrate our diversity, embrace the power of individuality, and remind ourselves that love conquers all. And how better to do that than by… wearing a tutu, of course! 😜

This year, Walkden is going to be bursting with the pinkest, most dazzling tutus you’ve ever seen, and I’m planning to be right in the middle of it! It's not just about twirling around and looking fabulous (though, that’s certainly a bonus!). It's about sending a strong message – a message that screams “acceptance,” “love,” and “celebration”.

But before we get into the details of the glorious tutu extravaganza I’m planning (yes, it's going to be epic!), let me share a little bit of my own story and why June means so much to me.

You might know me from my dance blog – Emma’s Twirl. I share my love for ballet, my passion for fabulous outfits, and my unbridled enthusiasm for disco music. (Let's be honest, who doesn't love a good disco track? 🕺). And being a dancer in Walkden has truly been the most inspiring experience. But it hasn’t always been smooth sailing.

Growing up, I felt a bit different. I loved expressing myself through dance, embracing the flamboyant outfits, and diving into the magical world of fantasy that ballet created. I found myself drawn to bright colours and sparkling gems, and my absolute favourite was, of course, PINK! 🌸 💖

But even though Walkden is a wonderfully welcoming community, I encountered moments of doubt and hesitation. People sometimes made comments that I found hurtful, questioning my passion for the colour pink and the way I wanted to express myself. It wasn’t easy, but I never let those negative comments stop me.

Over the years, I realized the true importance of being yourself, and letting your personality shine. We should be allowed to love pink, to embrace sequins, to dance our hearts out, and to wear tutus if that’s what brings us joy. Because at the end of the day, our uniqueness is what makes us special and truly fabulous! ✨

Now, you might be thinking, "Emma, what does this have to do with June Pride Month?"

Well, it's all connected, my darlings. June Pride is all about recognizing and celebrating our differences, embracing the beautiful tapestry of identities and orientations that make up our vibrant community. It’s about accepting everyone, just as they are. And that's exactly what we stand for – self-expression, inclusivity, and love!

So, this year, I’m kicking things off with a Pink Tutu Takeover in Walkden. I’m inviting all of you, no matter your background or style, to join me in celebrating Pride with a vibrant dose of pink tutus. We’re going to create a stunning spectacle of joy and celebration, bringing together all the gorgeous souls in Walkden who believe in inclusivity and love.

Get ready to embrace your inner diva and let your true self shine! This isn’t about being a dancer, it's about being you – with a splash of pink and a whole lot of fun! 💃

Here are some exciting plans for our Tutu Pride Extravaganza:

Tutu Walk in the Park: Join me for a celebratory walk through Walkden Park on the 15th of June. Think sparkling tutus, vibrant colours, contagious smiles, and a chance to strut your stuff! We'll be capturing memories, taking some gorgeous group shots, and spreading the joy of Pride through every twirl.

Pink Tutu Workshop: Want to create your own pink tutu masterpiece? Join us on the 16th of June for a Tutu Creation workshop. It’s going to be filled with glitter, fabrics, and creativity. Together, we'll craft dazzling tutus that will be perfect for our Tutu Walk and all the other Pride festivities.

Disco Night at the Heartbreak Hotel: Because Pride calls for a disco night! Let's gather on the 22nd of June for a legendary dance party, complete with classic disco hits, delicious snacks, and, of course, those magnificent tutus. We'll be showcasing our moves, enjoying the music, and celebrating love and acceptance on the dance floor! 🕺

Don't be shy! This event is all about inclusivity. No matter if you’re a dancer or a fashionista, a casual observer or an ardent supporter of the LGBTQ+ community, this is an open invitation to come together, embrace our diversity, and celebrate June Pride!

We’re going to paint Walkden pink with the magic of love, acceptance, and fabulous twirls! So grab your favourite pink tutu, put on your most sparkly smile, and get ready to make this Pride Month the most memorable one yet!

tututuesday #tutupride #walkdenpride #junepride #diversity #inclusivity #lovetrumpshate #selfexpression #community #dance #pink

See you in Walkden, darlings! 💖 ✨

June Pride Month in a Pink Tutu in Walkden