Tutu and Ballet News

June Pride Month in a Pink Tutu in Walthamstow

Walthamstow: A Tutu-tastic June Pride Month Celebration!

By Emma, Tutu Princess Extraordinaire

Hello, fellow fashionistas and Pride enthusiasts! Emma here, your resident tutu-obsessed blogger and disco queen extraordinaire. June is my absolute favourite month. Not only is it the sunniest month of the year, with all its glorious long days and potential for picnics, but it also marks Pride Month. And in my opinion, there's no better way to celebrate our vibrant LGBTQ+ community than by rocking a fabulous pink tutu!

Now, some might say that wearing a pink tutu is a bold choice for Pride Month. They might think it's a little... frivolous. "Why a tutu?", they might ask. "Isn't Pride about serious political activism?". To which I would reply: Who says we can't be serious and fabulous at the same time?

Pride Month is about celebrating how far we've come as a community and reminding the world of the fight we still need to wage for equality and inclusion. But it's also about embracing who we are, expressing ourselves freely, and having fun. And in my book, a pink tutu screams "fun" like nothing else!

This year, I took my Pride celebrations to the heart of Walthamstow, a place where a sense of community shines through in every street corner and every local market stall.

My mission was clear: to infuse Walthamstow's vibrant Pride events with a dash of twirling magic, all in the name of spreading joy, acceptance, and, of course, pink tutus!

#TUTUTUESDAY: Where Fashion Met Activism

First stop: #TUTUTUESDAY, a fabulous gathering organised by Walthamstow's local LGBTQ+ community. The theme, "Disco Fever" was perfectly suited for a tutu-clad me, so I swirled and danced my way into the crowd. The atmosphere was electrifying, filled with music, laughter, and a colourful spectrum of individuality. The park was alive with glitter and rainbow flags, and it felt like everyone, young and old, was eager to express their joy and solidarity. I was especially drawn to the impromptu dance-off in the corner, where people of all ages and backgrounds were strutting their stuff, and where one courageous man even donned a glittery pink feather boa and joined the fray - you go, sir! It was a beautiful testament to the spirit of Pride: a reminder that it’s never too late to embrace your inner disco diva and celebrate who you truly are!

The highlight of #TUTUTUESDAY was witnessing a performance by the incredible Drag King duo "The Regal Royals." These amazing performers captivated the audience with their sharp wit, dynamic personalities, and their flawlessly executed choreography. Their energy was contagious, and their talent left me utterly mesmerized.

#PRIDEMARSCH: Tutus, Rainbow Flags, and Collective Joy

Next up was the #PRIDEMARSCH, where the atmosphere shifted from festive to empowered. Thousands of people took to the streets of Walthamstow, holding rainbow flags high, chanting slogans, and proudly proclaiming their right to exist, love, and live freely. I proudly joined the throng, feeling a sense of unity and purpose that swept through the crowd like an electric current.

As I marched, I observed a group of teenage girls clad in glitter and rainbow tutus, laughing and chatting as they strutted along, holding a homemade banner proclaiming "Tutus for Equality." My heart swelled with pride. It felt amazing to see a generation so confident, so inclusive, and so determined to fight for their rights. It gave me hope for the future!

Later, during the march, a group of dancers started to spontaneously break into a choreographed routine. It was an unforgettable spectacle, their coordinated movements, and synchronized steps making it feel like a visual celebration of freedom and community.

This unexpected impromptu performance epitomized the energy of Pride for me. It’s about joy, it’s about unity, and it’s about letting loose and embracing who you are. And, if that means a little bit of spontaneous dance, so be it!

The Power of Expression: My Pink Tutu Story

As the days of Pride celebrations came to a close, I couldn’t help but feel deeply inspired.

Throughout my tutu-filled journey through Walthamstow's Pride festivities, I met people from all walks of life, each with their own story and experience of Pride. I talked to young people coming out for the first time, older couples celebrating their enduring love, and families who had bravely come together to fight for the rights of their LGBTQ+ children.

There was something truly remarkable about watching these diverse individuals gather under one shared banner, celebrating their love, their courage, and their commitment to a world free of discrimination.

I realised that my pink tutu was more than just a whimsical fashion choice; it was a symbol of freedom, individuality, and a celebration of who we are. And that's the magic of Pride – the power to unite, empower, and create a world where everyone is accepted and celebrated, regardless of their sexuality, gender identity, or, in my case, their love of pink tutus.

Walthamstow: A Celebration of Community and Inclusion

As I boarded the bus back home, exhausted but exhilarated, I looked out at the streets of Walthamstow. It was clear to me that the spirit of Pride doesn’t end with the month of June; it lives on in every local café that welcomes LGBTQ+ couples with open arms, every bookstore that boasts a dedicated Pride section, every community group that works tirelessly for social justice.

Walthamstow is not just a vibrant town – it’s a place where a genuine commitment to inclusivity shines through. It’s a testament to the fact that Pride isn’t just about parades and parties; it’s about the ongoing fight for equality and acceptance in our everyday lives.

Until Next Year…

As I said, Pride is about having fun. But it’s also about commitment and action. Let’s continue to celebrate the triumphs and acknowledge the challenges. We must continue to be advocates for each other, allies in the fight against injustice, and always be ready to fight for equality.

Next year, I'm sure my pink tutu will be ready to return to Walthamstow's Pride festivities.

Until then, keep rocking your fabulous selves and embrace all the fun, glitter, and disco magic this beautiful month of June brings.

Much love,

Emma, Your Tutu-loving Blogger

#PrideMonth #WalthamstowPride #LGBTQPlus #TutuTuesday #TutuPride #DiscoFever #LoveWins

June Pride Month in a Pink Tutu in Walthamstow