Tutu and Ballet News

June Pride Month in a Pink Tutu in Weston-super-Mare

Weston-super-Mare: Tutu Tuesdays and Rainbow Rainbows

Oh. My. Tutu.

Let's talk Pride! As a girl who adores pink, disco, and dancing my way through life (preferably in a voluminous tutu!), June in Weston-super-Mare is basically my personal Mardi Gras. Seriously, this little seaside town has the most incredible spirit, especially when it comes to celebrating our vibrant LGBTQ+ community. And this year, I decided to amp things up!

For all of June, I committed to a "Tutu Tuesdays" challenge. Yep, you heard me right - every Tuesday, I've been rocking a different pink tutu, whether it's a classic romantic ballet number or a seriously flamboyant disco dream, each outfit radiating the joy and boldness that Pride represents.

You see, a tutu, to me, embodies so much of what Pride is about. It’s a statement, a bold choice, a splash of colour that dares you to stare, and says, "Here I am! And I'm fabulous!". It’s about owning your unique style, letting your true colours shine, and celebrating the beauty of being your fabulous self.

Now, Weston-super-Mare isn't your stereotypical "big city" Pride location. It's got that lovely, quintessential British seaside vibe, with the scent of fish and chips in the air and the sounds of seagulls, not the thumping bass of club nights. But the heart and soul of the community here are just as strong, and it truly shines when the rainbow flags unfurl and the local pride events kick off.

My Tutu Tuesdays adventures!

I kicked off my Tutu Tuesdays journey in the bustling Grand Pier. Think flashing lights, screaming children on the rides, and me, spinning like a sugar plum fairy in a blush-pink, feather-trimmed number, garnering delighted giggles from passersby. It's hard not to smile when you're greeted with that infectious joy!

Later in the week, I found myself in the vibrant heart of Weston’s High Street, dodging shopping bags and confused tourists, with a fuchsia-toned, tulle-licious tutu that practically sparkled in the sun. One woman even stopped me to ask, "Where did you get that stunning outfit? You're like a real-life ballerina!” My answer: "I'm living my best, most fabulous life, dear!".

Next Tuesday, it was time for some beach-side shenanigans. I put on a turquoise-hued tutu that would make the ocean jealous, grabbed a bucket and spade, and embraced the wind whipping through my hair as I built the most magnificent sandcastle. Trust me, those who thought they could ignore me were thoroughly wrong - even the most conservative old chap couldn't help but offer a smile as he passed. It's the power of a well-chosen tutu!

Why Tutu Tuesdays, you ask?

This is about more than just fabulous fashion! It’s about celebrating LGBTQ+ history and raising awareness for LGBTQ+ rights in this town where tradition can be… well, let’s just say, a bit stuck in the past. It's about saying loud and proud: “We’re here. We’re fabulous. And we're not going anywhere!”

Every time I twirled in a pink tutu, the reactions were overwhelming! I had countless conversations, from playful “Have you gone mad, Emma?”, to heartfelt “Thank you for being so bold, this truly makes my day.”

And the most beautiful part? The children! I never felt like an oddity, like a misfit in my rainbow tulle; the kids loved my antics! They chased after me in delight, laughing, jumping, asking if I could dance, even doing their best little tutu twirls, inspired by me.

Beyond the tutus - the power of local Pride

But Tutu Tuesdays are only one aspect of Weston-super-Mare's brilliant June celebrations.

The local LGBTQ+ groups organized events for everyone. We had the legendary Weston-super-Mare Pride parade, filled with laughter, music, and a vibrant wave of rainbows stretching as far as the eye could see. I'm talking face glitter, feather boas, and smiles so bright they'd give the sun a run for its money!

And let’s not forget the heart-warming community events - from film screenings to art exhibitions and picnics in the park. The air hummed with acceptance and celebration, a stark contrast to the world’s ongoing battles for equality.

Here in Weston-super-Mare, Pride is a day of coming together, a moment to celebrate individuality and acceptance. And that’s what truly makes my heart soar.

Beyond Tutu Tuesdays, let’s make every day a Pride day

I truly believe in making everyday a celebration of difference. So let's bring the vibrant energy of June Pride into our daily lives. Let's challenge ourselves to be kinder, more inclusive, more compassionate, and always ready to celebrate those who choose to dance to the rhythm of their own hearts.

So, what's my final Tutu Tuesday verdict? It was a whirlwind, a flurry of pink and tulle, laughter and pride, a reminder that the world can be a kinder place, and that every day is an opportunity to celebrate being who we are.

And to those hesitant to join the Pride celebration, I say this: Don't be afraid to embrace your inner diva! Find your own personal expression, whether it's wearing rainbow colours, dancing in the street, or simply showing love and respect. Because being ourselves, unapologetically and authentically, is the most powerful act of rebellion and the ultimate celebration of Pride.

Until next year, Weston-super-Mare. Let the rainbows and tutus flow!

TutuTuesdays #TutuPride #Pride #WestonSuperMare #LGBTQPlus #BeYourSelf #Fabulous #Dancing #Love #Community

June Pride Month in a Pink Tutu in Weston-super-Mare