
Tutu and Ballet News

June Pride Month in a Pink Tutu in Westhoughton

Westhoughton's Got Tutu-itude! šŸŒˆšŸ’–

Hello lovelies! It's your girl Emma here, back with a new post, straight from the heart of Westhoughton. Now, you might be thinking, "Emma, Westhoughton? What on earth are you doing there?". Well, let me tell you, darling, this little town just stole my heart (and my tutu!).

I've been a bit obsessed with June Pride lately, what can I say? The energy, the colours, the joyous celebration of self, itā€™s absolutely electric! This year I decided to make my own little mark on the world, to sprinkle some extra magic into my favourite month. And how else to do that than by doing what I do best - wearing my pinkest, most fabulous tutu and spreading a little disco-fueled joy?

You know how much I love a good #tututuesday, right? So imagine my delight when I discovered the amazing Westhoughton Pride event! A kaleidoscope of colour, smiles, music and people from all walks of life celebrating their beautiful individuality. This event truly embodies the spirit of pride!

It's easy to forget, with all the online hype and social media frenzy, that pride is about so much more than just rainbow flags and Instagrammable outfits. Pride is about belonging, it's about finding your tribe, itā€™s about knowing that youā€™re not alone. Pride is about living your truth and letting your colours shine, regardless of who you are or what you stand for.

And you know what? That's exactly what I felt at the Westhoughton event. It wasnā€™t about perfect makeup or fancy outfits, although of course, they added a delicious dose of sparkle to the whole thing. It was about connection. It was about sharing smiles and laughter with strangers who became instant friends.

I, of course, couldnā€™t resist the opportunity to get a bit twirly in my sparkly tutu. Let me tell you, the sound of disco echoing across the town square while I twirled under a rainbow flag, surrounded by beaming faces was utterly magical. People were chanting along to classic anthems like ā€œI Will Surviveā€ and ā€œDancing Queenā€ - and thereā€™s simply no better way to celebrate than with a little boogie on the dance floor!

There was an electrifying energy about the whole day. From the stunning stalls filled with everything rainbow-hued and colourful, to the insightful speeches about equality and inclusion, it was truly a feast for the senses!

You wouldnā€™t believe how many people stopped me, excitedly wanting to have their photos taken with me and my tutu. The best part? Not one person made a comment about my age, or my being ā€œtoo old for a tutu.ā€ Everyone just celebrated the pure joy and expression of it all. Honestly, the positive energy radiated outwards, and it felt amazing to be a tiny part of something so powerful.

Westhoughton might be a small town, but this community certainly knows how to celebrate! There were a group of teenagers with signs calling for greater representation and another bunch organising a charity walk for an LGBTQ+ charity.

But it was the simple act of seeing people of all ages and backgrounds just enjoying themselves that really made my heart soar. The message of love and acceptance resonated throughout the day, making Westhoughton Pride a truly unforgettable experience.

Let's talk about my outfit, though! It wouldnā€™t be a proper Emma-inspired Pride event without a little sartorial spectacle, right? I opted for a beautiful pale pink tutu, a matching crop top, and a sprinkle of glitter. I wanted to feel empowered, feminine and vibrant, reflecting the joyous energy of the day.

Honestly, darling, Iā€™m starting to think Westhoughton is going to become my new favourite place to celebrate Pride. You just canā€™t beat the energy, the sense of community, and, well, the sheer joy of everyone wearing rainbows!

I want to leave you with this: Westhoughton has a secret weapon: it's a town that truly embraces the essence of pride. The events and people here showed me that we're all connected in a bigger picture of love and acceptance, and it's absolutely infectious.

So, darling, I hope Iā€™ve inspired you to find your own way to celebrate Pride. Go ahead and don your wildest outfit, spread the love, dance your heart out and celebrate who you are. Because in the words of one iconic queen, "Itā€™s your life! Live it with passion!".

Stay fab, and donā€™t forget to follow me for more sartorial adventures and all things pink! #tututuesday #tutupride #pride2024 #westhoughtonpride #danceyourheartout

See you next time, babes! šŸ’‹

June Pride Month in a Pink Tutu in Westhoughton